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SDCAR2010【逻辑入门】(四)Role (Boldface)

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-14 21:47:08 | 只看该作者
E. The first is a claim that the argument accepts with certain reservations; the second presents that claim in a rewarding that is not subject to those reservations.[my false choice]

sdcar, could you please explain the meaning of the underlined part in choice E? I don't fully understand it..> <
plus: the first sentence in choice E is correct, right?

Well, pay attention to this sentence after the 1st BF: "The critics are correct on this point." So no objection/reservation/concerns from the author toward 1st BF.

The underlined part in choice E says that the 2nd BF is a benefit of the 1st BF without any reservation from the author.

In your explanation, the highlighted part should be the conclusion, while in choice B it is described as a premise.
Aren't they contradictory? Can you help explain the above two questions please~thx alot~ =)

You are mistaken. The 1st sentence is the main conclusion of the argument. However, what the question stem asks is the LAST sentence from the paragraph -- "a society is stable only if its laws tend to increase the happiness of its citzens." This sentence is a premise.

5) ArocaCity currently funds its public schools through taxes on property. In place ofthis system, the city plans to introduce a sales tax of three percent on allretail sales in the city. Critics protest that three percent of current retail sales falls short of the amount raisedfor schools by property taxes. The critics are correct on this point. Nevertheless, implementing the plan will probablynot reduce the money going to Aroca's schools. Several large retailershave selected Aroca City as the site for huge new stores, and these are certainto draw large numbers of shoppers from neighboring municipalities, where salesare taxed at rates of six percent and more. In consequence, retail sales in Aroca City are bound to increasesubstantially.

In theargument given, the two potions in boldface play which of the following roles?

A. The firstis an objection that has been raised against a certain plan; the second is aprediction that, if accurate, undermines the force of that objection.[correct]
B. Thefirst is a criticism, endorsed by the argument, of a funding plan; the secondis a point the argument makes in favor of adopting an alternative plan.
C. Thefirst is a criticism, endorsed by the argument, of a funding plan; the secondis the main reason cited by the argument for its endorsement of the criticism.
D. Thefirst is a claim that the argument seeks to refute; the second is the mainpoint used by the argument to show that the claim is false.
E. The first is a claim thatthe argument accepts with certain reservations; the second presents that claimin a rewarding that is not subject to those reservations.[my false choice]

sdcar, could you please explain the meaning of the underlined part in choice E? I don't fully understand it..> <
plus: the first sentence in choice E is correct, right?

Here is the other question, which i kinda doubt the answer..

6)The stable functioning of a societydepends upon the relatively long-term stability of the goals of its citizens. This is clear from the fact that unless the majority ofindividuals have a predictable and enduring set of aspirations, it will beimpossible for a legislature to craft laws that will augment the satisfactionof the citizenry, and it should be obvious that a society is stable only if itslaws tend to increase the happiness of its citizens.

The claimthat a society is stable only if its laws tend to increase the happiness of itscitizens plays which one of the following roles in the argument?

(A) It isthe conclusion of the argument.
(B)It helps to support the conclusion of the argument. (也就是前提)
(C) It isa claim that must be refuted if the conclusion is to be established.
(D) It isa consequence of the argument.
(E) It is used to illustrate the general principlethat the argument presupposes.

In your explanation, the highlighted part should be the conclusion, while in choice B it is described as a premise.
Aren't they contradictory? Can you help explain the above two questions please~thx alot~ =)
-- by 会员 抓抓sandra (2011/7/14 17:58:58)

发表于 2011-7-14 23:13:12 | 只看该作者
I get it now..Thx soooo much!! btw, can I ask where do these exercises come from? GWD? or LSAT?
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-14 23:22:27 | 只看该作者
I just googled online for bold face and main point questions.
发表于 2011-7-15 18:49:58 | 只看该作者


8. The survival of the publishing industry depends upon the existence of a public who will buy the printed word in the form of newspapers, books and magazines. Over the past several years, however, the advance of electronic media, particularly CD-ROMs, online computer services, and the Internet, has made information available to the public electronically without the need for printed materials. As the availability of electronic media increases and as it is more easily accessible, the public has less need for printed materials. So the publishing industry is threatened by the advance of the computer information age.

