我选A。 有人说A不对是因为语意逻辑问题,我觉得A没有这个问题。A表示的意思:虽然efficiency会怎样怎样,但它还可以通过increasing supply和lowering prices的方式来stimulate demand,从而boost consumption。因为效率提高完全可以带来supply的增加和prices的下降。 整句话的逻辑是“我很丑,但我很温柔。”这个逻辑应该没有问题。 而B有没有逻辑问题不好说,这题从逻辑意思角度考虑实在不好下手。 本题中的boost的主谓一致是一个考点,而which是boost的主语,因此which指代也应该是个考点,这个问题不该被忽略。支持B的G友谁能告诉我这个which指的是lowering prices还是increasing supply and lowering prices?指代不明可是GMAT中的大忌,凭这一点完全可以排除B。 关于A and B, which的指代,我作了一个小结,请NN指正。 这个which到底修饰谁呢? 我觉得这里正确修饰方法的原则只有一个:没有歧义。 如果A and B中的B为复数(Bs),which后面动词也是复数,which指代会有歧义,让人不知道which到底指的是什么。 As and Bs, which are (which指Bs? 或 which指As and Bs?) A and Bs, which are (which指Bs?或 which指A and Bs?) 下面情况没有歧义: 如果A和B都是单数,which后面动词复数,没有歧义,which修饰A and B。 如果B是单数(不管A是单数还是复数),which后面动词也是单数,没有歧义,which修饰B。 如果B是复数(不管A是单数还是复数)则必须要用which together,没有歧义,这时which修饰A and Bs。 举两个例子: The human nervous system bears a superficial resemblance to a telephone system both because the former carries information in the form of electrical impulses and because all of its neural pathways converge in the brain and spinal cord,which together form a kind of central exchange. Unlike the shuttle and earlier spacecraft, which were capable of carrying sufficient power in fuel cells and batteries for their short flights, a permanently orbiting space station will have to generate its own electricity. -- by 会员 gmat928 (2010/2/25 21:14:38)
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