Mel: The official salary for judges has always been toolow to attract the best candidates to the job. The legislature's move to raisethe salary has done nothing to improve the situation, because it was coupledwith a ban on receiving money for lectures and teaching engagements. Pat: No,the raise in salary really does improve the situation. Since very few judgesteach or give lectures, the ban will have little or no negative effect. Pat's response to Mel is inadequate in that it A. attempts to assess how a certain change will affectpotential members of a group by providing evidence about its effect on thecurrent members. B. mistakenly takes the cause of a certain change to be aneffect of that change C. attempts to argue that a certain change will have apositive effect merely by pointing to the absence of negative effects D. simply denies Mel's claim without putting forward anyevidence in support of that denial E. assumes that changes that benefit the most able membersof a group necessarily benefit all members of that group.
这个题有一定难度。先读懂M和说的话。 M说工资太低,吸引不到人才。最近的加工资决定改善不够,因为有限制不允许法官去做收费讲座 P反驳:加工资决定可以,不允许法官去做收费讲座的限制没什么问题,因为大部分法官都不去做讲座。 提干问P反驳M什么地方不够好? 这个题问的角度还是有些难度。刚读过去P反驳的不错,但提干问P反驳的问题。我想了以后意识到P说”因为大部分法官都不去做讲座”这有问题,因为现在的法官不去做不代表要吸引来的人才/新法官没有这个需要。 正确答案:A说的就是这个错误currentmembers vs potential members 这题预想不一定可以想到,更重要是看答案时要能看懂指代。像A的意思,即使没想到,看到答案要能看懂 B. 本末倒置,但P没这个错误 C. 凭说没问题就说一个东西好,P没这个错误 D. 只是反驳而不提供证据,P没这个错误 E. 说一个对最能干的成员有力的变化会适用于所有成员,P没这么说