答案说 Over the past several years, however, the advance of electronic media, particularly CD-ROMs, online computer services, and the Internet, has made information available to the public electronically without the need for printed materials. 是evidence。
发表于 2011-7-25 16:43:06 | 只看该作者
3) More and more computer programs that provide solutions to mathematical problems in engineering are being produced, and it is thus increasingly unnecessary for practicing engineers to have a thorough understanding of fundamental mathematical principles. Consequently, in training engineers who will work in industry, less emphasis should be placed on mathematical principles, so that space in the engineering curriculum will be available for other important subjects.

The two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

(A) The first is the second-premise that the argument includes; the second is the conclusion that could be drawn from this passage.
(B) The first is the fact that is necessary for this argument; the second is the conclusion that must be drawn from this passage.
(C) The first is the part of premise that the argument includes; the second is the inference that could be drawn from this passage. (C)
(D) The first is the part of evidence that supports this argument; the second is the inference that could be drawn from this passage.
(E) The first is the first conclusion in this argument; the second is the second conclusion in this argument.

I am quite confused about the difference between "premise"(in choise C) and "evidence"(in choise D). Hope for ur explaination. Thanks.
发表于 2011-7-30 23:36:02 | 只看该作者
For this question,

Psychology professor: The percentage of children having psychological problems is higher among children of Sea Turtle parents than among other children in China. However, it would be wrong to conclude that these psychological problems are caused by the difficulty these expatriates’ children have adjusting to a new environment in China. It is just as rational to infer that certain behaviors which accompany the Sea Turtle families before the move —anxiety for and uncertainties of their future—are learned by children from their Sea Turtle parents, and that it is these learned behaviors, rather than the difficulty of adjusting to lives in China, that cause the children’s psychological problems.

role does the assertion that children of Sea Turtle parents have a higher rate of psychological problems than other children in China play in the argument above?

(A) It is the final conclusion of the argument.
(B) It is an established claim that the argument tries to refute.
(C) It is offered as evidence for the claim that going back to China is harmful to the children of the Sea Turtle parents.
(D) It is offered as evidence for the claim that certain behaviors are often responsible for expatriates and their children.
(E) It is cited as an established finding for which the argument proposes a reasonable explanation. (E)

why B is wrong? is that because the conclusion is not saying that the % is lower? so it is not a refutation?
-- by 会员 qiushuan (2011/7/3 9:45:44)

Dear Sdcar2010,why D is wrong? Thanks!
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-31 10:14:26 | 只看该作者
Copied from the web:

  • Unstated information which will link the argument to a logical conclusion. Without this, the argument falls apart.
  • Something you need for you to draw your conclusion.
Background Elements needed to put the evidence into context but which, as stand alone pieces of information, might not constitute what is called an evidence necessary to arrive at a conclusion. For instance, blood tests performed on one thousand persons may reveal that 35% of those persons were HIV infected. However, the background information could be that the test was performed in more underinformed regions of the world where AIDS knowledge is at a minimum. As you can see, the fact that the test was performed in more underinformed regions is not in and of itself an evidence because it does not allow us to come to a conclusion. Instead, the 35% stats, as a stand-alone piece of info, is what will lead us to the conclusion we want. However, the background info is also crucial and cannot be omitted; it is required background info.
Conclusion Self-explanatory
Consideration Something which was taken into account or given some thought before arriving to the conclusion.
Evidence What is used to support a conclusion (examples, stats, historical events). Although these may include facts, it is usually stronger than facts because they are direct elements needed for the conclusion to stand whereas facts are not necessary for the latter to stand.
Fact Something taken as true at face value (stats, historical events).
  • Something that might not be explicitly stated or proved. For instance, you may say that 95% of GMAT test-takers have over 340. We can reasonably infer that Anthony will get more than 340 on his GMAT based on the fact given. I think the main difference b/w an inference and a conclusion is that the former might not be the final line of an argument. For instance, there could be facts/evidence given, an inference in b/w, and then the conclusion. An inference can be an intermediate step before the conclusion which will sum up the whole passage. Also, a conclusion seems to be stronger because it is based on stronger facts/evidence. As in my previous example, we can reasonably infer that Anthony got 340+ on his GMAT but we cannot conclude that he got 340+. See the nuance?
  • Judgement that you draw from existing facts.
  • Try not to overthink Inferences and read deep between the lines. Inferences almost seem as too-obvious sometimes, but they are normally the correct.
Pre-evidence This is a bit of a stretch. It will not often be on the test but it seems very similar to "background" information as described above.
Premise This is usually a required statement to arrive at a conclusion. Evidence and facts want to prove something to you whereas premises are there to logically lead you to a conclusion. The best example of premises is the ones included in syllogisms. For instance, you can say that (premise1) when it rains, you go outside. Then, it rains (premise2). You have to be outside (conclusion).
Principle Something fundamental that we do not question. This would be somewhat stronger than a fact because it is not specific to a limited number of cases but instead, apply to a broader range of scenarios(and often deeper in meaning). For instance, you will not talk about the principle that crime is increasing in large cities. Instead, it is a fact which applies to large cities. However, you will talk about the principles of Physics or the fundamental principles of Human Rights. I believe principles convey a stronger connotation than mere facts.



