E的拥护者: The number of production workersassigned to the passenger-jet division was not significantly less in 1994 than it was last year.(原文的goal是要减少总量totalamount,而给出的evidence是单位数量perproduction worker,所以要使总量减少,而单位数量能说明问题的情况下,数量要保持不变)
一页一页翻都没看到lawyer贴个beatthegmat论坛ron的回复帖子吧 your reasoning would only work if there were some sort of average given PER JET. no such average is given, so this is wrong.
the figures are given in TOTAL POUNDS PER PRODUCTION WORKER. that's it. they are NOT given in total pounds/jet, or in total pounds per production worker per jet.
therefore, the ONLY units that are relevant are the units that are USED in this statistic: POUNDS and # PRODUCTION WORKERS. any other figures, such as the number of jets, are irrelevant. the number of jets is no more relevant than the number of times that the workers go to the bathroom.
in general, when you have a CR problem that references actual statistics with units, like this, one, you can just look and see what units are present in the discussion.
really, it's that simple. (note that i didn't say "easy"; i said "simple".) you cannot introduce the number of jets as a confounding factor, because the number of jets has absolutely nothing to do with ANYTHING in the problem statement. nothing.