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发表于 2012-7-14 21:46:48 | 只看该作者
As cities become densely populated, more and more people want to live in the(如果不是特指就少用the奥,虽然是细节但是还是要注意的嘛) countryside areas of the nation. The main reasons may be the less pollution and safer surroundings. However,being far away from the big cities also can lead several problems,such as inconveinent(inconvenience), live(living) only with your family but not your relatives, and less available(access) to different resources. (problems是名词啊,所以后面的要对应O(∩_∩)O)Therefore, I believe that living in big cities can make people take care of their family members better.

The main problem to live in the countryside is that it will take you long time to your work places, because you are far away from the downtown areas of the cities. Countryside is always miles away from the cities. You can dirve or take public transportation to work, but all of these methods need more time than people who live in the cities. For example, if you lived in the countryside, you need to get up at six thirty, and then you prepare for the breakfast for your family,(kch筒子要注意断句啊) it will take you thirty minutes or more, then you eat your meal. After breakfast, you have to send you children to school, and then go to work. Things even go worse when there are heavy rain, snow, or on a windy day, drive(driving) to the cities become(对于形容词前可以加副词来让句子更加漂亮,比如这里写extremely或者particularly,还能凑字数,括弧笑) difficult, and it also take you longer time to go to work. If you are in traped in a traffic jam, you will be late for work.

Then, people tend to live with his/her relatives like grandparents or parents, not only with their children.(在美国的话大约人们都不愿和父母住一块吧。。。囧 我也不是很确定 不过最好在句中加入in China以防误解) living in countryside means you may live away with your relatives. Relatatives(囧。。是拼错了么) are always willing to help each other when one of them has some problems. Through this kind of help, relatives can improve their relationships and when they themselves have some difficulties, other relatives will help them. However, when people live in countryside alone without relativs, the chances to contact with their relatives decreased. And when they have some(some 可以换一下哈) questions, like they want their parents to look after their children for one day. Things may be complex, the reason is that their parents need to drive a long way to get their children' home.

Also, countryside is far from the big cities, there are not so many supermarkets, shops, hospotals, schools and so forth. When people who live in countryside want to buy something which can not be found nearby, they need to go to the downtown areas to find what they want to buy. One of the serious situation is that if one of their family members have get some acute diseases, the amblances(囧ambulance么 下同) have to spend so much time on the way, which means that your family member suffers extra pain. If people live in the big cities, the amblances can arrive at their home quickly to treat the patient.

In conclusion, I think if people want to take care of their family member better, it is a more reasonable choice to live in the big cities than live in the countryside.(结尾可以用重述观点+理由的形式)

蓝色为建议 红色为纠错 第一次看KCH的文章 感觉需要在句型和词语替换上多下功夫啊 你会成功的 思路很棒!加油
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-14 23:22:54 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that the advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years

No one can deny the fact that society had changed a lot during the past fifty years. New technoligies such as internet, cell phone, robot and so forth have been used in the past fifty years. All of these have brought great changes to modern people. Also, everyone would agree that both old people and young people can enjoy the benefits and conveniences of these technologies. While, what youngster does not have is that our grandparents have years of experiences, and the wisdom to deal with difficulties in life, to face the misfortunes of every kind. Most importantly, they know the methods to deal with all of these situations. Thus, I do not think our grandparents' advices are useless. My reasons are as follows.

To begin with, some life experiences do not change although the world may alter dramatically. Some social norms and custom keep unchanging for several hundreds of years, not to mention only fifty years. All members of society should conform to these social regulations to ensure the stablity of the society, despite the age difference of them. So, grandparents' advices on these things are indeed helpful. For instance, in my country, when people visit a Muslim's house, there are so many things that they should pay attention to, like not eat pork. If they do so, it will make the host unhappy. And the host would think you smirch their religion. So, old people' advices have their use on these things, and their grandchildren should listen to them to avoid making mistakes in this situation.

