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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-9】

发表于 2011-11-27 22:03:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

9. The five senses have traditionally been viewed as
distinct yet complementary. Each sense is thought to
have its own range of stimuli that are incapable of
stimulating the other senses. However, recent
research has discovered that some people taste a
banana and claim that they are tasting blue, or see a
color and say that it has a specific smell. This shows
that such people, called synesthesiacs, have senses
that do not respect the usual boundaries between the
five recognized senses.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most
seriously weakens the argument?
(A) Synesthesiacs demonstrate a general,
systematic impairment in their ability to use
and understand words.
(B) Recent evidence strongly suggests that there
are other senses besides sight, touch, smell,
hearing, and taste.
(C) The particular ways in which sensory
experiences overlap in synesthesiacs follow a
definite pattern.
(D) The synesthetic phenomenon has been
described in the legends of various cultures.
(E) Synesthesiacs can be temporarily rid of their
synesthetic experiences by the use of drugs.
Weaken Question Problem Set  NO.4


33.    (31934-!-item-!-188;#058&005658)

When a caterpillar emerges from the egg on a tree branch, it immediately climbs upward until it finds a leaf bud to eat.  Biologists thought that this behavior displayed an innate tendency to move in the direction opposite to the pull of gravity.  In a recent experiment, a strong light source was placed at the bottom of a tree, and caterpillars, after hatching, climbed downward.

Which of the following hypotheses is best supported by the statements given?

(A) Caterpillars have an innate tendency to move in the direction of gravity.
(B) Newly hatched caterpillars are unable to see in the dark.
(C) Newly hatched caterpillars move towards the strongest light source in the environment.
(D) Newly hatched caterpillars move toward the leaf bud nearest to them.
(E) The eyes of newly hatched caterpillars become less sensitive to light over time.

34.    (31982-!-item-!-188;#058&005681)

For several years, per capita expenditure on prescription drugs in Voronia rose by fifteen percent or more annually.  In order to curb these dramatic increases, the ministry of health prohibited drug manufacturers from raising any of their products' prices.  Even though use of prescription drugs did not expand after this price freeze, per capita expenditure for prescription drugs continued to increase by a substantial percentage each year.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain why the ministry's action did not achieve its goal?

(A) After price increases were prohibited, drug manufacturers concentrated on producing new medications to replace existing products.
(B) The population of Voronia rose steadily throughout the period.
(C) Improvements in manufacturing processes enabled drug manufacturers to maintain high profit levels on drugs despite the price freeze.
(D) In addition to imposing a price freeze, the government encouraged doctors to prescribe generic versions of common drugs instead of the more expensive brand-name versions.
(E) After price increases were prohibited, some foreign manufacturers of expensive drugs ceased marketing them in Voronia.

35.    (32076-!-item-!-188;#058&006018)

Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

The last members of a now-extinct species of a European wild deer called the giant deer lived in Ireland about 16,000 years ago.  rehistoric cave paintings in France depict this animal as having a large hump on its back.  Fossils of this animal, however, do not show any hump.  Nevertheless, there is no reason to conclude that the cave paintings are therefore inaccurate in this regard, since __________.

(A) some prehistoric cave paintings in France also depict other animals as having a hump
(B) fossils of the giant deer are much more common in Ireland than in France
(C) animal humps are composed of fatty tissue, which does not fossilize
(D) the cave paintings of the giant deer were painted well before 16,000 years ago
(E) only one currently existing species of deer has any anatomical feature that even remotely resembles a hump

36.    (32124-!-item-!-188;#058&006025)

Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previously provided for itself.  Vernon, Inc., a small manufacturing company that has in recent years experienced a decline in its profits, plans to boost its profits by outsourcing those parts of its business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than Vernon can itself.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction that Vernon's plan will achieve its goal?

