2013/08/24 IW
Topic 同不同意,社會制定了太多規矩給年輕人 Do you agree or disagree that the rules in societies today are too strict for young people.
Youngsters are the future of our society, so it isimportant to provide them with abundant resources, freedom to choose and an openatmosphere. One problem currently is that they are gradually growing up, readyto show their talents and achieve something great, only to find that thesociety has already built too many consolidated rules restricting them to dowhat they really want. In my opinion, young people are indeed suffering fromthese rules.
First and foremost, when young people are still inschool, rules come along with them all the time. Students are told to bediligent and curious about what they have learned. The whole rating system inuniversity focus largely on the students' academic performance. So in order tofollow these rules set by the universities to obtain a good grade, a studentmay have to sacrifice his/her leisure time, time supposed to attend band rehearsal,to watch an art show, or to write his/her own novel chapter. Instead, thestudent do research, writer papers and worry about the GPA all the time. Althoughthe student may get a satisfying result eventually - that is, a high GPA andthe considerable scholarship -, he/she may lose the chance to figure his/herpotential area, or even the possibility of great achievements in anotherunknown field.
When those young people finally graduated from theuniversities, looking for a job, social rules appear again from everywhere.Those "rules from experience" convey the idea that young peopleshould consider whether income is stable, whether the welfare is good, whetherthe promotion path is accessible and so on. And again, to "avoid failureby not following these rule", young people search carefully on the jobmarket and find it so hard to get a "perfect" job. So they complain,sigh, and accept the relatively "better" job. But what if they don'tfollow these rules and just do what they really good at? For example, a PhDstudent majored in biology is interested in research and wants to be aresearcher, but social rules forced him to think about living condition. As aresult, he ends up in a pharmacy company, where he realizes the work is just socommercial for him that he is not interested at all. The PhD may lose theopportunity to become a great scientist. What's more, he does the job he doesnot like. Blame on those so-called rules.
Rules existing in society as an accumulation ofexperience and former success. But things are changing every day andindividuals are different from each other, especially for young people who arenew stream to the society. In conclusion, the rules in society indeed restrictyoung people in many aspects andmeasures need to be done to solve the problem. |