This year most of the donations that came to Smithtown University from people who had previously donated to it were made without the university’s fund-raisers having made any contact with the donors.与原文的第一句话succeeded in getting donations from 80 percent of the potential donors they contacted相反,所以是out of scope。
good fundraisers constantly try less-likely prospects in an effort to expand the donor base.
这是作者评判是否可以称为good fund raisers的标准,那就是扩大donor base
good raiser->enlarge donor base非常成功(原命题)
非(enlarge donor base非常成功)-〉不是好的raiser (逆否命题)
就是要找到不能很好的enlarge donor base这个证据
C. This year most of the donations that came to Smithtown University from people who had previously donated to it were made without the university’s fund-raisers having made any contact with the donors.