167. Neanderthals had a vocal tract that resembled those of the apes and so were probably without language, a shortcoming that may explain why they were supplanted by our own species. (A) Neanderthals had a vocal tract that resembled those of the apes (B) Neanderthals had a vocal tract resembling an ape's (C) The vocal tracts of Neanderthals resembled an ape's (D) The Neanderthal's vocal tracts resembled the apes’ (E) The vocal tracts of the Neanderthals resembled those of the apes 1并列一级排除 C,D,E and 前后的动词的主语要一致 C, D, and E present the inappropriate subject vocal tracts, which cannot logically govern the second member of the predicate (i.e., vocal tracts cannot be said to be without language). 2单复数 二级排除 A Choice A the plural pronoun those does not agree with its singular antecedent, a vocal tract. 用B比A 还有个好处就是: B 用的是an ape’s, 一来 an ape是单数, 二来镶嵌在所有格里面, 完全避免了和后面代词they 的混淆. Moreover, it is better to use the singular in referring to an anatomical feature common to an entire species(注意这儿出现的单复数问题,以后会在很多地方出现,小心);
C, D, and E use the plural vocal tracts. D compounds the problem by giving multiple vocal tracts to one Neanderthal (小心自己对d的这种单数形式不是很敏感,包括银行账号那道题).
本题中出现的单复数问题值得关注,同样的表达还有很多(比如:蝎子的那道题,美国人有自行车的那道)拥有者用复数,拥有的东西用单数,这样表达的意思最清楚(每人一个,而不会理解为每人好多个)Their body/ the income of the families/ Rate 可以和rates 比,单数可以和复数比较 2单复数 二级排除 A Choice A the plural pronoun those does not agree with its singular antecedent, a vocal tract. 用B比A 还有个好处就是: B 用的是an ape’s, 一来 an ape是单数, 二来镶嵌在所有格里面, 完全避免了和后面代词they 的混淆. Moreover, it is better to use the singular in referring to an anatomical feature common to an entire species(注意这儿出现的单复数问题,以后会在很多地方出现,小心);
C, D, and E use the plural vocal tracts. D compounds the problem by giving multiple vocal tracts to one Neanderthal (小心自己对d的这种单数形式不是很敏感,包括银行账号那道题).
本题中出现的单复数问题值得关注,同样的表达还有很多(比如:蝎子的那道题,美国人有自行车的那道)拥有者用复数,拥有的东西用单数,这样表达的意思最清楚(每人一个,而不会理解为每人好多个)Their body/ the income of the families/ Rate 可以和rates 比,单数可以和复数比较
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-26 15:52:34编辑过] |