Moreover, children can learn lessons from the mistakes made by their grandparents in the past, and hopefully can aviod making the same mistakes again. Old people had experienced so many mistakes either made by themseleves or by others around them in their life.  Some of the quesions might be encountered by their garandchildren latter. Thus, by realizing and learning from the mistakes of their grandparents, young children can develop quickly with less setbacks than all depend on their own efforts. For example, children nowadays are required to go to schools, and they will confront with some problems in their learning process. While, their grandparents might confront the same problems fifty year ago. Becasue some of the basic knowledge remians the same though courses in the university may changed a lot because of the progresses of science and technology. Thus, grandparents advice on these problems is really useful for their grandchildren to make progresses quickly.

Finally, young children can have a different perspective of view on the difficulties they face. Their grandparents' advices may not seem useful for them to sovle the question, but these advices also can expand yonng people' outlook. Develoopment of society is a contiuneous process. So, children need to learn how their grandparents' opinions on the same question in order to broaden their horizon. At the same time they can have a better understanding of their grandparents.

Of course, no one can deny the fact that great changes had taken place in the past fifey years. People nowadays may simplely conclude that our grandparents' advices are useless because of these changes. However, they forget to focues on the point that something is unchangeable in this world. So, based what I have discussed above, I believe that our grandparents' advices are indeed helpful.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-15 10:57:38 | 只看该作者
In the reading text, the author talks about three uses of the "great house" in New Mexico. While, the professor in the lecture casts serious doubt on the author's theories. He says in the lectuer that none of these theories are convincing.

First, the author says that one of the uses of these houses are residential. On the contrary, the professor argues that there are not enough fire places inside these houses to ensure hundred of families' daily cooking. The reason is that the fire places in the largest house can only support ten families, but the room is large enough to be lived by hundred of familes. Thus, the residential theory is totally unsounded.

Second, the author also states that these houses could be used for storing maize. In contrast, the professor points out that there are not traces of spoiled maize on the floor. Furthermore, not one single of large containers are found in these houses. So, even the space may be suitable to store large amount of food, but the evidence is no found to support this theory.

Third, the author hypothesises that houses may be used for ceremonies, because of the pots found in the mound in these houses. However, the professor points out that other material such as sand, stone, and building material are also be excated in the mound. Therefore, the mound is most likely to be a trash piles. People at that time put these materials as trashes in the mound. Then, the professor further explains that the pots might be throwed by construction workers after they ate their meals. In this case, the ceremonial theories is also unconvincing, according to the professor.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-15 11:32:33 | 只看该作者
In the reading text, the author talks about some problems relate to on-line encyclopedias. While, the professor in the lecture does no agree with the author. She says that the author's opinions may based on prejudices, and also ignores the advantages of on-line encyclopedias.

First, contrary to what the author says that on-line encyclopedias include errors, the professor argues that all encyclopedias contain errors. The advantage of on-line encyclopedias is that errors could be corrected quickly after they are found. However, traditional encyclopedias may remain these mistakes for decades because it is difficult to make changes in paper based materials.

Second, the author says that on-line encyclopedias can be easily changed by hackers and other unscrupulous users. While, the professor points out that people had already realized this problem, and they make the crucial part of on-line encyclopedias can not be changed by users. They also use special auditors to monitor every changes in on-line encyclopedias in order to avoid this problem.

Third, according to the reading text, on-line encyclopedias contain some useless information. However, the professor explains that the space in traditional encyclopedias is limited. So, that is why the writers should choose which are important based on their experiences. Thus, traditional encyclopedias can not cover all people' interests. But, this problem does not exsist in on-line encyclopedias. The space is sufficient to include various materials in order to cover people' different interests. This is the most important advantage of on-line encyclopedias.
发表于 2012-7-15 21:09:58 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that the advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years

No one can deny the fact that society had changed a lot during the past fifty years. New
technoligies(拼写错误) such as internet, cell phone, robot and so forth have been used in the past fifty years. All of these have brought great changes to modern people. Also, everyone would agree that both old people and young peoplethe old and the young, 这样更简洁)can enjoy the benefits and conveniences of these technologies. While, what youngster does not have is that our grandparents have years of experiences, and the wisdom to deal with difficulties in life, to face the misfortunes of every kind. Most importantly, they know the methods to deal with all of these situations. Thus, I do not think our grandparents' advices are useless. My reasons are as follows. 首段很好!观点明确!