(A) Among the parts of its business that Vernon does not plan to outsource are some that require standards of accuracy too high for most independent suppliers to provide at lower cost than Vernon can.
(B) Vernon itself acts as an independent supplier of specialized hardware items to certain manufacturers that formerly made those items themselves.
(C) Relatively few manufacturers that start as independent suppliers have been able to expand their business and become direct competitors of the companies they once supplied.
(D) Vernon plans to select the independent suppliers it will use on the basis of submitted bids.
(E) Attending to certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently has taken up much of the time and effort of top managers whose time would have been better spent attending to Vernon's core business.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-27 22:08:37 | 只看该作者
Question #4. June 2001 LSAT, Section #1, #12. The correct answer choice is (A)
The conclusion is in the last sentence, that some people “have senses that do not respect the usual
boundaries between the five recognized senses.” Instead of keeping their senses distinct, these individuals
have an overlap.
Incidentally, the condition discussed in the stimulus is not made up: synesthesiacs (or synesthetes) have a
real condition known as synesthesia. Regardless of that fact, you must find an answer choice that
undermines the conclusion of the argument, something that would suggest their senses do respect the usual
Answer choice (A): This is the correct answer. If the synesthesiacs have a systematic impairment in their
use of language it may not be that their senses overlap but rather that they lack the ability to properly
express themselves. Thus, their claim to taste a banana and see blue might not be a reflection of that
actually occurring but rather a reflection of the words they use to describe taste. If so, this would
undermine the conclusion that the senses of synesthesiacs do overlap. This is a difficult answer to identify
as correct, and less than 50% of test takers are able to do so.
Answer choice (B): The appeal of this answer—and many students keep this as a Contender—is that it
suggests that perhaps other senses are operating, and some test takers make the judgment that these
additional senses account for the sensory overlap in synesthesiacs. Unfortunately, that judgment is not
supported by the answer choice. Not enough information is provided by the answer choice to say what
role, if any, is played by these other senses.
Answer choice (C): This is the most popular wrong answer choice. Do not forget to personalize the
argument and consider how the author would react if faced with this answer. Would he or she surrender
and admit the answer overpowers the argument? Doubtful. The author would probably react to this answer
by saying something along these lines, “Exactly. Since all the individuals are synesthesiacs and suffer from
the same condition, it is not surprising that there would be patterns in the way the senses overlap. Just as
everyone afflicted with emphysema has difficulty breathing, the sensory patterns exhibited by
synesthesiacs are just a product of the condition. The fact that their senses do not follow the usual
boundaries and do so in certain ways is to be expected.” So, instead of surrendering to the answer, the
author would indicate that the answer agrees with the conclusion.
196 The PowerScore LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible
Weaken Problem Set Answer Key
Answer choice (D): This answer is out of the scope of the argument. The “legendary” status of
synesthesiacs does not shed any light on the operation of their five senses.
Answer choice (E): If anything, this may strengthen the argument by indicating that the synesthesiacs are
experiencing some type of phenomenon. Beyond that point, however, no information is given to suggest
that their senses do not respect the usual boundaries.

逻辑链:33. C   34. A  35. C   36. E
发表于 2011-11-27 22:12:19 | 只看该作者
伤心了~~~做到第三题页面让我刷新了1. background information:The five senses have traditionally been viewed as distinct yet complementary. Each sense is thought to have its own range of stimuli that are incapable of stimulating the other senses.
premise:recent research has discovered that some people taste a banana and claim that they are tasting blue, or see a color and say that it has a specific smell.
conclusion:This shows that such people, called synesthesiacs, have senses that do not respect the usual boundaries between the five recognized senses.
what if the patients have something wrong with their ability to express precisely???
(A) Synesthesiacs demonstrate a general, systematic impairment in their ability to use and understand words.
(B) Recent evidence strongly suggests that there are other senses besides sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste.
(C) The particular ways in which sensory experiences overlap in synesthesiacs follow a definite pattern.
(D) The synesthetic phenomenon has been described in the legends of various cultures.
(E) Synesthesiacs can be temporarily rid of their synesthetic experiences by the use of drugs.
2.background information:When a caterpillar emerges from the egg on a tree branch, it immediately climbs upward until it finds a leaf bud to eat.  Biologists thought that this behavior displayed an innate tendency to move in the direction opposite to the pull of gravity
premise: In a recent experiment, a strong light source was placed at the bottom of a tree, and caterpillars, after hatching, climbed downward.
caterpillars climb toward light(A) Caterpillars have an innate tendency to move in the direction of gravity.
--opposite to the fact given
(B) Newly hatched caterpillars are unable to see in the dark.
(C) Newly hatched caterpillars move towards the strongest light source in the environment.
(D) Newly hatched caterpillars move toward the leaf bud nearest to them.
--not the leaf bud--not nearest to them
(E) The eyes of newly hatched caterpillars become less sensitive to light over time.

