不知道这是哪个gwd里的,以前没做过,我觉得这个句子是不是错了:没有主语,断句也不对吧。不过应该是这个意思:这个1918年的editorial不是一个长期目标的改变,而是一个基于现实利益的反应,因为黑人以前通过在战争中的付出得到了更多法律和政治权利。 (20)reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure government officials had threatened African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political (40) advances. Bois老兄的行径: 1895:支持温和派的W 1903:支持激进派的T,因为T和他讲了W的行径 1918:也就是本文讨论的这个时期,bois又支持温和政策,因为the past war taught him that AA could get legal and political advances if they contributed 1918后:文章结尾再次揭露bois老兄的多变,因为战争中的歧视问题,他又要return fighting 所以, A:说"一贯"反对是错的,bois是个来回变的人,1918editorial只是他上一个阶段反对的(1903-1918) B:说1918editorial是bois和激进派的妥协,显然说反了,1918E是接近温和派观点的。 C:说这是bois长期目标的改变,显然这位老兄从来没有什么长期目标。 D:说1918E是军队中歧视问题的产物。也是错的。军队中的歧视问题是在1918E之后发生的。正是因为军中歧视问题,使bois从他1918E的观点又转向激进派。 E:应的就是我说有问题的那句话。bois从以前的经验中得出,在这个时局下黑人放弃国内斗争,和白人共赴国难,能给黑人带来政治和法律上的好处。这就是他这个strategy的pragmatic之处 选E -- by 会员 philikittist (2004/11/28 14:34:00)
C.It represented a significant redefinition of the long-term goals Du Bois held prior to the war. 回归到原文:reflected not a change in his long-term goals but rather a pragmatic response in the face of social pressure:我觉得这个貌似残缺的句子应该是指着其上文Du Bosi观点在1903年发生改变说的。 也就是说Du Bosi的观点虽然在Washington和Trotter之间摇摆不定,但是他的long-term goal从未曾改变过,只是迫于现实会在不同情况下选择更实际的那个观点。
E.It was advocated by Du Bois in part because of his historical knowledge of gains African Americans had made during past wars. 如果说对应原文Furthermore, Du Bois believed that African Americans’ contributions to past war efforts had brought them some legal and political advances. 那么E中的because of表达的因果关系从原文哪里能看出来呢?毕竟是according to the passage题目,没道理答案中很关键的因果关系在文章中都找不到吧。