谢谢Lawyer_1 NN 热心指导。我再说几句:
Critics protest that "three percent of current retail sales falls short of the amount raised for schools by property taxes." (注意是current NOT future,falls NOT will fall)
Critics 和 protest这两个词表明他们的观点是反对计划,但这两个词不在BF1线内。如果BF1改成"three percent of retail sales WILL fall short of the amount raised for schools by property taxes.",那D就对了。而将来的sales上涨的预测是不能refute目前 sales不足这个事实的,所以BF2无论如何也不能refute BF1,只能是supplemental to BF1。
- undermine: "to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective" (削弱)
- refute: "to prove that a statement or idea is not correct" (驳倒)
而且A用了undermine the force of the objection,个人觉得很恰当。希望能看到更convincing的关于A错的理由。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-22 5:17:42编辑过] |