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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-1】

发表于 2011-11-20 00:46:41 | 只看该作者
PremiseCarl hassolved a smaller percentage of the cases assigned to him, only 1 out of 25
Conclusion: Carlis an incompetent detective
Prephrase: if thecases assigned to Carl are much more difficult compared to those assigned to others,then Carl is an excellent detective

(A) Because thepolice chief regards Carl as the
most capable detective, she assigns him only
the most difficult cases, ones that others have
failed to solve.

(B) Before he became a detective, Carl was a
neighborhood police officer and was highly
respected by the residents of the
neighborhood he patrolled.
----irrelevant. Theprevious situation has nothing to do with the currant performance

(C) Detectives on the police force on which Carl
serves are provided with extensive resources,
including the use of a large computer
database, to help them solve crimes.
-----strengthenthe stimulus. With the help of advanced facilities, detectives should solvemore cases. However, the performance of Carl is bad, so this choice support thestimuli

(D) Carl was previously a detective in a police
department in another city, and in the 4 years
he spent there, he solved only 1 out of 30

(E) Many of the officers in the police department in
which Carl serves were hired or promoted
within the last 5 years.

time: 29’’
Background: F havebeen found in nature, formed in fissures of mineral shungite
Premise: the labsynthesis of F requires distinctive conditions of temperature and pressure
Conclusion:geologists can evaluate hypotheses about the state of the earth’s crust when Fwere formed
Prephrase:maybe there are some other factors are important for F, but they cannot beevaluate in lab. Maybe relate to the mineral shungite. (这个想得不太好。。。#%)

(A) Confirming that the shungite genuinely containedfullerenes took careful experimentation.
-----irrelevant. Have nothing to do the conclusion.

(B) Some fullerenes have alsobeen found on the remains of a small meteorite that collided with a spacecraft.

(C) The mineral shungite itselfcontains large amounts of carbon, from which the fullerenes apparently formed.
----irrelevant. Repeat how F formed in nature.

(D) The naturally occurringfullerenes are arranged in a previously unknown crystalline structure.
----correct! Since the crystalline structure is unknown,some situation about the state’s crust when F were formed cannot be evaluate.

(E) Shungite itself is formedonly under distinctive conditions.
-----irrelevant. Repeat the info in stimuli that theconditions are distinctive

Time: 30’’
premise:normally, the emergency treatment for an elderly person for injuries resultingfrom a fall costs $11000
Premise: a newgrogram can reduce an elderly person’s chances of falling.
      The program is desirable for many reasonand costs $12500
Conclusion: thecost of the program cannot be justified.
Prephrase: somefactors affect the high price of the program, thus it can be justified

(A) Among elderlypeople who had followed the program for only a few months, the number ofserious falls reported was higher than it was for people who had followed theprogram for its recommended minimum length of one year.
----irrelevant. Theinfo should be related to the high price

(B) Falls resulting in serious injuries are less commonamong elderly people living in nursing homes than they are among elderly peoplewho live alone at home.

(C) A frequent result of injuries sustained in falls is long-termpain, medication for which is not counted among the average per-person costs ofemergency treatment for elderly people's injuries from such falls.

(D) The new therapeutic program focuses on therapies otherthan medication, since overmedication can cause disorientation and henceincrease the likelihood that an elderly person will have a serious fall.
----irrelevant. Thischoice just explains why the new program can reduce the chances of falling.

(E) A significant portion of the cost of the newtherapeutic program is represented by regular visits by health careprofessionals, the costs of which tend to increase more rapidly than do thoseof other elements of the program.

Time: 36’’
BG: V livetogether and consist of an extended family. V live in large or small groupsduring certain seasons.
Premise: seasonalvariation in mortality among young V
Conclusion: thereis seasonal variation in group size
Prephrase: thetime when V have high mortality among young= the time when V live in smallgroup.
        the time when V have low mortalityamong young= the time when V live in large group.

(A) It is in thespring and early summer that prairie vole communities generally contain thehighest proportion of young voles.
----irrelevant. Infohave to focus on mortality among young V. besides, the time in this choice the time in thestimuli

(B) Prairie vole populations vary dramatically in size fromyear to year.
----irrelevant. Theinfo from the stimuli is that the group is related to seasons.

