1~28s Premise:1. the five stimulates are not related 2.some people can combine them Conclusion: these people have other senses other than the usual boundaries among the five Answer: C 1’13’’ 正解:A(我发现看不清出题真的是硬伤,如果读懂了真的还好) 2~38s Premise: 1.an insect will climb a tree until it finds a leaf and eats it when it is born. 2.when there’s a light source at the bottom of a tree, the insect will climb down Conclusion: the previous thought that it moves against the gravity is wrong Supported: it moves towards the light Answer: C 22’’ 3~39s……totally理解错题意了!!!!! Premise: the government raises the price of a drug(the government forbid the rising of the price of drugs) Conclusion: the use of the drug per person increases.(although the use of the drugs doesn’t change, the spend on drug per person increases) Explain: the illegal market of it grows(doctors make other prescriptions to make more profits) Answer: E 不算时间了吧……大惨败…… 什么……竟然选的答案是错的……我屮艸芔茻…… 正解是A。难道是说新药的成本贵一些吗…… PS.cease是停止的意思啊姑娘,背背单词再来选吧>_< 4~40s Premise: 1.the picture of an animal is found in a cave 2.the back of the animal has a horn 3.we have never found such a fossil Conclusion: we can’t say that the picture is inaccurate Explain: other strange animals that are pictured on the cave have been found Answer: C 34’’ 5~30s Premise: a company suffers from a decline in profit Conclusion: the company prepare to depend something they need on another company which can make it with less money Support: the company can use the money to make more profitable produces Answer: E 1’17’’ |