3. background information:For several years, per capita expenditure on prescription drugs in Voronia rose by fifteen percent or more annually.
premise: the ministry of health prohibited drug manufacturers from raising any of their products' prices+???
conclusion: Even though use of prescription drugs did not expand after this price freeze, per capita expenditure for prescription drugs continued to increase by a substantial percentage each year.
the population decreased~~~
(A) After price increases were prohibited, drug manufacturers concentrated on producing new medications to replace existing products.
(B) The population of Voronia rose steadily throughout the period.
(C) Improvements in manufacturing processes enabled drug manufacturers to maintain high profit levels on drugs despite the price freeze.
(D) In addition to imposing a price freeze, the government encouraged doctors to prescribe generic versions of common drugs instead of the more expensive brand-name versions.
(E) After price increases were prohibited, some foreign manufacturers of expensive drugs ceased marketing them in Voronia.
--use of drugs didn't change--irrelevant
完全不理解~~~4.background information:The last members of a now-extinct species of a European wild deer called the giant deer lived in Ireland about 16,000 years ago.  rehistoric cave paintings in France depict this animal as having a large hump on its back.  Fossils of this animal, however, do not show any hump.
conclusion:there is no reason to conclude that the cave paintings are therefore inaccurate in this regard
animals evolve~what if the paintings and fossils are not in the same age~
(A) some prehistoric cave paintings in France also depict other animals as having a hump
(B) fossils of the giant deer are much more common in Ireland than in France
--irrelevant--the question doesn't doubt whether the paintings are giant deers
(C) animal humps are composed of fatty tissue, which does not fossilize
(D) the cave paintings of the giant deer were painted well before 16,000 years ago
--maybe it has effects on the conclusion, maybe not
(E) only one currently existing species of deer has any anatomical feature that even remotely resembles a hump

5. background information:Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previously provided for itself.  
premise:Vernon, Inc., a small manufacturing company that has in recent years experienced a decline in its profits--outsourcing those parts of its business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than Vernon can itself.
conclusion: to boost its profits
outsourcing decreases the costs
(A) Among the parts of its business that Vernon does not plan to outsource are some that require standards of accuracy too high for most independent suppliers to provide at lower cost than Vernon can.
(B) Vernon itself acts as an independent supplier of specialized hardware items to certain manufacturers that formerly made those items themselves.
(C) Relatively few manufacturers that start as independent suppliers have been able to expand their business and become direct competitors of the companies they once supplied.
(D) Vernon plans to select the independent suppliers it will use on the basis of submitted bids.
(E) Attending to certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently has taken up much of the time and effort of top managers whose time would have been better spent attending to Vernon's core business.
发表于 2011-11-27 22:12:21 | 只看该作者
P:each of the five senses has its own range of function.
P:but the research shows that some people who taste a banana claim that it is blue.
C: this kind of people have senses that don't respect usual boundry.
P(weaken):THESE people lack sth.
A correct
B irrelevant
C ?
D irrelevant
E irrelevant

P:毛虫出生后climbs upward. scientist thinks that it is an innate tendency to climb opposite gravity.
P: scientist places a light on the bottom and 毛虫 climbs downward.
p(假设):毛虫climbs towards the light.

P:人均drug expenditure increases.
P:in order to curb these increases, the health minister prohibits them from raising price of drug.
C: though use of drug didn't expand, 人均drug expenditure continues increasing.
D opposite
A 政府没有对新药的价格进行限制

P:the last member of gaint deer existed 16,000 years ago.
p:the cave painting showed that it has hump,but the fossil didn't show any hump.
c:there is no reason to conclude that painting is false.
P:hump consist sth that will disappear when it becomes fossil.

Butsourcing is obtianing a product from independent supplier.
P:V experienced a decline in its profit.
C:it plans to outsource and independent suppliers can provide lower costs.

经常自己推想不出来  错了一道题。。。去看看
发表于 2011-11-27 22:12:54 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-27 22:19:01 | 只看该作者


130S weaken

BackgroundThe five senses have traditionally been viewed as
distinct yet complementary. Each sense is thought to
have its own range of stimuli that are incapable of
stimulating the other senses

Premiserecent research has discovered that some people taste a
banana and claim that they are tasting blue, or see a
color and say that it has a specific smell

ConclusionThis shows that such people, called synesthesiacs, have senses that do not respect the usual boundaries between the five recognized senses

A)Synesthesiacs demonstrate a general,
systematic impairment in their ability to use
and understand words.

