Nowadays, the controversial issue ofwhether the rules in societies [url=]today[/url](感觉和开头的nowadays重复)are strictfor young people causes public concern. Regarding this issue, the viewpointsvary (加from, vary from…to…) personto person. A majority of people believe that the rules of societies today arenot too strict for teenagers. Others, however, argue that the young areobviously restricted by the various rules in societies recently. As far as I amconcerned, I am in favor of the later and my reason will be presented asfollows:
Comments by sheery: 这个开头怎么说呢?就是有种八股文的感觉,像那种万用开头:提出一个观点,然后有些人同意而有些人不同意,再表达自己的观点。语言上没什么错,但是感觉不是很精彩。建议薄荷有空可以再锤炼一下。
First, the main reason is that in recentsociety most young individuals are asked to have work experiences(experience)when they enter into various industries such as(后面举例的是职业名字,不是industry。可以去掉such,表示以doctors,accountants…的身份进入industry)doctors, accountants and consultants. Obviously,it is universally acknowledge(这个表达和obviously是一个意思,建议只保留一个) that a great number of young people whojust leave the high school or university do not have such required work experiences (experience).moreover(Moreover,注意首字母大写),young people are exposedto much more diverse individuals with ample work experiences. This is abig obstacle for young individuals to survive in the recent society. One of my schoolfellows who applied many jobs once toldme that it becomes much harder for young people who do not have any workexperiences, like us, to get an ideal job. He has been rejected for nearlytwenty jobs for the reason that he did not have any work experiences. (例子可以更具体一些,比如他申请的是什么职位,而公司需要哪些经验,这样文章的可读性更强一些)
Comments by sherry: 总体感觉这段前半部分句子有些冗杂,建议薄荷多用些状语和补语的修饰方法。我以自己觉得比较顺的方式写了一下,仅供参考: First of all, most youngindividuals trying to enter into job markets as doctors, accountants, ordoctors are asked to have work experience. However, it is obvious that thoseyoung people who has just left high schools or universities do not necessarilyhave such required work experience. Even worse, they are exposed to much more experiencedcompetitors with rich work experience. This is a big obstacle for youngindividuals who want to survive in this society and make a living. For instance, ……
In addition, another reason we mustconsider is that much more parents and eldership consider(considersth,要不加that,要不换掉consider,比如holdthe common view that)being a civil servant is the best choice for the youngindividuals(单复数不一致,a young individual). In their opinions, civil servantis the most stable job and individual do not need to worry about they will lost the job someday(worryabout 后面不能跟句子,可以把about改成that).They ignore the fact that there are numerous careers in the recent society. The ideas of eldership, to alarge extent, limit young individuals’ future development. So this rulein the society is too strict for young people. Last but not least, the education of theyoung people in the school is mainly theoretical knowledge, not practicalskills that the society really needs. The education we have in the school isnot usually matched with firms’ or companies’ needs. Exam-oriented education isthe major trend in my country now. In this context, young individuals ignorethe accumulations of the practical skills. This kind of restriction in therecent society is really unfair for young peoples (people)because it is them to afford the consequence ofthe misconduct of the education department(这里意思是强调句吗?如果是的话应该是it is they who/that afford…).
To sum up, from what has been discussedabove, it is easily (easy) to say that the rulesin the recent society are too much strict for the young individuals.