(C) The prairie vole subsists primarily on broad-leavedplants that are abundant only in spring.
----weaken. If itis true, then V should be in large group during spring. However, it’s not whatwe get from stimuli.

(D) Winters in the prairie voles' habitat are often harsh,with temperatures that drop well below freezing.
----weaken.thischoice seems to conclude that V live in small group in winter because of theharsh environment. However, this doesn’t match the info from stimuli.

(E) Snakes, a major predator of young prairie voles, areactive only from spring through early autumn.
----correctSnakes activeonly from spring through early autumn + major predator of young V high mortalityamong young V from spring through early autumn. Match the info from stimuli

BGmany dolphins get asmuch as half of their food each day when they perform in the program
Conclusion: the offspring of dolphins feedin the program have a lower life expectancy than those of dolphins feed in thewild    
Prephrase: the food that given to thedolphins during the show have negative effect on their offspring. (后来证明这个prephrase太木有想象力了。。。@#%

(A) Sharks that prey on dolphins are less common in theopen seas off the beach than in many other areas of the open seas wheredolphins congregate.
----if it is the reason,then the conclusion in stimuli should be reversed.

(B) Many of the adult dolphins that feed at the beach arefemales that nurse their offspring there.
----weaken. If it’strue, then the offspring of dolphins feed on the beach should have long life expectancy.However, it’s not.

(C) The fish given to the dolphins at the beach are thesame types of fish that dolphins typically catch in the wild.
----weaken. This fail to explain why thereare different life expectancy between the two different group of offspring.

(D) Many dolphins that feed at the beach with theiroffspring come to the beach only a few times a month.

(E) Adult dolphins that feed at the beach spend much lesstime teaching their offspring how to catch fish in the wild than do other adultdolphins.
----correct! This tellsthe difference between the two groups of offspring and can explain why theoffspring of dolphins that feed at the beach have lower life expectancy.

发表于 2011-11-20 00:51:19 | 只看该作者
1. 23s
2. Premise: C solved a smaller percentage of the cases than any other detectives
   Conclusion: C is an incompetent detective.
3. 推测:The cases C solved were difficult.
4. A
5. B- irrelevant(police officer)
   C- strengthen(C is not able to take advantage of resources)
   D- strengthen (always incompetent)
   E- irrelevant (other officers)

2. 60s-weaken
   remise: F were first found in the lab, but have been found in nature.
                 Laboratory synthesis of F requires specific temperature and pressure
   Conclusion: geologist could infer the state of the Earths crust when F were formed naturally.
   推测:The formation in nature is different from that in lab.

3. 55s-weaken
   remise: the emergency treatment for an elderly person for injuries resulting from a fall costs $11,000. A new program can reduce the chance of falling.
 Conclusion: This treatment program will cost more and thus cannot be justified.
   推测:The treatment program can also be used for other injuries besides fall.

4. 60s-strengthen
BG: the praire vole...
Premise: voles live in large groups from late autumn through winter, however, they love in smaller groups from spring through early autumn
Conclusion: This phenomenon can be explained by a seasonal variation in mortality among young voles.
推测:the mortality from spring through early autumn is high (or low)?

5.55s- explain (support?)
BG:A popular beach has long had a dolphin feeding program in which fish are given to dolphins several times a day; many dolphins get as much as half of their food each day there.
Premise:Although dolphins that first benefit from the program as adults are healthy and long-lived
Conclusion:their offspring have a lower life expectancy than offspring of dolphins that feed exclusively in the wild.
推测:the food offered is different.

发表于 2011-11-20 01:00:25 | 只看该作者
P: Only distinctive environment and temp. can make the fullnenes formed in lab.
C: The hypothesis of state of earth's crust should be evaluated while the fullnenes are formed.
Prephrase: The fullnenes are formed by themselves in non-distinctive environment.

(A) Confirming that the shungite genuinely contained fullerenes took careful experimentation.
--this is to support the conclusion.
(B) Some fullerenes have also been found on the remains of a small meteorite that collided with a spacecraft.
--we are talking about the formation of F. under particular environment,  yet not the findings of F on the meteorite, this is irrelevant.
(C) The mineral shungite itself contains large amounts of carbon, from which the fullerenes apparently formed.
--the content of mineral S. itself doesn't mention anything about living environment of F.
(D) The naturally occurring fullerenes are arranged in a previously unknown crystalline structure.
(E) Shungite itself is formed only under distinctive conditions.

