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----无畏的希望---- 复习日记 总结

发表于 2009-3-11 12:30:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-3-11 13:34:00 | 只看该作者

0.0 哇塞 摘抄我的阅读分析了 受宠若惊

其实很羡慕你了 错误率很低 呵呵

但是每个人都有自己的目标么 加油


 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 19:09:00 | 只看该作者





题目里的关键词 + 另一段/另一个人 的内容(观点、事件、行为 等),制造陷阱。

其实想想,如果我们来出题,一篇几百字的文章,正确答案都基本有原文对应的一、两句话,那迷惑选项不就是只能把原文里的几个观点、人物、事件。。。等等 打散了,截断成 甲、乙、丙、丁 几段,

你拿胳膊(貌似有关的文字),我拿腿(下一段文字),分别拿来与题目里的关键词 重新组合,造出4胞胎(4个迷惑选项)来 混淆唯一嫡传的那个 “王子” 。


 GWD24-passage three   Du Bois在一战前后的政治立场(黑人领袖墙头草)难!

In a 1918 editorial, W.E.B. Du Bois advised African Americans to stop agitating for equality and to proclaim the solidarity with White Americans for the duration of the First World War. The editorial surprised many Africa Americans who viewed Du Bois as an uncompromising African American leader and a chief opponent of the (10) accommodationist tactics urged by Booker, T. Washington. In fact, however, Du Bois often shifted positions along the continuum between Washington and confrontationists (15) such as William Trotter. In 1895, when Washington called on African Americans to concentrate on improving their communities instead of opposing discrimination and agitating for (20) political rights, Du Bois praised Washington’s speech. In 1903, however, Du Bois aligned himself with Trotter, Washington’s militant opponent, less for ideological reasons (25) than because Trotter had described to him Washington’s efforts to silence those in the African American press who opposed Washington’s positions,(30)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened.
   African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances. Du Bois’ accommodationism did not last, however. Upon learning of(/on?) systematic discrimination experienced by African Americans in the military, he called on them to “return fighting” from the war.

Du Bois在一战前后的观点变来变去。









文章脉络比较复杂,我一直把Washington 当成地点来看了,难怪理解偏差。、原来这个DB是个现实派,才会左右摇摆。看图更清晰:




T (对抗派强人)       DB(墙头草)             W(妥协派龟孙子)

                                                                                    1895 表扬W

1903T  联盟







24-25: According to the passage, which of the following is true of the strategy that Du Bois’ 1918 editorial urged African Americans to adopt during the First World War?

A) It was a strategy that Du Bois had consistently rejected in the past.

反着说,In fact, however, Du Bois often shifted positions along the continuum between Washington and confrontationists (15) such as William Trotter.




B) It represented a compromise between Du Bois’ own views and those of Trotter.

无关。1918的事情与T无关,张冠李戴。   原文说的是:The editorial surprised many Africa Americans who viewed Du Bois as an uncompromising African American leader and a chief opponent of the (10) accommodationist tactics urged by Booker, T. Washington.




C) It represented a significant redefinition of the long-term goals Du Bois held prior to the war.

无关。上下乱窜 & 发着说,这个long-term goals

reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response




D) It was advocated by Du Bois in response to his recognition of the discrimination faced by African Americans during the war.


E) It was advocated by Du Bois in part because of his historical knowledge of gains African Americans had made during past wars.

排除前面4个后,我也很困惑,E 为什么对?这个E里说的内容是文章结尾处说的?貌似与1918无关?




(20)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances.




1918:也就是本文讨论的这个时期,bois又支持温和政策,因为the past war taught him that AA could get legal and political advances if they contributed

1918后:文章结尾再次揭露bois老兄的多变,因为战争中的歧视问题,他又要return fighting








24-26: The passage is primarily concerned with

24-26: The passage is primarily concerned with

A) identifying historical circumstances that led Du Bois to alter his long-term goals.

反着说,原文说此人没有long-term goals

B) defining “accommodationism” and showing how Du Bois used this strategy to achieve certain goals.


C) accounting for a particular position adopted by Du Bois during the First World War.


D) contesting the view that Du Bois was significantly influenced by either Washington or Trotter.


E) assessing the effectiveness of a strategy that Du Bois urged African Americans to adopt.





24-27: The passage indicates which of the following about Du Bois’ attitude toward Washington?

