看了lawyer的讨论,受益匪浅。但是我还是倾向于E,A还是有一些问题。首先Critics protest that three percent of current retail sales falls short of the amount raised for schools by property taxes. bold 1是objection大家没有异议,可是In consequence, retail sales in laceName>ArocalaceName> laceType>CitylaceType> are bound to increase substantially. bold并没有undemine the objestion,因为bold 1中critics说的是 current retail sales falls,这是一个事实,并不是critics的观点,其实critics的观点应该是city的plan会减少学校的fund,但是bold 1确实是一个事实,不是观点!因为即使 bold2成立,也不能undermine three percent of current retail sales falls 这个事实!注意current,而 bold2说的是 future!bold 2 应该 undermine critics的观点,即plan会减少学校的fund.而不是这个事实。我不是nn,请各位指点,找出正确答案。 |