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楼主: 女王的肥皂
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-20 20:58:16 | 只看该作者
明天 不这样做了。整篇下来,写总结。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-20 21:48:16 | 只看该作者
TANTALISING hints of change have seeped out of North Korea in recent weeks. Not least, the callow Kim Jong Un has confounded Pyongyang-watchers who had predicted that he would slavishly follow his late father’s recipe for keeping an iron grip on power. The 20-something inherited the family dictatorship when Kim Jong Il died of a heart attack in December. The late Kim ran the state as a mafia racket, earning hard currency from drugs, counterfeiting and illicit-arms sales while using his nuclear-weapons programme to blackmail the rest of the world for aid. He diverted lavish resources to the army and to a tiny elite, and he ground nearly everyone else under his platform heel, dispatching perceived enemies to his prison camps in their hundreds of thousands.
In tone, the young Mr Kim has quickly signalled change from his father’s paranoid(这个词出现第二次了,不相信人的) rule, and with unexpected verve. Last month he fired the army’s senior general, a hardliner, while a civilian was hastily promoted. One reading is that Mr Kim is retreating from his father’s “military-first” stance.

His public appearances are also different. He is often seen laughing with those around him. Where Kim Jong Il’s consorts were kept out of sight, a stylish young woman has recently appeared by the Great Successor’s side. Last month the couple graced the front row of a debut concert for the all-girl Moranbong Band, whose miniskirts, Disney cameos and foreign tunes (“My Way”) all broke new ground, for North Korea if nowhere else. In public speeches (Kim Jong Il’s were dubbed over by emotional commentary), Mr Kim says the years of belt-tightening are over. He calls for fresh economic thinking.

Better heir, same song

Does this amount to much? The question matters because if the young Kim really is his country’s Gorbachev(这个人在西方人看来是个hero), then the West should seize every opportunity to help him go further. If it is merely another charade(我做你猜这种游戏), then more pressure needs to be applied to the world’s ugliest regime. So far there seems to be room for (very) limited encouragement. And the main hopes should be focused on opening up the country’s economy rather than looking for political change.
The politics has changed in tone, but it still fits the Kim mould. Most obviously the gulag remains; so do the shoot-to-kill orders for North Koreans fleeing to China. And all those smiles and visits to kindergartens and funfairs also fit a pattern—not of the father but the grandfather. Kim Il Sung, the dynasty’s brutal founder, had himself depicted in his propaganda as the country’s parent-in-chief, tucking children into bed. The imagery of state-sponsored infantilism persists: North Koreans are a pure, innocent race historically abused by outside powers—Japan, America and even China. They need a caring, protective leader. Kim Jong Un even looks uncannily like his grandfather. The fact that North Koreans were so much better off in the cold-war days (when China and the Soviet Union vied to provide aid) sadly reinforces the nostalgia: the people in Mr Kim’s broken country earn less, eat less and use less electricity than they did 25 years ago.
Yet this misery explains why the hints of change on the economic front may yet lead to something. The economy appears to be becoming both more open (though not yet to South Korea, see article) and less monolithic. Visitors increasingly report how parts of the state are vying with each other for investment—especially Chinese cash. One rumour is that Mr Kim fired the general because the army itself was diving too enthusiastically into business. This counts as competition, of sorts.
In the past economic reform has come to nothing. A decade ago, after the famine, price controls and rationing were scrapped, mainly because nothing was left to ration. Soon the controls were reimposed. In 2009 a currency “reform” amounted to a confiscation of hard-won savings, rendering North Koreans even more dependent on the state. Violent political control has always trumped all (seearticle). North Korea has too often taken foreign money with no intention of returning it.
So there is every reason to remain suspicious. But by encouraging trade and teaching North Koreans the very basics of a market economy, what is there to lose? A few cronies will get richer. But other North Koreans will be a little less impoverished, and that bit better prepared for the day when the vile Kim dynasty goes.