A) It underwent a shift during the First World War as Du Bois became more sympathetic with Trotter’s views.


B) It underwent a shift in 1903 for reasons other than Du Bois’ disagreement with Washington’s accommodationist views.

1903, however, Du Bois aligned himself with Trotter, Washington’s militant opponent, less for ideological reasons (25) than because Trotter had described to him Washington’s efforts to silence those in the African American press who opposed Washington’s positions,


C) It underwent a shift as Du Bois make a long-term commitment to the strategy of accommodation.


D) It remained consistently positive even though Du Bois disagreed with Washington’s efforts to control the African American press.


E) It was shaped primarily by Du Bois’ appreciation of Washington’s pragmatic approach to the advancement of the interests of African Americans.


reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened


[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-11 19:14:31编辑过]
发表于 2009-3-11 19:26:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2009-3-11 20:18:00 | 只看该作者



是啊 很难

谢谢LZ的分析 很深刻·

发表于 2009-3-11 20:26:00 | 只看该作者





 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-13 00:16:00 | 只看该作者




上午8:30——12:00, 1个小时更新错题;模考;数学


晚上8:00——12:00  数学鸡精;更新错题;

昨天看到台湾TOOTOO的帖子又被顶出来了,觉得他的一些方法还是不错,摘录下来,常看常新。要好好运用这些好方法。觉得别人都可以从500到750+,自己已经打了几次擦边球,单项都考过还算满意的成绩,可每次总是一高一低,QV不能同时让人满意。为了保证最后一次过,暂定这个月25号不考(但这10天还当冲刺来训练),再复习一个月,把所有的GWD,PREP破解的所有题 分析透彻再考,4月底最后一次,无论分数如何都不考了!加油!最后一次,绝不再考!




我舉個例子好了...像我昨天考試遇到一題CR...在說布穀鳥是ㄧ種很壞的鳥...專門下蛋在別的鳥的鳥巢讓別的鳥養大.....布穀鳥會唱一種獨特的song...但young male bird因為都是別的鳥養大的...不可能有成年的布股鳥教他...結論是布穀鳥會唱一種獨特的song是innate...

這題我在挑答案時差不多花了10秒...因為焦點在講young male bird....像答案出現female bird...birds等焦點不隊的答案我馬上排除....答案又臭又長我根本不知道在說啥...但我確定我選的答案是對的...因為只有一個答案說道young male bird...這就是在看不懂題目之下的解法....



擴大範圍other than有關元素、except有關元素、非議題範圍關代、also have無關元素、alsobesideseven


無關比較(討論元素拆成子集合比較、無關元素互相比較、加入無關元素與有關元素比較、last year than it was





主觀字眼、情緒字眼、極端及偏頗暗示shouldmustanyentirelyallupsetwillingreluctantwould rather

沒代表性的樣本,否定武斷例外somesometimesnot allsmall portion),否定武斷:結論為推定一個全面性的假設

描述事實的statements細節內容even ifeven though、純粹加強語氣;敘述已成立事實細部內容)

描述事實的statements已考慮的元素even ifeven though



描述事實是否被認知或是否有困難達到該事實knowunknownawarebe difficult




以過去的事實暗示未來,過去不代表未來in the pastover the past year),現在正在進行或現在的事實並不代表未來亦如此


原文沒提到時間,答案提到時間頻率once a yeareach year



舉個例如下...這是我做的總結方式...  注意那些標顏色的字...總結時逐漸熟析ets的套路

22.    (28829-!-item-!-188;#058&003748)



In the late 1980s, the population of sea otters in the North Pacific began to decline.  There are two plausible explanations for the decline:  predation, possibly by killer whales, or disease.  Of these two, disease is the more likely, since a concurrent sharp decline in populations of seals and sea lions is believed to have been caused by disease, and diseases that infect these creatures are likely to be able to infect sea otters also.



Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the reasoning?



(A) Killer whales in the North Pacific usually prey on seals and sea lions but will, when this food source is scarce, seek out other prey.

(B) There is no indication that the sea otter population at any North Pacific location declined in the 1980s because of substantial numbers of sea otters migrating to other locations.

(C) Along the Pacific coast of North America in the 1980s, sea otters were absent from many locations where they had been relatively common in former times.

