Article 69 Aug 9 27’57’’
[Main Idea] The study about hard- & soft-sell advertising, It’s background and method.
[Structure] P1: Study about what P2: Study background P3: Problems P4: Another view point P5: Method to examine. Influence 1 P6: Influence 2 P7: Method also examine
[Each Paragraph] P1: The study is about the debate on hard- & soft-sell advertising. The findings of the study not only content the “received view” of modern advertising, but also explained why the terms of the debate remained. P2: The debate about “advertising for selling” or “advertising for building bonds and leaving emotional impressions” started 93 years ago. P3: A lot efforts have spent on the study of modern advertising, but with negative results: little impact & little evidence. P4: SF suggested that hard- & soft-sell advertising may cycle back-and-forth. P5: The study uses the traditional method, examined the influences. First is the definitions remained: hard-sell — logical appeals; soft-sell — emotional appeals. P6: Second is about changing professional perspectives. P7: The method of traditional historical analysis also examine the criticisms & arguments.