Changing from his father: trust people, retreat from military first police and become more open in the popular culture and economic thinking.  But, Author still does not believe North Korean wil carry out real economic reform and hold that even the basic economic education for the North Korean people will not lead to something bad.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 11:20:10 | 只看该作者
A bug’s life

One way to think of the microbiome is as an additional human organ, albeit a rather peculiar one. It weighs as much as many organs (about a kilogram, or a bit more than two pounds). And although it is not a distinct structure in the way that a heart or a liver is distinct, an organ does not have to have form and shape to be real. The immune system, for example, consists of cells scattered all around the body but it has the salient feature of an organ, namely that it is an organised system of cells.
The microbiome, too, is organised. Biology recognises about 100 large groups of bacteria, known as phyla, that each have a different repertoire of biochemical capabilities(不是轮值剧目的是意思,是所有的行为方式,所有的能力的意思。). Human microbiomes are dominated by just four of these phyla: the Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria. Clearly, living inside a human being is a specialised existence that is appropriate only to certain types of bug.
Specialised; but not monotonous. Just as ecosystems such as forests, grasslands and coral reefs differ from place to place, so it is with microbiomes. Those of children in Malawi and rural Venezuela, for instance, contain more riboflavin-producing bugs than do those of North Americans. They are also better at extracting nutrition from mother’s milk because they turn out lots of an enzyme known as glycoside hydrolase. This converts carbohydrates called glycans, of which milk has many, into usable sugars.
That detail is significant. Glycans are indigestible by any enzyme encoded in the 23,000 human genes. Only bacterial enzymes can do the job. Yet natural selection has stuffed milk full of them—a nice example of co-evolution at work.
This early nutritional role, moreover, is magnified throughout life. Like the glycans in milk, a lot of carbohydrates would be indigestible if all the digestive system had to work with were the enzymes that it makes for itself. The far larger genome of the microbiome has correspondingly greater capabilities, and complex carbohydrates are no match for it. They are relentlessly chewed up and their remains spat out as small fatty-acid molecules, particularly formic acid, acetic acid and butyric acid, that can pass through the gut wall into the bloodstream—whence they are fed into biochemical pathways that either liberate energy from them (10-15% of the energy used by an average adult is generated this way) or lay them down as fat.

我最近读着,读着就不知道什么it,they 是谁了。 估计,要看manhattan 语法相关的东西了。

我忘了文章开头说的什么东西。enzymes与消化这里。There are many carbohydrates that digestive system itself can not digest. These material absorptions need the help from bug. And Natural selection has stuffed milk with indigestible mutriations- a nice examplek of co-evolution at work.

The fat of the land

This role in nutrition points to one way in which an off-kilter microbiome can affect its host: what feeds a body can also overfeed or underfeed it. One of the first analyses of such an effect was Jeffrey Gordon’s work on bacteria and obesity. In 2006 Dr Gordon, who works at the Washington University School of Medicine, in St Louis, Missouri, published a study that looked at the mixture of bacteria in the guts of fat and thin Americans. Fat people, he discovered, had more Firmicutes and fewer Bacteroidetes than thin ones. And if dieting made a fat person thin, his bacterial flora changed to match.
Experiments on mice suggest this is not just a question of the bacteria responding to altered circumstances. They actually assist the process of slimming by suppressing production of a hormone that facilitates the storage of fat, and of an enzyme that stops fat being burned. This may help explain an otherwise weird observation from agriculture, which is that adding antibiotics to cattle feed helps fatten beasts up—though cattle treated in this way put on muscle mass as well as fat.
Having shown that gut bacteria are involved in obesity, Dr Gordon wondered if the converse was true. In a study he conducted in Malawi, he revealed at a meeting last year, he found that it is. Having the wrong sort of bacteria can cause malnutrition, too.
To show this, he and his team looked at 317 pairs of twins (some fraternal, some identical). In 43% of these pairs, both members were well nourished. In 7% both were malnourished. Crucially, though, in 50% of them one twin was well nourished and one malnourished.

