以下是引用kokusanhin在2008/5/31 23:41:00的发言: Hey guys, the answer should be E.
For those of you who are consultants and have done some operation benchmark projects, rule number 1 is to establish the BASELINE.
We cannot say whether the genetically modified (GM) cottons are more insect resistant simply by comparing the amount of pesticides used by different farmers (some picked the GM cotton, some don't), unless we know the amount they had originally used.
For example, if 1) farmer A had used 100 KG of DDT for his 100-acre cottons when he planted normal seeds and farmer B had used only 50 KG (can be find out once the question in E is answered) and 2) after using GM cotton, farmer A would only need 49 KG (slightly less than 50), the GM cotton certainly performed well to resist insects, with a saving over 50%... Therefore, it would economically benefit all farmers to plant GM cotton. 真的说的很清楚,这个思路以前出现过(样本的可比性) |