To begin with, some life experiences do not change although the world may alter dramatically. Some social norms and custom keep unchanging for several hundreds of years, not to mention only fifty years. All members of society should conform to these social regulations to ensure the
stablity(拼写错误)of the society, despite the age difference of them. So, grandparents' advices on these things are indeed helpful. For instance, in my country, when people visit a Muslim's house, there are so many things that they should pay attention to, like not eat pork. If they do so, it will make the host unhappy. And the host would think you smirch their religion. So, old people' advices have their use on these things, and their grandchildren should listen to them to avoid making mistakes in this situation. 观点明确,例子到位!excellent ~

Moreover, children can learn lessons from the mistakes made by their grandparents in the past, and hopefully can avoid(拼写错误) making the same mistakes again. Old people had experienced so many mistakes either made by themseleves (拼写错误)or by others around them in their life(此句有些怪,楼主是想说以前的人们获得的经验或者是通过自身的错误或旁人的错误,是吧?可为: old people had experiences from both themselves and others. 这样更简洁易懂。). Some of the(加个similarquesions(拼写错误) might be encountered by their garandchildren(拼写错误) latter. Thus, by realizing and learning from the mistakes of their grandparents, young children can develop quickly with less setbacks than all depend on their own efforts. For example, children nowadays are required to go to schools, and they will confront with some problems in their learning process. While, their grandparents might confront the same problems fifty year ago.(此处可用定语从句是语言更简洁,改为: which might have been confronted with by their grandparents. Becasue(拼写错误) some of the basic knowledge remians(拼写错误) the same though courses in the university may changed(语法错误) a lot because of the progresses of science and technology. Thus, grandparents advice on these problems is really useful for their grandchildren to make progresses quickly.

Finally, young children can have a different perspective of view on the difficulties they face. Their grandparents' advices may not seem useful for them to
sovle(拼写错误) the question, but these advices also can expand yonng(拼写错误) people' outlook. Develoopment(拼写错误) of society is a contiuneous(拼写错误) process. So, children need to learn how their grandparents' opinions on the same question in order to broaden their horizon. At the same time they can have a better understanding of their grandparents. 此段语义明确,若附加一例子就更好。

Of course, no one can deny the fact that great changes had taken place in the past
fifey(拼写错误) years. People nowadays may simplely(拼写错误) conclude that our grandparents' advices are useless because of these changes. However, they forget to focues(拼写错误) on the point that something is unchangeable in this world. So, based (加个on what I have discussed above, I believe that our grandparents' advices are indeed helpful.结尾有些啰嗦,最好概括得更加凝练一些。第二句可删去,第三句直接说: Due to the unchangeable things in this world, I consider that our grandparents’ advices are indeed helpful because of what I have discussed above.这样是不是更加清晰精炼了?



 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-15 21:39:26 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that the most important problems in today’s world will be solved in our lifetime.

When it comes to the question of whether the major problems in present can be solved in our lifetime, different people have different opinions. Some people positively believe that we can get perfect solution of these problems, because of the development of our science and technology. While others do not think so. They are more practical than those positive people. From my point as a student, and also based on what I have learned from others and books, I do not think these major problems can be solved in our lifetime. My reasons are as follows.