(D) Following the decline in the population of the sea otters, there was an increase in the population of sea urchins, which are sea otters' main food source.

(E) The North Pacific populations of seals and sea lions cover a wider geographic area than does the population of sea otters.

Which of the following most logically completes the passage?



Garnet and RenCo each provide health care for their employees.  Garnet pays for both testing of its employees' cholesterol levels and treatment of high cholesterol.  This policy saves Garnet money, since high cholesterol left untreated for many years leads to conditions that require very expensive treatment.  However, RenCo does not have the same financial incentive to adopt such a policy, because __________.



(A) early treatment of high cholesterol does not entirely eliminate the possibility of a stroke later in life原文強調兩群體差異者,答案看不出兩者差異

(B) the mass media regularly feature stories encouraging people to maintain diets that are low in cholesterol原文強調兩群體差異者,答案看不出兩者差異

(C) RenCo has significantly more employees than Garnet has

(D) RenCo's employees are unlikely to have higher cholesterol levels than Garnet's employees

仍有financial incentive to adopt

(E) the average length of time an employee stays with RenCo is less than it is with Garnet

 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-13 00:17:00 | 只看该作者



Active Reading

1.      閱讀每句後思考概念,閱讀每段後思考段落主題,閱讀整篇後思考每段功能、作者態度及主旨。閱讀重在理解不是在快速看完。

2.      句子結構複雜提取主詞、動詞、受詞理解優先(尤其是首段前兩句、各段首句和末段末句),太多單字不懂跳過修飾語、形容詞或副詞,甚至跳過插入句





1.      出現的人物以及其觀點、立場

2.      作者是否表達觀點、立場,是否有建議

3.      出現的人物及作者觀點、立場之差異

4.      轉折詞(HoweverIronically)和態度詞(fail tooverlookignoredistortextrememistakefaultyunconvincing)、強調字眼(over-xxxunder-xxxdoes Voutweigh),作者出現詞(indeed

5.      專有名詞或”xxx”出現位置

6.      段落大意(承接上段或轉折或另起新概念)及各觀點、人物、專有名詞出現位置(定位)

7.      清楚理解第一段前兩句、各段首句、末段最後一句概念(考主旨題)

8.      若有舉例了解舉例的功用及目的(考功能題)

9.      有問句注意問句功用,並且注意找出答案

10.  注意發現或研究結果(foundresearchconclude),以及解釋或解答(possible explanationanswer)(考細節題)

11.  列舉多項內容注意其位置(考except題)

12.  時間點及該時間點所出現概念;時間修飾詞(recentconventionaltraditional)可能表新舊觀念對照

13.  注意讓步詞(althoughdespite),代表兩個觀點(可能含作者觀點)一致同意部分(通常是兩觀點立場不同)(考agree題)

14.  作者預期的反對(考功能題)

15.  注意unlikecontrast,考兩者不同之處(細節題)





1.      主旨題:文章看到按時間排序答案常出現a historical changetheory原文需有確實提到,某人推論或立場不代表是theory;注意修飾詞unexpectedwell-knownfirst原文是否有提到,通常出現錯

2.      細節題定位:定位問題元素出現的句子就是答案,答案為該句子的改寫

3.      推論題定位:定位問題元素出現的句子依連接詞或副詞判定所屬觀念區塊,答案可能為定位處前後句改寫,或者該定位句倒過來解釋

4.      作者態度題:作者絕對不會否定自己(出現否定作者答案錯)

5.      定位注意:1. 答案一般(非一定)出現在該名詞在文章中第一次出現的地方;2. 答案基本不可能出現在該名詞第一次出現的該段以外的地方





1.      主旨題排除comparereconcile開頭(advocatesupport支持概念似乎也沒有正確過

2.      文章沒說明沒出現過的元素、觀念

3.      與問題定位不同段落的觀念

4.      與定位處不同觀念區塊或沒提到的答案

5.      原文沒說到的極端單字(firstonly、最高級、allwhenevernew

6.      無關比較,沒根據比較級(more adjadj-erlittle

7.      無根據推論關係、因果連結(because ofbecausein order toresult from),就是任意結合兩段文章沒提到的關係、因果(就像CRconclusion題不可任意推論)

8.      與文章內容態度不同答案

9. 牛頭對馬嘴答案,把文章出現過的內容移花接木,不同段落觀念移花接木


Essay #6.  145       (21972-!-item-!-188;#058&00145-00)



Colonial historian David Allen's intensive study of five communities in seventeenth-century Massachusetts is a model of meticulous scholarship on the detailed microcosmic level, and is convincing up to a point.  Allen suggests that much more coherence and direct continuity existed between English and colonial agricultural practices and administrative organization than other historians have suggested.  However, he overstates his case with the declaration that he has proved "the remarkable extent to which diversity in New England local institutions was directly imitative of regional differences in the mother country."



