Same question as below, in particular, "各家firm里哪几个school的校友人数" in terms of percentage-wide
For instance: for the following b-schools you mentioned:
纽约这里是HBS, Chicago, Wharton, NYU, CBS, Kellogg, Tuck
年景好的时候,Yale, cornell, Duke, Ross, CMU, Darden,
What firm would have the highest alumni concentration? GS, MS, JPM, CITI, ML, CS, DB, ING, Carlyle, Blackstone etc
请携隐大人和路过的同学介绍下各家firm的target school吧,或者说各家firm里哪几个school的校友人数最多,谢谢
-- by 会员 最爱金龟换酒 (2009/11/9 10:56:33)
纽约这里是HBS, Chicago, Wharton, NYU, CBS, Kellogg, Tuck
年景好的时候,Yale, cornell, Duke, Ross, CMU, Darden,啥的也算。。
-- by 会员 stq (2009/11/11 4:33:52)
-- by 会员 stonewall (2009/11/12 3:48:57)