What do you mean by "政治味道"?  eople talking about politics?
Most bankers in the U.S. are republicans, which is not surprising. I think the ones who are democrats are getting concerned about this populist, big-spending, anti-business administration as well. Most finance people don't like Obama too much. But in general, people don't talk about politics too much in the office. They do talk about things that are related to the industry, such as increase in taxes, financial regulation, etc. Americans in general also don't care much about international politics, beyond very superficial soundbites. Outside of the office though, some senior people are big donors to either party.
What do you mean by "政治味道"?  eople talking about politics?
Most bankers in the U.S. are republicans, which is not surprising. I think the ones who are democrats are getting concerned about this populist, big-spending, anti-business administration as well. Most finance people don't like Obama too much. But in general, people don't talk about politics too much in the office. They do talk about things that are related to the industry, such as increase in taxes, financial regulation, etc. Americans in general also don't care much about international politics, beyond very superficial soundbites. Outside of the office though, some senior people are big donors to either party.