To begin with, one of these problems-gobal warming-can not be solved in our lifetime. As the development of human society, fossils fuels had been widely used hundreds of years ago. The burnning of these fossil fuels released greehouse gases such as carbon dioxide. These gases caused temperature rised quickly accross the world. Records revealed that because of global warming, the ice in north pole begin to decreased, this situation also happened in the south pole. Scientists discovered this problem decades ago, they made lot of efforts to deal with this problems. But the result is not exciting. Because the development of industry needs fossil fuel as one kind of power, and some factories also need coal and oil as raw materials to produce clothes, gasoline and so forth. Therefore, the release of these greenhouse gases is continue everyday. For example, huge amount of coal is burnning in power plant in countries accross the world. At the same time, people use cars, planes, buses to go to work and other places. All of these things consume oil and release carbon dioxide. Until now, scientists can not find efficient alternitive oil and coal. So, the relese of carbon dioxide will continue.

Moreover, people can not solve the shortage of water in the next hundrend years, which means that we can not solve this problems in our lifetime. Every year, there are many people die because of drought and lack of drink water. For example, in north Africa people need to drill deep wills in order collect the ground water for drink and irrigate their crops. I heard from news that one year, a drought which lasted for three years in one part of this place had caused the death of hundred people. Although wills could provide water for these people, the resource may be used up in decades. Thus, the shortage of water is still a serious question in this place. In fact, this situation is not rare. In the last year, a drought also happened in southwestern China. Many people there had no water to drink, their crops were all died in the filed. In these cases, what people can do is waiting for the wet weather, but can not completely elimate drought.

Finally, people can not solve air polution in their lifetime. The release of poluted gases had exsisted for hundreds of years as global warming. Nowadays, the use of fossil fuels, the gases from chemical factories both polute the air. But people need the products of chemical factories and fossil fuel to do a lot of thing. For example, farmers need pesticides to kill harmful insects in the field; people need electricity to cook, lighting, to work on their computers and to power their cars. So, as far as people rely on these products, air polution will continue. In this way, air polution will continue.

Of course, some people may argue that some day people can use the energy from nuclear fusion, and this kind of power is unlimited. In fact, this technology can not be put into actual application because of the technology nowadays has no effect way to collect the enerty for nuclear fusion. So, based on what I have discussed above, the most important problems in modern world can not be solved in the next hundrend years.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-15 21:41:42 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that the advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years

No one can deny the fact that society had changed a lot during the past fifty years. New
technoligies(拼写错误) such as internet, cell phone, robot and so forth have been used in the past fifty years. All of these have brought great changes to modern people. Also, everyone would agree that both old people and young peoplethe old and the young, 这样更简洁)can enjoy the benefits and conveniences of these technologies. While, what youngster does not have is that our grandparents have years of experiences, and the wisdom to deal with difficulties in life, to face the misfortunes of every kind. Most importantly, they know the methods to deal with all of these situations. Thus, I do not think our grandparents' advices are useless. My reasons are as follows. 首段很好!观点明确!

To begin with, some life experiences do not change although the world may alter dramatically. Some social norms and custom keep unchanging for several hundreds of years, not to mention only fifty years. All members of society should conform to these social regulations to ensure the
stablity(拼写错误)of the society, despite the age difference of them. So, grandparents' advices on these things are indeed helpful. For instance, in my country, when people visit a Muslim's house, there are so many things that they should pay attention to, like not eat pork. If they do so, it will make the host unhappy. And the host would think you smirch their religion. So, old people' advices have their use on these things, and their grandchildren should listen to them to avoid making mistakes in this situation. 观点明确,例子到位!excellent ~

Moreover, children can learn lessons from the mistakes made by their grandparents in the past, and hopefully can avoid(拼写错误) making the same mistakes again. Old people had experienced so many mistakes either made by themseleves (拼写错误)or by others around them in their life(此句有些怪,楼主是想说以前的人们获得的经验或者是通过自身的错误或旁人的错误,是吧?可为: old people had experiences from both themselves and others. 这样更简洁易懂。). Some of the(加个similarquesions(拼写错误) might be encountered by their garandchildren(拼写错误) latter. Thus, by realizing and learning from the mistakes of their grandparents, young children can develop quickly with less setbacks than all depend on their own efforts. For example, children nowadays are required to go to schools, and they will confront with some problems in their learning process. While, their grandparents might confront the same problems fifty year ago.(此处可用定语从句是语言更简洁,改为: which might have been confronted with by their grandparents. Becasue(拼写错误) some of the basic knowledge remians(拼写错误) the same though courses in the university may changed(语法错误) a lot because of the progresses of science and technology. Thus, grandparents advice on these problems is really useful for their grandchildren to make progresses quickly.