P: The emergency treatment for elder people who fall cost $11,000.
P: However, the new program can help people to prevent falling, but it cost $12,5000.
C: Therefore, the new program cannot be justified.
Prephrase:More people will not only pay the emergency treatment, but also pay for the post-treatment fees if not implement the new program.

(A) Among elderly people who had followed the program for only a few months, the number of serious falls reported was higher than it was for people who had followed the program for its recommended minimum length of one year.
-- support the conclusion.
(B) Falls resulting in serious injuries are less common among elderly people living in nursing homes than they are among elderly people who live alone at home.
--nowhere has mentioned nursing homes, this is an irrelevant comparison.
(C) A frequent result of injuries sustained in falls is long-term pain, medication for which is not counted among the average per-person costs of emergency treatment for elderly people's injuries from such falls.
-- bingo!
(D) The new therapeutic program focuses on therapies other than medication, since overmedication can cause disorientation and hence increase the likelihood that an elderly person will have a serious fall.
-- how the new program cure people is out of scope.
(E) A significant portion of the cost of the new therapeutic program is represented by regular visits by health care professionals, the costs of which tend to increase more rapidly than do those of other elements of the program.
--regular visits of health care professional is irrelevant, and also this is to support the conclusion.

发表于 2011-11-20 01:19:55 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-20 15:50:31 | 只看该作者
Premise: he solved s smaller percentage of the cases.
Conclusion: carl is incompetent detective.

Conclusion: carl is incompetent detective.

逻辑思路:案件办理的少=/= 办案能力低,不胜任detective
Premise: laboratory made the fullerenes
Conclusion: geologists can evaluate the state of the Earth’s crust.
Weaken: 满足制造fullerens的条件不能预测Earth’s crust,还会有其他条件。即:多种条件导致Earth’s crust

-- by 会员 chensong211 (2011/11/19 23:57:03)

-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/11/20 0:32:08)

发表于 2011-11-20 17:17:04 | 只看该作者
题干:Conclusion: Carl is an incompetent detective
Premise: He only solve 1 out of 25 cases -smaller than average.
推测:Strengthen: average is 1 out of 5.
Weaken: He only solve cases that nobody else can solve.
Assumption: ??
A: Correct
B: irrelevant
C: support
E: irrelevant

题干:Background: F was found in lab, but then has been found in nature.
Premise: Specific temperature and pressure was needed to found F in lab.
Conclusion: Scientists can infer from the lab information to get information about the crust where F was found.
推测:Strengthen: ??
Weaken: F was proved can be formed in several ways.
Assumption: F found in the lab is the same as the F found in nature.
A: ?
B: ?
D: Correct
E: support
回顾:少了一个background中的shungite,且题目中说出两个不同概念moleculechemical combination也没有记下来。

题干:Background: Emergency treatment caused by falling cost $11,000. A program can significantly reduce the possibility of falling. This program costs $12,500.
Conclusion: The program can not be justified.

推测:填空: A lot of people want to participate in this program.
B: irrelevant
C: Correct
D: irrelevant


题干:Background: Vole breeds year around, and stay in group.
Premise: The vole’s group is big from xx to xx, xx to xx.
Conclusion: Vole’s group size change varies between seasons because the mortality of young voles are different.
推测:Strengthen: from xx to xx, there are more young voles.
B: weaken
C: irrelevant
D: ??
E: ??

题干:Background: A dolphin feeding program feeds about half as much as a dolphin need each day. Life expectancy of dolphins which first came here as adults may not be affected.
Conclusion: But the offspring of these dolphins may not have the same life expectancy as the other dolphins which are breed in the wild.
推测:Strengthen: Man-feeding dolphins do not have enough skill to catch food for themselves.
Weaken: Young dolphins will not be taken here by their parents unless they already learned the skills they need in the wild.
Assumption: ??
A: weaken
B: ??
C: irrelevant
E: Correct
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-20 17:19:07 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 CHRISTINE2010 (2011/11/20 17:17:04)

  精练题选了bible的,逻辑链题选了prep的,难度比之前的OG大一点 呵呵。
发表于 2011-11-20 17:28:54 | 只看该作者
P:C solve smaller percent of cases than other detective.
C:C is incompetent detective.
weaken:the cases assigned to C is more difficult than others.

