291.450 seats in a theatre, each row has same number of seats. Increase the number of seat by 3 per row, can reduce 5 row of seats. Ask what is number of seats per row? 15 row*seat=450 (row-5)*(seat+3)=450 联立解方程得答案292.A book of 360 pages, start reading from Sunday, and finish all the pages on the following Friday. Each day read additional 10 pages. How many pages do you read on Sunday? 我的理解是这样的:一本360页的书,星期天开始读,在接下来的那个周五读完。每天比前一天多读10页。问:星期天读了多少页。等差数列,和为360,step=10 35 设星期天读的页数为x,总共6天,即360=6x+(10+20+30+40+50) => x=35293.If X is divided by 5, remainder is 1; if x is divided by 7, remainder is 3. X+Y is divisible of 35. What is minimum of Y? A: Y=4 补充前提x、y均为正数 Min(x)=31, x+y能被35整除,此时y=4294.DS:A sequence of K positive integers, what is the sum of the remainders divided by 7? 1) K>0 2) K=7 E295.DS:Tom is working, his pay (P) structure is simplified according to how many hours he worked each week: P=$300 (work T<10 hour) P=$200+$10 * T (work 11<=T<20 hours) P=$20*T (work T>=20 hours) Ask, how many hour did he work on 2nd week? 1) he work 2 more hours on 2nd week than 1st week; 2) he get $20 more than for on 2nd week than 1st week; (数据基本正确) E, 1)+2)只能保证工作时间在11~20这个区间内,不能得到具体数字296.DS:Somebody invested in 2 funds. This year, the first fund (F1) increased by 6%, take 30%; the second fund (F2) increased by 7.2%. Now, this invester wants to take out 30% of first fund and 35% of the second fund. Is the amount of money he took out from the first fund bigger than the one from the second fund? 1) Initially, he invested $12000k in the first fund. (F1=12000k) 2) Initially, he invested in F2= F1*0.85 B 由题干可得问题:1.06F1*0.3 > 1.072F2*0.35 ? sufficient的条件:告知F1、F2的数值,或告知F1、F2的比例关系 2)告知了F1、F2的比例关系,充分297.一个长方形ABCD,上边长AD上有点E,下边长BC上有点F,其中BF:CF是4:3;长方形面积是84,求三角形BEF的面积。 A: 24 24 长方形底边7a, 则三角形BEF底边BF为4a 长方形面积=84=7ah => 三角形面积=4ah/2=2ah=24 298.27,135 (10^12-10^11)/10^13, what is the units? 不完全清楚JJ作者表述的意思 猜测为135*(10^12-10^11)/10^13求个位数字 (10^12-10^11)/10^13=10^(-1)-10^(-2)=0.1-0.01 135*(10^12-10^11)/10^13 = 13.5-1.35 个位易得为2299.The ultimate digit number for 999939 is 9+9+9+9+3=39 => 3+9=12 => 1+2=3; how many 2 digit number will have the ultimate number of 2? A: 10 10,同本月JJ 281 10个 分别为: 11 20 29 38 47 56 65 92 83 74300.A team is building river bank, 24 worksor, 30 hours, to complete 15 meters; now in order to build 6 meters long 25 workers, how many hours will it take? (number given here can be wrong) 方法如下: V=15/24/30=1/48 m/(w*h) 6 meters = 1/48 m/(w*h) * 25 w * X h => X=48*6/25 h301.DS:[x] is to calculate the integer that is equal or least bigger than x. [w/3]=4 ? 1) w<12 2) w>10 C 易得1) 2)单独的都不行 1)+2) => 3<w/3<4, 向上取整必然为4,故充分302.Positive integer X and Y. If X is divided by 15, remainder is 1; if X+Y is divided by 15, remainder is 1. What is min of Y? A: 14; X=15b+1 X+Y = 15c+1 Y =15 (c-b)-1, b>=1, c>=2, c-b>=1, =>Y>=14 15 X和X+Y同余,Y为15的倍数,故整数Y的最小值应为15 JJ作者解题过程中,Y=(X+Y)-X=15(c-b), 而非15(c-b)-1 --赞lrosfvoyes细致~!303.A, B, C work on the project. A finished the first quarter (1/4) of the project in 2 hours. Then B and C join. It will take 3 persons 3 hours to complete the rest of the project. If only C work on the rest project (3/4) alone, he will take 18 hours. How many hours will B use if he works alone for this whole project? A: 12 hours. (1/4)/2+1/B+(3/4)/18 = (3/4) /3 => B=12 12, 类似本月JJ 141题,题目描述稍有不同 解题思路同JJ作者相同,具体为:设A B C分为三者的速度,由题易得: A=1/8, A+B+C=1/4, C=(3/4)/18, 求1/B B= 1/4-A-C = 1/4-1/8-1/24 = 1/12 => 1/B=12304.那个1 cent, 5 cent, 10 cent, 25 cent , 50 cent硬币一个100 cents,问多少个,是jj上的,我考前没做,结果花了很长时间算 I:91 II 81 III 76 91与76很快算出来了,算81稿了很久才发现不行 I and III, 见本月JJ 283题 91=1cent*90+10cent*1 76=1cent*75+25cent*1305.x^4为integer? I. |X|<1 (注意这中包括X=0,所以insufficient) 题目不全306.1/(n+1)<1/31+1/32+1/33<1/n n= (9?,10?,11?,12?13?)这题我才算了很久 10 不需要算,这种类型的题请务必掌握下述方法: 1/31+1/32+1/33 < 1/31+1/31+1/31 = 3/31 < 3/30 = 1/10 1/31+1/32+1/33 > 1/33+1/33+1/33 = 3/33 > 1/11 即 1/11 < 1/31+1/32+1/33 < 1/10 => n=10 类似方法解题的题目见本月JJ 236题307.1/91+1/92+...1/100 小于或是大于忘了 1/10,1/9... 1/10, 同本月JJ 236, 方法同上题308.从1到20中取三个数排列,注意一个21个,共多少个 P(3, 20) 1到20是20个数,不是21个309.根据三边长算三角形的面积,给了公试a=sqrt(s*(s-a)(s-b)(s-c) s=(a+b+c)/2 a=b=300, c=360 直接算,此题不繁,同本月JJ 280题 180*120*2310.x,y integers>1, x^y>900? I x>10 II y/x>4 猜测题目意思为x y均为正整数且均大于1,则 C 1) x>=11, y>=2 => (x^y)min=11^2=121<900, 大的情况当然可以超过900,所以1)单独不充分 2) y/x>4 => y>4x>=4*2=8 即: y>=9, x>=2 => (x^y)min=2^9<900, 大的情况同可以超过900,所以2)单独不充分 1)+2) => x>10, y>4x>40, 充分,必大于900310变形:----感谢曲水流觞 这道题目,我考试时遇到的条件是I y>10,所以选A,因为x最小为2,2^10=1024>900,不知道是不是题目变化了
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