Finally, young children can have a different perspective of view on the difficulties they face. Their grandparents' advices may not seem useful for them to
sovle(拼写错误) the question, but these advices also can expand yonng(拼写错误) people' outlook. Develoopment(拼写错误) of society is a contiuneous(拼写错误) process. So, children need to learn how their grandparents' opinions on the same question in order to broaden their horizon. At the same time they can have a better understanding of their grandparents. 此段语义明确,若附加一例子就更好。

Of course, no one can deny the fact that great changes had taken place in the past
fifey(拼写错误) years. People nowadays may simplely(拼写错误) conclude that our grandparents' advices are useless because of these changes. However, they forget to focues(拼写错误) on the point that something is unchangeable in this world. So, based (加个on what I have discussed above, I believe that our grandparents' advices are indeed helpful.结尾有些啰嗦,最好概括得更加凝练一些。第二句可删去,第三句直接说: Due to the unchangeable things in this world, I consider that our grandparents’ advices are indeed helpful because of what I have discussed above.这样是不是更加清晰精炼了?



-- by 会员 huluhulufei (2012/7/15 21:09:58)

feifei你改的太仔细了, 只是我正在练习怎么简洁句子额。
发表于 2012-7-15 22:12:10 | 只看该作者
In the reading text, the author talks about three possible 是猜测吧 uses of the "great house" in New Mexico. While, the professor in the lecture casts serious doubts on the author's theories. He says in the lectuer that none of these theories are convincing.

First, the author says that one of the uses of these houses are is residential. On the contrary, the professor argues that there are not enough fire places inside these houses to ensure hundred of families' daily cooking. The reason is that the fire places in the largest house can only support ten families, but the room is large enough to be lived by hundred of familes. Thus, the residential theory is totally unsounded.

Second, the author also states that these houses could be used for storing maize. In contrast, the professor points out that there are not traces of spoiled maize on the floor. Furthermore, not one single of large containers are found in these houses. So, even the space may be suitable to store large amount of food, but the evidence is no found to support this theory. there be 句型用了好多啊

Third, the author hypothesises that the houses may be used for ceremonies, because of the pots found in the mound in these near the houses. However, the professor points out that other material such as sand, stone, and building material are also be excated in the mound. Therefore, the mound is most likely to be a trash piles. People at that time put these materials as trashes in the mound. Then, the professor further explains that the pots might be throwed by construction workers after they ate their meals. In this case, the ceremonial theories is also unconvincing, according to the professor.

听力部分只有一点点小问题了 再遵照些原文就更好了~~
画线部分的句式很相似啊 读多了会疲劳的 换换句式吧 加油~~
发表于 2012-7-16 06:32:33 | 只看该作者
In the reading text, the author talks about some problems relate to on-line encyclopedias. While, the professor in the lecture does no agree with the author. She says that the author's opinions may based on prejudices, and also ignores the advantages of on-line encyclopedias.

First, contrary to what the author says that on-line encyclopedias include errors, the professor argues that all encyclopedias contain errors.这个没有用原文叙述哦 原文举例了 if you want a... you cannot find one on or off line The advantage of on-line encyclopedias is that errors could be corrected quickly after they are found. However, traditional encyclopedias may remain these mistakes for decades because it is difficult to make changes in paper based materials.

Second, the author says that on-line encyclopedias can be easily changed by hackers and other unscrupulous users. While, the professor points out that people had already realized this problem, and they make the crucial part of on-line encyclopedias can not be changed read only format听力信息 没有提到啊 蛮重哟的一点 by users. They also use special auditors to monitor every changes in on-line encyclopedias in order to avoid this problem.