Dr. G  discovered that Fat peopel have more F and less Bacteria.
Then, He confirmed that Bacteria were not respond to the changes, such as changing dietes. The real role for bacteris is to suppress the porduction of one hormone that will help to store the fat and of one enzyme that will prevent fat burning.
Third, Dr, G also thought bacteria will cause people malnourished.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 11:53:11 | 只看该作者
Until recently most astronomers believed that the space between the galaxies in our universe was a near-perfect vacuum. This orthodox view of the universe is now being challenged by astronomers who believe that a heavy “rain” of gas is falling into many galaxies from the supposedly empty space around them. The gas apparently condenses into a collection of small stars, each a little larger than the planet Jupiter. These stars vastly outnumber the other stars in a given galaxy. The amount of “intergalactic rainfall” into some of these galaxies has been enough to double their mass in the time since they formed. Scientists have begun to suspect that this intergalactic gas is probably a mixture of gases left over from the “big bang” when the galaxies were formed and gas was forced out of galaxies by supernova explosions.
It is well known that when gas is cooled at a constant pressure its volume decreases. Thus, the physicist Fabian reasoned that as intergalactic gas cools, the cooler gas shrinks inward toward the center of the galaxy. Meanwhile its place is taken by hotter intergalactic gas from farther out on the edge of the galaxy, which cools as it is compressed and flows into the galaxy. The net result is a continuous flow of gas, starting as hot gases in intergalactic space and ending as a drizzle of cool gas called a “cooling flow,” falling into the central galaxy.
A fairly heretical idea in the 1970’s,the cooling-flow theory gained support when Fabian observed a cluster of galaxies in the constellation Perseus and found the central galaxy, NGC 1275, to be a strange-looking object with irregular, thin strands of gas radiating from it. According to previous speculation, these strands were gases that had been blown out by an explosion in the galaxy. Fabian, however, disagreed. Because the strands of gas radiating from NGC 1275 are visible in optical photographs, Fabian suggested that such strands consisted not of gas blown out of the galaxy but of cooling flows of gas streaming inward. He noted that the wavelengths of the radiation emitted by a gas would changes as the gas cooled, so that as the gas flowed into the galaxy and became cooler, it would emit not x-rays, but visible light, like that which was captured in the photographs. Fabian’s hypothesis was supported by Canizares’ determination in 1982 that most of the gas in the Perseus cluster was at a temperature of 80 million degrees Kelvin, whereas the gas immediately surrounding NGC 1275 (the subject of the photographs) was at one-tenth this temperature.

说这样一种现象,星级间的气体become cooler, it will move toward to the center of the galaxy. These rianfall have put some planets doubled their mass.

错误 1

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) illustrate a hypothesis about the origin of galaxies
(B) provide evidence to dispute an accepted theory about the evolution of galaxies
(C) summarize the state of and prospects for research in intergalactic astronomy
(D) report new data on the origins of intergalactic gas
(E) reconcile opposing views on the formation of intergalactic gas
我怎么觉得没有答案是对的。 第二题出现 orthodox 我就知道我这里错了。
但是这篇文章真是将evolution of galaxies. 好吧,接受

2. The author uses the phrase “orthodox view of the universe” (line 3) to refer to the belief that
(A) the space between the galaxies is devoid of matter
(B) the space between galaxies is occupied by stars that cannot be detected by optical photographs
(C) galaxies have decreased in mass by half since their formation
(D) galaxies contain stars, each the size of Jupiter, which form clusters
(E) galaxies are being penetrated by gas forced out of other galaxies by supernova explosions

3. It can be inferred from the passage that, if Fabian is correct, gas in the peripheral regions of a galaxy cluster
(A) streams outward into intergalactic space
(B) is hotter than gas in the central regions of the galaxy
(C) is composed primarily of gas left over from the big bang
(D) results in the creation of unusually large stars
(E) expands to increase the size of the galaxy

4. The author of the passage probably mentions Canizares’ determination in order to
(A) clarify an ambiguity in Fabian’s research findings
(B) illustrate a generalization about the temperature of gas in a galaxy cluster
(C) introduce a new argument in support of the orthodox view of galaxies
(D) provide support for Fabian’s assertions about the Perseus galaxies
(E) provide an alternate point of view concerning the movement of gas within a galaxy cluster

5. According to the passage, Fabian believes that gas flowing into a central galaxy has which of the following characteristics?
(A) It is one-tenth hotter than it was in the outer regions of the galaxy cluster.
(B) It emits radiation with wavelengths that change as the gas moves toward the center of the galaxy.
(C) The total amount of radiation emitted diminishes as the gas cools.
(D) It loses 90 percent of its energy as it moves to the center of the galaxy.
(E) It condenses at a rate much slower than the rate of decrease in temperature as the gas flows inward.

6. According to the passage, Fabian’s theory makes use of which of the following principles?
(A) Gas emanating from an explosion will be hotter the more distant it is from the origin.
(B) The wavelength of radiation emitted by a gas as it cools remains constant.
(C) If pressure remains constant, the volume of a gas will decrease as it is cooled.
(D) The volume of a gas will increase as the pressure increases.
(E) As gas cools, its density decreases.

7. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of Fabian’s theory?
(A) It did not receive approval until Canizares’ work was published.
(B) It was not widely accepted in the 1970’s.
(C) It did not receive support initially because technology was not available to confirm its tenets.
(D) It supports earlier speculation that intergalactic gas was largely the result of explosions outside the galaxy.
(E) It was widely challenged until x-ray evidence of gas temperatures in NGC 1275 had been presented.

Until recently most astronomers believed that the space between the galaxies in our universe was a near-perfect vacuum. This orthodox view of the universe is now being challenged by astronomers who believe that a heavy “rain” of gas is falling into many galaxies from the supposedly empty space around them. The gas apparently condenses into a collection of small stars, each a little larger than the planet Jupiter. These stars vastly outnumber the other stars in a given galaxy. The amount of “intergalactic rainfall” into some of these galaxies has been enough to double their mass in the time since they formed. Scientists have begun to suspect that this intergalactic gas is probably a mixture of gases left over from the “big bang” when the galaxies were formed and gas was forced out of galaxies by supernova explosions.

It is well known that when gas is cooled at a constant pressure its volume decreases. Thus, the physicist Fabian reasoned that as intergalactic gas cools, the cooler gas shrinks inward toward the center of the galaxy. Meanwhile its place is taken by hotter intergalactic gas from farther out on the edge of the galaxy, which cools as it is compressed and flows into the galaxy. The net result is a continuous flow of gas, starting as hot gases in intergalactic space and ending as a drizzle of cool gas called a “cooling flow,” falling into the central galaxy.

A fairly heretical idea in the 1970’s, the cooling-flow theory gained support when Fabian observed a cluster of galaxies in the constellation Perseus and found the central galaxy, NGC 1275, to be a strange-looking object with irregular, thin strands of gas radiating from it. According to previous speculation, these strands were gases that had been blown out by an explosion in the galaxy. Fabian, however, disagreed. Because the strands of gas radiating from NGC 1275 are visible in optical photographs, Fabian suggested that such strands consisted not of gas blown out of the galaxy but of cooling flows of gas streaming inward. He noted that the wavelengths of the radiation emitted by a gas would changes as the gas cooled, so that as the gas flowed into the galaxy and became cooler, it would emit not x-rays, but visible light, like that which was captured in the photographs. Fabian’s hypothesis was supported by Canizares’ determination in 1982 that most of the gas in the Perseus cluster was at a temperature of 80 million degrees Kelvin, whereas the gas immediately surrounding NGC 1275 (the subject of the photographs) was at one-tenth this temperature.

1.The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) illustrate a hypothesis about the origin of galaxies

(B) provide evidence to dispute an accepted theory about the evolution of galaxies

(C) summarize the state of and prospects for research in intergalactic astronomy

(D) report new data on the origins of intergalactic gasB

(E) reconcile opposing views on the formation of intergalactic gas

2.The author uses the phrase “orthodox view of the universe” (line 3) to refer to the belief that

(A) the space between the galaxies is devoid of matter

(B) the space between galaxies is occupied by stars that cannot be detected by optical photographs

(C) galaxies have decreased in mass by half since their formation

(D) galaxies contain stars, each the size of Jupiter, which form clustersA

(E) galaxies are being penetrated by gas forced out of other galaxies by supernova explosions

3.It can be inferred from the passage that, if Fabian is correct, gas in the peripheral regions of a galaxy cluster

(A) streams outward into intergalactic space

(B) is hotter than gas in the central regions of the galaxy

(C) is composed primarily of gas left over from the big bang

(D) results in the creation of unusually large starsB

(E) expands to increase the size of the galaxy

4.The author of the passage probably mentions Canizares’ determination in order to

(A) clarify an ambiguity in Fabian’s research findings

(B) illustrate a generalization about the temperature of gas in a galaxy cluster

(C) introduce a new argument in support of the orthodox view of galaxies

(D) provide support for Fabian’s assertions about the Perseus galaxiesD

(E) provide an alternate point of view concerning the movement of gas within a galaxy cluster

5.According to the passage, Fabian believes that gas flowing into a central galaxy has which of the following characteristics?

