123.电梯 TW: liftmaking firms and the building-technology firms liftmaking firms: 1.kw1: 电梯业巨头 2.kw2: 中国市场对电梯业的贡献China’s rapid urbanization and economic expansion helped them weatherthe recession 3.kw3: 电梯业门槛高land most of the business building-technology firms: 4.kw4: 管理能源使用科技公司兴起firms that sell technology for managing power use 5.kw5: 安装电力机械装置的公司免于经济衰落影响firms supplying electrical and mechanical gear for buildings areprotected from downturns 6.kw6: 这些行业的公司也不受低价竞争者的影响firms in building-technology businesses are also insulated from cheapercompetitors 7.kw7: 建筑科技行业中龙头企业还能继续发展壮大building-technology business is pushing on a button marked up