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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-2】

发表于 2013-5-1 10:58:19 | 只看该作者
premisence we change from the old plastic rings to new ones that will disintegrate in three days.   conclusion:there will be no threat ro the animals.
pre1:animals only get close to the plastic  rings on rainy days
pre2:the effct that theplastic rings pose threat to the animals are severve only during the three days they are thrown.
answer:A irrelevant .article said the time needed by the change is not relevant.
B right.because the old ones still exsist,so the harmful effect continue.
C irrelevant
D it strengthen the argument at some extent.bacause it makes it possible for the  new ones make sense.
E the new ones have new disadvantages,but it has nothing to do with thesuffocation.

发表于 2013-5-1 15:27:21 | 只看该作者
45 premise:tiger sharks sometimes attack humans and the tourists in the place.conclusion:so kill any tiger sharks one mile around the beach can solve this problem
pre: tiger sharks has brought other economic benifits for the local people
answer:A right because even the program has not been implemented,only with the exists of this program ,the purpose will be the implementation of the program doesn't matter
BCD strengthen
E irrelevant.because if only one person come to the beach after the sharks have been killed,the economy has been boomed at some extent.
35' premise : people in E like their local apples better.and the people in K(near E) plan to sell their apples at half price conclusion:K's apples will be a good subsitute
pre: the local can decrease their price too
answer:Awhere the apples come from originally is irrelevant.
B the comparison of people in k and E is irrelevant
C irrelevant
D it strengthen the argument at some extent.bacause the apples from k have some advantages that apples in E don‘t have
E right. because people in E can also decrease price too,so the half price is not an advantage any longer.
51' support
the cost of moving is not significant compared to the high cost of renting.
B right it means the change of the entrance of the train company will not cause the less use of the the income will not decrease
c irrelevant
D weaken
E in fact,the income still decrease.
premise :pz 1000has the least injuries in one injury.conclusion:it is the safest
pre: even though the amount of the injuries is small,not actually every one of the injuries is very severe not often deadly.
A irrelevant
C right because it is more likely to be involved in the accidents,so it is not safe at all
E irrelevant
发表于 2013-5-3 23:07:19 | 只看该作者
background: The plastic rings that hold six-packs of beverage cans together pose a threat to wild animals, which often become entangled in the discarded rings and suffocate as a result.
premise:  Following our lead, all
beverage companies will soon use only those

rings consisting of a new plastic that
disintegrates after only three days’ exposure to
conclusion: Once we all complete the switchover
from the old to the new plastic rings, therefore,
the threat of suffocation that plastic rings pose
to wild animals will be eliminated
3. 新的方法也可能存在另外的风险对于动物来说;
4. E
5. (A) The switchover to the new plastic rings will
take at least two more years to complete. 年限不是强调的重点
(B) After the beverage companies have switched
over to the new plastic rings, a substantial
number of the old plastic rings will persist
in most aquatic and woodland environments.
(C) The new plastic rings are slightly less
expensive than the old rings.  价钱这里不是决定因素
(D) The new plastic rings rarely disintegrate
during shipping of beverage six-packs
because most trucks that transport canned
beverages protect their cargo from sunlight. 此项为加强
(E) The new plastic rings disintegrate into
substances that are harmful to aquatic
animals when ingested in substantial
quantities by them.
发表于 2013-5-8 13:51:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-5-18 00:55:53 | 只看该作者

1.   2'59  B
BACKGROUND: The plastic rings that hold six-packs of beverage cans together pose a threat to wild animals, which often become entangled in the discarded rings and suffocate as a result.
PREMISE: Following our lead, all beverage companies will soon use only those rings consisting of a new plastic that disintegrates after only three days’ exposure to sunlight.
CONCLUSION:  Once we all complete the switchover from the old to the new plastic rings,  therefore, the threat of suffocation that plastic rings pose to wild animals will be eliminated.

A: irrelevant—— the period that the switchover process takes will not have impact on the effectiveness of eliminating the threat of suffocation after using new products.
B: weaken——if this happens, the probability of suffocation by old products will still remain.
C: irrelevant——out of the scope of the argument.
D: irrelevant——the argument does not concern the disintegration of the new plastic rings during shipping of old beverage products.
E: irrelevant——out of scope. food poisoning is not equal to suffocation caused by entanglement.

2. 2'14" D
BACKGROUND: Tiger sharks are common in the waters surrounding Tenare Island.  Usually tiger sharks feed on smaller sharks, but sometimes they have attacked tourists swimming and surfing at Tenare's beaches.  This has hurt Tenare's tourism industry, which is second only to its fishing industry in annual revenues.
PREMISE: In order to help the economy, therefore, the mayor of the island has proposed an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches.