8. The survival of the publishing industry depends upon the existence of a public who will buy the printed word in the form of newspapers, books and magazines. Over the past several years, however, the advance of electronic media, particularly CD-ROMs, online computer services, and the Internet, has made information available to the public electronically without the need for printed materials. As the availability of electronic media increases and as it is more easily accessible, the public has less need for printed materials. So the publishing industry is threatened by the advance of the computer information age.

答案说 Over the past several years, however, the advance of electronic media, particularly CD-ROMs, online computer services, and the Internet, has made information available to the public electronically without the need for printed materials. 是evidence。
-- by 会员 爱吃巧克力 (2011/7/15 18:49:58)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-31 10:17:08 | 只看该作者
Evidence is mostly a fact that could be used to support a claim

Premise is a claim or statement.

3) More and more computer programs that provide solutions to mathematical problems in engineering are being produced, and it is thus increasingly unnecessary for practicing engineers to have a thorough understanding of fundamental mathematical principles. Consequently, in training engineers who will work in industry, less emphasis should be placed on mathematical principles, so that space in the engineering curriculum will be available for other important subjects.

The two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

(A) The first is the second-premise that the argument includes; the second is the conclusion that could be drawn from this passage.
(B) The first is the fact that is necessary for this argument; the second is the conclusion that must be drawn from this passage.
(C) The first is the part of premise that the argument includes; the second is the inference that could be drawn from this passage. (C)
(D) The first is the part of evidence that supports this argument; the second is the inference that could be drawn from this passage.
(E) The first is the first conclusion in this argument; the second is the second conclusion in this argument.

I am quite confused about the difference between "premise"(in choise C) and "evidence"(in choise D). Hope for ur explaination. Thanks.
-- by 会员 Ryantengzi (2011/7/25 16:43:06)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-31 10:19:45 | 只看该作者
However, the author does not offer any conclusive explanation. The author simply says there are at least two possible explanations.

For this question,

Psychology professor: The percentage of children having psychological problems is higher among children of Sea Turtle parents than among other children in China. However, it would be wrong to conclude that these psychological problems are caused by the difficulty these expatriates’ children have adjusting to a new environment in China. It is just as rational to infer that certain behaviors which accompany the Sea Turtle families before the move —anxiety for and uncertainties of their future—are learned by children from their Sea Turtle parents, and that it is these learned behaviors, rather than the difficulty of adjusting to lives in China, that cause the children’s psychological problems.

role does the assertion that children of Sea Turtle parents have a higher rate of psychological problems than other children in China play in the argument above?

(A) It is the final conclusion of the argument.
(B) It is an established claim that the argument tries to refute.
(C) It is offered as evidence for the claim that going back to China is harmful to the children of the Sea Turtle parents.
(D) It is offered as evidence for the claim that certain behaviors are often responsible for expatriates and their children.
(E) It is cited as an established finding for which the argument proposes a reasonable explanation. (E)

why B is wrong? is that because the conclusion is not saying that the % is lower? so it is not a refutation?
-- by 会员 qiushuan (2011/7/3 9:45:44)

Dear Sdcar2010,why D is wrong? Thanks!
-- by 会员 jeanblanc (2011/7/30 23:36:02)

发表于 2011-8-1 23:51:25 | 只看该作者
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