A) Because the police chief regards Carl as the
most capable detective, she assigns him only
the most difficult cases, ones that others have
failed to solve.--R
(B) Before he became a detective, Carl was a
neighborhood police officer and was highly
respected by the residents of the
neighborhood he patrolled.--irrelevant with the experience of C.
(C) Detectives on the police force on which Carl
serves are provided with extensive resources,
including the use of a large computer
database, to help them solve crimes.---support
(D) Carl was previously a detective in a police
department in another city, and in the 4 years
he spent there, he solved only 1 out of 30
(E) Many of the officers in the police department in
which Carl serves were hired or promoted
within the last 5 years.--> irrelevant with the other officers.

1:P:F first found in Lab and then found in nature-->the environment in the lab is very distinct.-->C:scientists should test the hypotheses the state of the crust when the natural F is formed.
weaken:some character of F found in the lab is not same as the character of F formed in nature.
(A) Confirming that the shungite genuinely contained fullerenes took careful experimentation.-->irrelevant with the experiment.
(B) Some fullerenes have also been found on the remains of a small meteorite that collided with a spacecraft.-->provide other reasons but not weaken the conclusion directly.
(C) The mineral shungite itself contains large amounts of carbon, from which the fullerenes apparently formed.-->same as B
(D) The naturally occurring fullerenes are arranged in a previously unknown crystalline structure.-->R
(E) Shungite itself is formed only under distinctive conditions.--irrelevant with the shungite.

P:The usual treatment of the falling juries is $11,000-->the new program that can reduce the chance of people falling, this cost $12,500
C:the new program is unjustified.
weaken:falling will cause other harm and that will bring more cost.
(A) Among elderly people who had followed the program for only a few months, the number of serious falls reported was higher than it was for people who had followed the program for its recommended minimum length of one year.-->support
(B) Falls resulting in serious injuries are less common among elderly people living in nursing homes than they are among elderly people who live alone at home.-->irrelevant with where the people live.
(C) A frequent result of injuries sustained in falls is long-term pain, medication for which is not counted among the average per-person costs of emergency treatment for elderly people's injuries from such falls.-->R
(D) The new therapeutic program focuses on therapies other than medication, since overmedication can cause disorientation and hence increase the likelihood that an elderly person will have a serious fall.-->not weaken the conclusion directly.
(E) A significant portion of the cost of the new therapeutic program is represented by regular visits by health care professionals, the costs of which tend to increase more rapidly than do those of other elements of the program.-->support

P:VL live In larger group in autumn and winter than in summer and spring.
C: scientists conclude this phenomena can be explained by the mortality variations.
support:the litters survival rate is low in summer and spring.
(A) It is in the spring and early summer that prairie vole communities generally contain the highest proportion of young voles.-->contrast the information in the passage]
(B) Prairie vole populations vary dramatically in size from year to year.-->irrelevant with the year]
(C) The prairie vole subsists primarily on broad-leaved plants that are abundant only in spring.-->weaken]
(D) Winters in the prairie voles' habitat are often harsh, with temperatures that drop well below freezing.-->weaken
(E) Snakes, a major predator of young prairie voles, are active only from spring through early autumn.-->R

P:adults dolphin feed by people is healthier and live longer-->however, their offspring is live shorter.
explain: the offspring feed directly by people lack of the ability to feed themselves.
(A) Sharks that prey on dolphins are less common in the open seas off the beach than in many other areas of the open seas where dolphins congregate.-->irrelevant with the place
(B) Many of the adult dolphins that feed at the beach are females that nurse their offspring there.-->irrelevant with the sex.
(C) The fish given to the dolphins at the beach are the same types of fish that dolphins typically catch in the wild.-->deepen the contradiction.
(D) Many dolphins that feed at the beach with their offspring come to the beach only a few times a month.-->irrelevant with the frequency.
(E) Adult dolphins that feed at the beach spend much less time teaching their offspring how to catch fish in the wild than do other adult dolphins.--R
发表于 2011-11-20 17:36:29 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-20 20:09:26 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 balapupu (2011/11/20 17:36:29)

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