A: irrelevent——this statement indicates that the implementation is not necessary rather that the implementation is invalid.
B: strenthen——it implies that the effect of the implementation would be possitive in terms of tourism economy.
C: irrelevant——does not offer any information on whether the implementation would bring desired consequence.
D: weaken——if tiger sharks are killed, the number of the smaller sharks will significantly increase, greatly reducing the fishes and adversly affecting the fishing industry.
E: irrelevant——same as C
发表于 2013-5-19 23:53:33 | 只看该作者
3. E  2'15"

BACKGROUND: The country of Ertland has never imported apples in any significant quantity because consumers there generally prefer the unique texture of Ertland-grown apples.
PREMISE: apple growers from Kosolia, a neighboring country, plan to sell their apples in Ertland by selling Kosolia-grown apples at half the price of local apples and promoting them as a nourishing, low-cost alternative.

A: STRENTHEN——In this case, Kosolia's apple would not only has the characteristics same as Ertland's but also has an advantage of a lower cost, a situation favorable to the sale of Kosolia's apples in Ertland.
B: irrelevent——out of scope.
C: irrelevent——out of scope.
D: irrelevent——this infomation cannot hurt the viability of the plan. The information can only indicate that Ertland's people do not consume apples during the other ten monthes  because we are told that Ertland has never imported apples in signicant quantity.
E: WEAKEN——If business men in Ertland can affort to reduce their apples' price, then Kosolia's apples would lose their major advantage which is lower price.
发表于 2013-5-21 23:07:31 | 只看该作者
4.B   2'12"

BACKGROUND: part of major renovations to Flowertown's Main Street train station
PREMISE: Consultants to the train company proposed moving the station's entrance from its current valuable Main Street location to a low-rent adjoining side street and then leasing the high-rent entrance space to retail businesses.
CONCLUSION: the train company could easily pay for those and all other proposed renovations without negative impact on its tight budget.
ASSUMPTION: the number of commuters using the side entrance of Main Street train station would not decrease.  

A: weaken——it can be infered that the move of entrance would cause inconvenience for the commuters, which in turn might decrease the number of  them.
B: STRENTHEN——indicates that number of commuters using side entrance would not decline.
C: irrelevant/weaken——might imply that the Main Street train station could not rent out its valuable space as expected because of a possible trend of losing long-standing tenants.
D: irrelevant——restates argument
E: irrelevant
发表于 2013-7-1 22:55:58 | 只看该作者
1)  计时:35s
2) Premise:
The plastic rings that hold six-packs of beverage cans together pose a threat to wild animals. All beverage companies will soon use only those rings consisting of a new plastic that disintegrates after only three days’ exposure to sunlight.
the threat of suffocation that plastic rings pose to wild animals will be eliminated.
3) 推测(weaken)
plastic rings 是被扔在阴冷的地方,没有阳光照射
4) 选项分析:
(A) The switchover to the new plastic rings will
take at least two more years to complete.
(B) After the beverage companies have switched
over to the new plastic rings, a substantial
number of the old plastic rings will persist
in most aquatic and woodland environments.
正确选项,aquatic and woodland 的意思就是无阳光照射
(C) The new plastic rings are slightly less
expensive than the old rings.
(D) The new plastic rings rarely disintegrate
during shipping of beverage six-packs
because most trucks that transport canned
beverages protect their cargo from sunlight.
(E) The new plastic rings disintegrate into
substances that are harmful to aquatic
animals when ingested in substantial
quantities by them.

1)  计时:35s
2) Premise:
Tiger sharks sometimes attacked tourists swimming and surfing at Tenare's beaches. The mayor of the island has proposed an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches.
help the economy
3) 推测(weaken)
4) 选项分析:
(A)        Even if not all the tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, the existence of the program would reassure tourists.
Support,not weaken
(B)        Business owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program.
(C)        Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches, even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions.
Support, not weaken
(D)        The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the island's fisheries.
虎鲨数量下降,small shark数量上升,fish数量下降,渔业不景气
(E) Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing.