Such an assertion ignores critical differences between seventeenth-century England and New England.  First, England was overcrowded and land-hungry; New England was sparsely populated and labor-hungry.  Second, England suffered the normal European rate of mortality; New England, especially in the first generation of English colonists, was virtually free from infectious diseases.  Third, England had an all-embracing state church; in New England membership in a church was restricted to the elect.  Fourth, a high proportion of English villagers lived under paternalistic resident squires; no such class existed in New England.  By narrowing his focus to village institutions and ignoring these critical differences, which studies by Greven, Demos, and Lockridge have shown to be so important, Allen has created a somewhat distorted picture of reality.



Allen's work is a rather extreme example of the "country community" school of seventeenth-century English history whose intemperate excesses in removing all national issues from the history of that period have been exposed by Professor Clive Holmes.  What conclusion can be drawn, for example, from Allen's discovery that Puritan clergy who had come to the colonies from East Anglia were one-third to one-half as likely to return to England by 1660 as were Puritan ministers from western and northern England?  We are not told in what way, if at all, this discovery illuminates historical understanding.  Studies of local history have enormously expanded our horizons, but it is a mistake for their authors to conclude that village institutions are all that mattered, simply because their functions are all that the records of village institutions reveal.



Question #17.  145-03   (22018-!-item-!-188;#058&000145-03)



According to the passage, which of the following was true of most villages in seventeenth-century England?



(A) The resident squire had significant authority.

(B) Church members were selected on the basis of their social status within the community.

(C) Low population density restricted agricultural and economic growth.

(D) There was little diversity in local institutions from one region to another.

(E) National events had little impact on local customs and administrative organization. 沒根據比較級

a high proportion of English villagers lived under paternalistic resident squires



Question #18.  145-05   (22064-!-item-!-188;#058&000145-05)



The passage suggests that Professor Clive Holmes would most likely agree with which of the following statements?



(A) An understanding of seventeenth-century English local institutions requires a consideration of national issues.

(B) The "country community" school of seventeenth-century English history distorts historical evidence in order to establish continuity between old and new institutions.

(C) Most historians distort reality by focusing on national concerns to the exclusion of local concerns.

(D) National issues are best understood from the perspective of those at the local level.

(E) Local histories of seventeenth-century English villages have contributed little to the understanding of village life.

English history whose intemperate excesses in removing all national issues from the history of that period have been exposed by Professor Clive Holmes. 



Question #19.  145-07   (22110-!-item-!-188;#058&000145-07)



It can be inferred from the passage that the author of the passage considers Allen's "discovery" (see highlighted text) to be



(A) already known to earlier historians

(B) based on a logical fallacy

(C) improbable but nevertheless convincing

(D) an unexplained, isolated fact

(E) a new, insightful observation

We are not told in what way, if at all, this discovery illuminates historical understanding.



Question #20.  145-08   (22156-!-item-!-188;#058&000145-08)



The author of the passage is primarily concerned with



(A) substantiating a claim about a historical event

(B) reconciling two opposing ideas about a historical era

(C) disputing evidence a scholar uses to substantiate a claim about a historical event

(D) analyzing two approaches to scholarly research and evaluating their methodologies

(E) criticizing a particular study and the approach to historical scholarship it represents

 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-13 00:29:00 | 只看该作者


每天都会去申请区看帖子,看到一些NN拿到N校的OFFER,都说730+才比较保险。知道的考750+的把GWD,PREP所有V,Q都分析总结完毕,可自己每次去考,几乎是只练了PREP SC,其他都练的不多,靠运气的成分比较多。。。高分只偏爱勤奋认真的人,不会轻易落到靠鸡精取巧的人身上,那样很难上730+。


[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-13 0:30:08编辑过]
发表于 2009-3-13 03:57:00 | 只看该作者


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