Third, according to the reading text, on-line encyclopedias contain some useless information这个不准确吧 原文不是这么说的 不能发表自己意见哦. However, the professor explains that the space in traditional encyclopedias is limited. So, that is why the writers should choose which are important based on their experiences. Thus, traditional encyclopedias can not cover all people' interests. But, this problem does not exsist in on-line encyclopedias. The space is sufficient to include various materials不够准确的 views and topics in order to cover reflect people' different interests. This is the most important advantage of on-line encyclopedias.

kch的听力还是要加油哦 主要就是细节问题
在表述的时候一定不能加入自己的主观感觉的 一个词说不清楚的话就多写几句 比较保险~
。。。,and。。。 while,。。。 用地有点多了 换换~
发表于 2012-7-16 07:01:11 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that the most important problems in today’s world will be solved in our lifetime.

When it comes to the question of whether the major problems in present can be solved in our lifetime, different people have different opinions. Some people positively believe that we can get perfect solution of these problems, because of the development of our science and technology. While others do not think so. They are more practical than those positive people. From my point as a student, and also based on what I have learned from others and books, I do not think these major problems can be solved in our lifetime. My reasons are as follows.

To begin with, one of these problems-gobal warming-can not be solved in our lifetime. As the development of human society, fossils fuels had been widely used hundreds of years ago. The burnning of these fossil fuels released greehouse gases such as carbon dioxide. These gases caused temperature rised to rise quickly accross the world. Records revealed that because of global warming, the ice glacial in north pole begin to decreased, this situation also happened in the south pole和上一句合到一起吧. Scientists discovered this problem decades ago, they made lot of efforts to deal with this problems. But the result is not exciting. Because the development of industry needs fossil fuel as one kind source of power, and some factories also need coal and oil as raw materials to produce clothes, gasoline and so forth. Therefore, the release of these greenhouse gases is continue everyday. For example, huge amount of coal is burnning in power plant in countriesaccross the world. At the same time, people use cars, planes, buses to go to work and other places. All of these things consume oil and release carbon dioxide. Until now, scientists can not find efficient alternitive oil and coal. So, the relese of carbon dioxide will continue. therefore, the problem cannot be solved...加一句话吧

Moreover, people can not solve the shortage of water in the next hundrend years, which means that we can not solve this problems in our lifetime. Every year, there are many people diebecause of drought and lack of drink water. For example, in north Africa people need出现太多次了 to drill deep wills in order collect the ground water for drink and irrigate their crops. I heard from news that one year, a drought which lasted for three years in one part of this place had caused the death of hundred people. Although wills could provide water for these people, the resource may be used up in decades. Thus, the shortage of water is still a serious question in this place. In fact, this situation is not rare. In the last year, a drought also happened in southwestern China. Many people there had no water to drink, their crops were all died in the filed. In these cases, what people can do is waiting for the wet weather, but can not completely elimate drought.

Finally, people can not solve air polution in their lifetime. The release of poluted gases had exsisted for hundreds of years as global warming. Nowadays, the use of fossil fuels, the gases from chemical factories both polute the air. But people need the products of chemical factories and fossil fuel to do a lot of thing. For example, farmers need pesticides to kill harmful insects in the field; people need electricity to cook, lighting, to work on their computers and to power their cars. So, as far as people rely on these products, air polution will continue重复有些多了. In this way, air polution will continue.

Of course, some people may argue that some day people can use the energy from nuclear fusion, and this kind of power is unlimited. In fact, this technology can not be put into actual application because of the technology nowadays has no effect way there is no effective way of this technology to collect 有些中式英语了 to collect the enerty for nuclear fusion. So, based on what I have discussed above, the most important problems in modern world can not be solved in the next hundrend years.

观点结构 展开时没有什么问题啦
写作的时候要注意措辞啊 一个词不要重复太多哦
发现kch在句子简洁性上还有很大提升空间 简洁些就是很好的文章了
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