(B) Recent evidence strongly suggests that there
are other senses besides sight, touch, smell,
hearing, and taste.

(C) The particular ways in which sensory
experiences overlap in synesthesiacs follow a
definite pattern.

(D) The synesthetic phenomenon has been
described in the legends of various cultures.

(E) Synesthesiacs can be temporarily rid of their
synesthetic experiences by the use of drugs.


2support 30S

Background: When a caterpillar emerges from the egg on a tree branch, it immediately climbs upward until it finds a leaf bud to eat

Finding: In a recent experiment, a strong light source was placed at the bottom of a tree, and caterpillars, after hatching, climbed downward.

Conclusion:  Biologists thought that this behavior displayed an innate tendency to move in the direction opposite to the pull of gravity.

(A)Caterpillars have an innate tendency to move in the direction of gravity.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------finding weak this.
(B) Newly hatched caterpillars are unable to see in the dark.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------no evdience
(C) Newly hatched caterpillars move towards the strongest light source in the environment.

(D) Newly hatched caterpillars move toward the leaf bud nearest to them.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------finding weak this.
(E) The eyes of newly hatched caterpillars become less sensitive to light over time.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------no evdience

3explation of argument

Background: For several years, per capita expenditure on prescription drugs in Voronia rose by fifteen percent or more annually In order to curb these dramatic increases, the ministry of health prohibited drug manufacturers from raising any of their products' prices

Premise:  Even though use of prescription drugs did not expand after this price freeze

Conclusion: per capita expenditure for prescription drugs continued to increase by a substantial percentage each year
(A) After price increases were prohibited, drug manufacturers concentrated on producing new medications to replace existing products.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------prescription,not other things
(B) The population of Voronia rose steadily throughout the period.

(C) Improvements in manufacturing processes enabled drug manufacturers to maintain high profit levels on drugs despite the price freeze.

(D) In addition to imposing a price freeze, the government encouraged doctors to prescribe generic versions of common drugs instead of the more expensive brand-name versions.

(E) After price increases were prohibited, some foreign manufacturers of expensive drugs ceased marketing them in Voronia.



4.22S support

BackgroundThe last members of a now-extinct species of a European wild deer called the giant deer lived in Ireland about 16,000 years ago.  rehistoric cave paintings in France
depict this animal as having a large hump on its back
Premise: Fossils of this animal, however, do not show any hump

Conclusion: there is no reason to conclude that the cave paintings are therefore inaccurate in this regard

(A)some prehistoric cave paintings in France
also depict other animals as having a hump
(B) fossils of the giant deer are much more common in Ireland
than in France

(C) animal humps are composed of fatty tissue, which does not fossilize

(D) the cave paintings of the giant deer were painted well before 16,000 years ago

(E) only one currently existing species of deer has any anatomical feature that even remotely resembles a hump


5.25S support

Background: Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previously provided for itself.  Vernon, Inc., a small manufacturing company that has in recent years experienced a decline in its profits,

Ways: boost its profits by outsourcing those parts of its business that independent suppliers

Conclusion: provide at lower cost than Vernon
can itself
(A)Among the parts of its business that Vernon does not plan to outsource are some that require standards of accuracy too high for most independent suppliers to provide at lower cost than Vernon
(B) Vernon

itself acts as an independent supplier of specialized hardware items to certain manufacturers that formerly made those items themselves.
(C) Relatively few manufacturers that start as independent suppliers have been able to expand their business and become direct competitors of the companies they once supplied.
(D) Vernon

plans to select the independent suppliers it will use on the basis of submitted bids.
(E) Attending to certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently has taken up much of the time and effort of top managers whose time would have been better spent attending to Vernon's core business.
发表于 2011-11-27 22:19:21 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 xeyyxzty (2011/11/27 22:12:19)