1)  计时:32s
2) Premise:
Ertland has never imported apples in any significant quantity because consumers there generally prefer the unique texture of Ertland-grown apples.
Apple growers from Kosolia plan to sell their apples in Ertland by selling Kosolia-grown apples at half the price of local apples and promoting them as a nourishing, low-cost alternative.
3) 推测(weaken)
K国家的seller卖的苹果不具有the unique texture,顾客不买账
Or K国家的降价策略无效,顾客不买账
4) 选项分析:
(A) Most of the varieties of apples grown in Ertland were originally derived from common Kosolian varieties.
(B) Consumers in Ertland tend to spend about the same proportion of their income on fresh fruits and vegetables as do consumers in Kosolia.
(C) At times in the past, Ertland has exported significant quantities of apples to Kosolia.
(D) Some varieties of apples grown in Kosolia can be harvested throughout most of the year, whereas the varieties grown in Ertland can be harvested only during two months of the year.
(E) Profiles of Ertland-grown apples are high enough in Ertland that growers, wholesalers, and retailers there could easily afford to reduce the price at which these apples are sold.

1)  计时:33s
2) Premise:
Moving the station's entrance from its current valuable Main Street location to a low-rent adjoining side street and then leasing the high-rent entrance space to retail businesses.
The train company could easily pay for those and all other proposed renovations without negative impact on its tight budget.
3) 推测(Support):
4) 选项分析:
(A) More train commuters are employed in businesses located on Main Street than in businesses located on the adjoining side street.
新措施后可以节约train commuter的成本,support
(B) A reliable survey of Flowertown's commuters showed that virtually none of them would use the train any less frequently if the station's entrance were moved.
(C) The high-rent block of Flowertown's Main Street includes several buildings whose owners currently seek to replace long-standing tenants lost in recent months.
(D) If the station's entrance were moved, the train company would need to begin costly renovations to its Main Street entrance space.
(E) Ridership on Flowertown trains declined only slightly from 1970 to 1985 while other train companies lost large numbers of commuters.

1)  计时:27s
2) Premise:
The Highway Traffic Safety Institute reports that the PZ 1000 has the fewest injuries per accident of any car in its class.
The PZ 1000 is one of the safest cars available today.
3) 推测(Weaken):
4) 选项分析:
(A) The Highway Traffic Safety Institute report listed many cars in other classes
that had more injuries per accident than did the PZ 1000.
与Other classes无关
(B) In recent years many more PZ 1000s have been sold than have any other kind of car in its class.
相对额与total quantity无关
(C) Cars in the class to which the PZ 1000 belongs are more likely to be involved in accidents than are other types of cars.
(D) The difference between the number of injuries per accident for the PZ 1000 and that for other cars in its class is quite pronounced.
(E) The Highway Traffic Safety Institute issues reports only once a year.

发表于 2013-7-6 11:22:12 | 只看该作者
106 45’’
The plastic rings that hold beverage is harmful to animals, so the company invent a new plastic which can be decomposed in 3 days after exposed to sunshine.
Weaken: 1. most plastic trash are buried in the ground which can not be eliminated by sun. 2. The trace of the new plastic still harms the animals.
107 45’’
The tiger sharks feed on small sharks, but sometimes they attack tourists, and tourism is the second strut industry while fishing is the primary, recently the government kill the shark to recover the tourism.
Weaken: killing the shark will harm the fishing industry.
108 28’’
People in Ertland like to eat indigenous apples because of its special taste, but Kosolia exporters plant to sell their apples in Ertland by lower price and promoting the good characteristics of their apple.
Weaken: Ertland people choose local apple because they like the taste and they do not care about price.
109 42’’
To renovate the train station, the consultant suggest that the entrance of train station be changed to a low rent place so that the railway company can obtain more money.
Strengthen: Changing the entrance will not affect the number of passengers who choose to take the train in here.
110 29’’
PZ 1000 has the fewest injuries per accident in its class, so PZ 1000 is one of the safest cars today.
Weaken: 1. the whole class is in a low quality. 2. Though having the fewest injuries per accident, PZ 1000 has the highest death rate per accident.
发表于 2013-7-19 00:54:23 | 只看该作者
2013.07.18  【1-2】
1. Background: The plastic ring could suffocate wild animals.
Premise: companies follow the lead and replace the old material with the new one which could disintegrate after 3 days of sunlight exposure.
Conclusion: threat posed to wild life will be eliminated.
E. 这个好像也可以额???但题目中的结论说的是可以消除窒息对生物的影响,这个可以认为不对吧?

B. Tiger sharks eat small sharks and tourists surfing on the beach and this cause tourist not going to the beach
P: Government kills nearby tiger sharks
C: Economy grows again.
推测: less tiger sharks will lead more small tigers, which also attack human.
(A) Even if not all the tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, the existence of the program would reassure tourists.             加强
(B) Business owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program.               题目讨论的是杀tiger sharks能否改善经济,无关
(C) Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches, even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions.                加强
(D) The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the island's fisheries.                题目讨论的是kill tiger sharks,而此处说的是一般的sharks,无关
(E) Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing.       正确。

3. E
4. B
5. B
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