(A) It is one-tenth hotter than it was in the outer regions of the galaxy cluster.

(B) It emits radiation with wavelengths that change as the gas moves toward the center of the galaxy.

(C) The total amount of radiation emitted diminishes as the gas cools.

(D) It loses 90 percent of its energy as it moves to the center of the galaxy.B

(E) It condenses at a rate much slower than the rate of decrease in temperature as the gas flows inward.

6.According to the passage, Fabian’s theory makes use of which of the following principles?

(A) Gas emanating from an explosion will be hotter the more distant it is from the origin.

(B) The wavelength of radiation emitted by a gas as it cools remains constant.

(C) If pressure remains constant, the volume of a gas will decrease as it is cooled.

(D) The volume of a gas will increase as the pressure increases.C

(E) As gas cools, its density decreases.

7.It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of Fabian’s theory?

(A) It did not receive approval until Canizares’ work was published.

(B) It was not widely accepted in the 1970’s.

(C) It did not receive support initially because technology was not available to confirm its tenets.

(D) It supports earlier speculation that intergalactic gas was largely the result of explosions outside the galaxy.B

(E) It was widely challenged until x-ray evidence of gas temperatures in NGC 1275 had been presented.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 12:34:19 | 只看该作者
Kazuko Nakane’s history of the early Japanese immigrants to central California’s Pajaro Valley focuses on the development of farming communities there from 1890 to 1940. The Issei (first-generation immigrants) were brought into the Pajaro Valley to raise sugar beets. Like Issei laborers in American cities, Japanese men in rural areas sought employment via the “boss” system. The system comprised three elements: immigrant wage laborers; Issei boardinghouses where laborers stayed; and labor contractors, who gathered workers for a particular job and then negotiated a contract between workers and employer. This same system was originally utilized by the Chinese laborers who had preceded the Japanese. A related institution was the “labor club,” which provided job information and negotiated employment contracts and other legal matters, such as the rental of land, for Issei who chose to belong and paid an annual fee to the cooperative for membership.
When the local sugar beet industry collapsed in 1902, the Issei began to lease land from the valley’s strawberry farmers. The Japanese provided the labor and the crop was divided between laborers and landowners. The Issei thus moved quickly from wage-labor employment to sharecropping agreements. A limited amount of economic progress was made as some Issei were able to rent or buy farmland directly, while others joined together to form farming corporations. As the Issei began to operate farms, they began to marry and start families, forming an established Japanese American community. Unfortunately, the Issei’s efforts to attain agricultural independence were hampered by government restrictions, such as the Alien Land Law of 1913. But immigrants could circumvent such exclusionary laws by leasing or purchasing land in their American-born children’s names.
Nakane’s case study of one rural Japanese American community provides valuable information about the lives and experiences of the Issei. It is, however, too particularistic. This limitation derives from Nakane’s methodologythat of oral history—which cannot substitute for a broader theoretical or comparative perspective. Future research might well consider two issues raised by her study:
were the Issei of the Pajaro Valley similar to or different from Issei in urban settings, and what variations existed between rural Japanese American communities?

我的天, 又是migration.


总结KN的研究, 1890年的日本人在Pajaro valley的时候,只是租土地。他们找工作有两个途径,一个 boss system, 一个labour club,但是这个是要交钱的。之后,日本人变得有钱了。出现了分化,一部分人自己租土地或买土地。但是另外一部分人却自己合伙做什么东西。之后,就是日本人变得经济能力越来越强,并通过自己孩子规避美国法律不让他们买土地这样事情。


总结第二段,Issei 从emploee变成了sharecropping agreements. 虽然,有些人开始租地或买地,但是等多人却是做farming corpoorations.

错误 1 4 7

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) defend a controversial hypothesis presented in a history of early Japanese immigrants to California
(B) dismiss a history of an early Japanese settlement in California as narrow and ill constructed
(C) summarize and critique a history of an early Japanese settlement in California
(D) compare a history of one Japanese American community with studies of Japanese settlements throughout California
(E) examine the differences between Japanese and Chinese immigrants to central California in the 1890’s
B 项主要是强调全文主要工作是dismiss, 也看到dismiss 主要是最后一段的内容。
Summarize and critique吧
我为什么会选错,还是因为我觉得 一说到history 就是一个客观的东西。但是文章很明显说的是一个人对这段历史的看法。但是,老外就是同意这样也是a  history, 注意 这个冠词 a.