发表于 2011-11-28 03:47:24 | 只看该作者

B: People's five senses are distinct and complementary.
P: People taste banana but claiming they taste blue, people see color but express smells.
C: These people's senses do not respect the boundaries that these 5 senses share.
Prephrase: These people's 5 senses share boundaries.
(A) Synesthesiacs demonstrate a general,
systematic impairment in their ability to use
and understand words.-----------------------support the conclusion.
(B) Recent evidence strongly suggests that there
are other senses besides sight, touch, smell,
hearing, and taste.---------------------------other senses are irrelevant issue here.
(C) The particular ways in which sensory
experiences overlap in synesthesiacs follow a
definite pattern.-----------------------------contender. If these senses are overlapped, it's possible that people react and express differently when they see and taste.
(D) The synesthetic phenomenon has been
described in the legends of various cultures.-----what??this is idiot choice~totally irrelevant.
(E) Synesthesiacs can be temporarily rid of their
synesthetic experiences by the use of drugs.-----we don't need to know how S. need to be cured.
发表于 2011-11-28 04:53:34 | 只看该作者

(A) Synesthesiacs demonstrate a general,
systematic impairment in their ability to use
and understand words.

Answer choice (A): This is the correct answer. If the synesthesiacs have a systematic impairment in their
use of language it may not be that their senses overlap but rather that they lack the ability to properly
express themselves. Thus, their claim to taste a banana and see blue might not be a reflection of that
actually occurring but rather a reflection of the words they use to describe taste. If so, this would
undermine the conclusion that the senses of synesthesiacs do overlap. This is a difficult answer to identify
as correct, and less than 50% of test takers are able to do so.----我哭~我就是那<50%的群众~~

(C) The particular ways in which sensory
experiences overlap in synesthesiacs follow a
definite pattern.

Answer choice (C): This is the most popular wrong answer choice. Do not forget to personalize the
argument and consider how the author would react if faced with this answer. Would he or she surrender
and admit the answer overpowers the argument? Doubtful. The author would probably react to this answer
by saying something along these lines, “Exactly. Since all the individuals are synesthesiacs and suffer from
the same condition, it is not surprising that there would be patterns in the way the senses overlap. Just as
everyone afflicted with emphysema has difficulty breathing, the sensory patterns exhibited by
synesthesiacs are just a product of the condition. The fact that their senses do not follow the usual
boundaries and do so in certain ways is to be expected.” So, instead of surrendering to the answer, the
author would indicate that the answer agrees with the conclusion.-----这么比较看的话,C还是不如Aweaken conclusion的程度深,但是我怎么一上来就觉得A irrelevant呢?求解~~~
发表于 2011-11-28 10:09:35 | 只看该作者
精练: weaken 36s
The five senses of human are distinct stimuli yet complementary. In an experiment, one people tasted blue and another saw a specific smell.
C: Such people don’t have usual boundaries of the five senses.
Pre: …预测不出来,还是看答案吧
(A) Synesthesiacs demonstrate a general,        只是说S有害,无关
systematic impairment in their ability to use
and understand words.
(B) Recent evidence strongly suggests that there   也是无关结论内容
are other senses besides sight, touch, smell,
hearing, and taste.
(C) The particular ways in which sensory        contender
experiences overlap in synesthesiacs follow a
definite pattern.
(D) The synesthetic phenomenon has been      说这种现象只是传说,和结论无关
described in the legends of various cultures.
(E) Synesthesiacs can be temporarily rid of their  说这种S可以暂时被免除也是无关,答案就是C
synesthetic experiences by the use of drugs.
2. must be true 39s
Caterpillars move upward to eat leaf immediately after emerge from eggs.--------C go opposite the direction of gravity.
Caterpillars move down when a bright light is set at the bottom of the tree--------
The direction of C is to the light.
C is the answer.

3. resolve 37s
Per capita of expenditure of drugs has a dramatic increase. Ministry forbid manufactures to raise their prices.
But the expenditure per capita is still increasing even the use has not change.
Pre: It’s not the manufactures raise the prices, rather than someone else.
C: 推论错了,想的太简单了。

4. assumption  28s
A kind of deer has not a large hump, but the ancient painting of the deer illustrate it has.
The fossils of the deer don’t have hump either, since _________
but we can’t say the ancient paintings are fault,

The humps of the deer can’t form into fossils.
5.  Support 40s
A manufacture is in low profit now, and it decide to change into outsourcing
Outsourcing would provide lower prices products than making themselves.
Pre: Save the labor cost and the leader will have time to deal with important stuff.
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