以下是引用葵瓜子在2009/8/16 22:48:00的发言:LS的MM 笔记在这里下载http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=23&ID=339600&page=1 MIMI 还想请问你一个问题 还是很对SC不放心 论坛上的CDER都说要把OG每一道题目每一个选项的 每个错误都挑出来 做到这一步才可以 因为我的英语底子语感还不错,做SC更多是根据一句话是否通顺来选择当然是辅以一些语法规则 而且错误率很低(prep gwd 都还好) 我是一般只是将做错的题目反复的阅读,直到把这个点映入脑中,下次就不容易错了,但是真让我把语法点说的头头是道,我不太说的出来,就是觉得这个选项读着更顺。 但是如果让我那样去做OG,我反而会觉得很混乱。 不知道你觉得那样总结OG确实有很大的帮助么 再次谢过 就像我说的,因为我再用功也只搞了几个星期,OG看了2遍、Prep搞了2遍,所以我语法一直没有全对过,远远比不上那些真正的大牛。但是我个人,比较反对完全用语感,我还是赞成1)语法点要弄懂,2)要掐时间做一定量的新题以练习时间压力与复杂语境中的对这个语法点的掌握。语感毕竟不是那么可靠。(当然每个人有特殊情况,如果你语感超好,也不一定啦,我只是不相信我自己可以靠语感。) 并不是说“每”一个语法点都非得弄懂,而尽可能弄懂主要的、多一点的。人的脑容量有限、记忆有限,所以也不能指望OG看一遍二遍就会都记住,但是每做一遍、看一遍、自己总结一遍或者看大牛指出一遍,都是能够加深理解与记忆的。每个人量变到质变的遍数与题量可能不同。 我给你举个例子,下面4题是Prep笔记中,关于 as be the case with 的用法。你看一眼,想一想: 1)为什么这4题的比较形式要用as be the case with,而不是 as... as.../ like/ as/ than这种比较常见的形式; 2)其中的固定搭配是什么。 如果你明白了这两点,那这个语法点你就掌握了,估计下次一看到这种题,三下五除二就选了对的。至于你是怎么记住的,随便你,有人就是一道道题看,看到四次,就记住了;有人一遍4次没记住,两遍4次记住了;有人自己纵向总结,把这4题放在一起看;有人找到本语法书,里面也许讲了这点,并且举了几个例子…… 你也许读到as be the case with...才顺,那样也行。可是你觉得可靠不?(黑体是正确答案。) 当然如果你语法已经很好了,可以只再看看你容易错的点。不要全部语法点都总结! 老Prep 1- Q59 A new genetically engineered papaya was produced not by seed companies who have been motivated by profit, which was the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but university and United States Department of Agriculture researchers who allowed growers to use it free of charge.
(A) produced not by seed companies who have been motivated by profit, which was the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but (B) produced not by profit-motivated seed companies, the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but (C) produced not by profit-motivated seed companies, as was the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but by (D) not produced by profit-motivated seed companies, which was the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but was produced by (E) not produced by seed companies who have been motivated by profit, the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but by
老Prep 1- Q120 Like any star of similar mass would do, once the Sun has exhausted the hydrogen in its core, it expands into a red giant, eventually ejecting its outer envelope of gases to become a white dwarf.
(A) Like any star of similar mass would do, once the Sun has exhausted the hydrogen in its core, it expands into a red giant, eventually ejecting (B) Like any star of similar mass, once the hydrogen in the Sun's core is exhausted, then (前面必须加 and) it expands into a red giant and eventually ejects (C) As in the case of any star of similar mass, once the hydrogen in the Sun's core is exhausted, it will expand into a red giant, and eventually ejecting (D) As any star of similar mass would, once the hydrogen (氢气是主语) in the Sun's core is exhausted it will expand into a red giant and will eventually eject (E) As would be the case with any star of similar mass, once the Sun exhausts the hydrogen in its core, it will expand into a red giant and eventually eject
老 Prep 2-Q39 As it is with traditional pharmacies, on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to be successful, since it is primarily prescriptions that attract the customers, who then also buy other health-related items.
(A) As it is with traditional pharmacies, on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to be successful (B) As with the case of traditional pharmacies, on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to have success (C) As is the case with traditional pharmacies, prescriptions are the cornerstone of a successful on-line drugstore (D) As traditional pharmacies, so on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to be successful (E) Like traditional pharmacies, the cornerstone of a successful on-line drugstore is prescriptions
老 Prep 2-Q96 There are hopeful signs that we are shifting away from our heavy reliance on fossil fuels: more than ten times as much energy is generated through wind power now than it was in 1990.
(A) generated through wind power now than it was (B) generated through wind power now as it was (C) generated through wind power now as was the case (这是惟一一题用in的,因为后面是年份) (D) now generated through wind power as it was (E) now generated through wind power than was the case
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/8/16 23:48:00编辑过] |