2. Which of the following best describes a “labor club,” as defined in the passage?
(A) An organization to which Issei were compelled to belong if they sought employment in the Pajaro Valley
(B) An association whose members included labor contractors and landowning “bosses”
(C) A type of farming corporation set up by Issei who had resided in the Pajaro Valley for some time
(D) A cooperative association whose members were dues-paying Japanese laborers
(E) A social organization to which Japanese laborers and their families belonged

3. Based on information in the passage, which of the following statements concerning the Alien Land Law of 1913 is most accurate?
(A) It excluded American-born citizens of Japanese ancestry from landownership.
(B) It sought to restrict the number of foreign immigrants to California.
(C) It successfully prevented Issei from ever purchasing farmland.
(D) It was applicable to first-generation immigrants but not to their American-born children.
(E) It was passed under pressure from the Pajaro Valley’s strawberry farmers.

4. Several Issei families join together to purchase a strawberry field and the necessary farming equipment. Such a situation best exemplifies which of the following, as it is described in the passage?
(A) A typical sharecropping agreement
(B) A farming corporation
(C) A “labor club”
(D) The “boss” system
(E) Circumvention of the Alien Land Law

5. The passage suggests that which of the following was an indirect consequence of the collapse of the sugar beet industry in the Pajaro Valley?
(A) The Issei formed a permanent, family-based community.
(B) Boardinghouses were built to accommodate the Issei.
(C) The Issei began to lease land in their children’s names.
(D) The Issei adopted a labor contract system similar to that used by Chinese immigrants.
(E) The Issei suffered a massive dislocation caused by unemployment.

6. The author of the passage would most likely agree that which of the following, if it had been included in Nakane’s study, would best remedy the particularistic nature of that study?
(A) A statistical table comparing per capita income of Issei wage laborers and sharecroppers in the Pajaro Valley
(B) A statistical table showing per capita income of Issei in the Pajaro Valley from 1890 to 1940
(C) A statistical table showing rates of farm ownership by Japanese Americans in four central California counties from 1890 to 1940
(D) A discussion of original company documents dealing with the Pajaro Valley sugar beet industry at the turn of the century
(E) Transcripts of interviews conducted with members of the Pajaro Valley Japanese American community who were born in the 1920’s and 1930’s

7. It can be inferred from the passage that, when the Issei began to lease land from the Valley’s strawberry farmers, the Issei most probably did which of the following?
(A) They used profits made from selling the strawberry crop to hire other Issei.
(B) They negotiated such agricultural contracts using the “boss” system.
(C) They paid for the use of the land with a share of the strawberry crop.
(D) They earned higher wages than when they raised sugar beets.
(E) They violated the Alien Land Law.

Kazuko Nakane’s history of the early Japanese immigrants to central California’s Pajaro Valley focuses on the development of farming communities there from 1890 to 1940. The Issei (first-generation immigrants) were brought into the Pajaro Valley to raise sugar beets. Like Issei laborers in American cities, Japanese men in rural areas sought employment via the “boss” system. The system comprised three elements: immigrant wage laborers; Issei boardinghouses (boardinghouse: n.
寄宿公寓)where laborers stayed; and labor contractors, who gathered workers for a particular job and then negotiated a contract between workers and employer. This same system was originally utilized by the Chinese laborers who had preceded the Japanese. A related institution was the “labor club,” which provided job information and negotiated employment contracts and other legal matters, such as the rental of land, for Issei who chose to belong and paid an annual fee to the cooperative for membership.

When the local sugar beet industry collapsed in 1902, the Issei began to lease land from the valley’s strawberry farmers. The Japanese provided the labor and the crop was divided between laborers and landowners. The Issei thus moved quickly from wage-labor employment to sharecropping (sharecrop: v.作佃农耕种) agreements. A limited amount of economic progress was made as some Issei were able to rent or buy farmland directly, while others joined together to form farming corporations. As the Issei began to operate farms, they began to marry and start families, forming an established Japanese American community. Unfortunately, the Issei’s efforts to attain agricultural independence were hampered by government restrictions, such as the Alien Land Law of 1913. But immigrants could circumvent such exclusionary laws by leasing or purchasing land in their American-born children’s names.

Nakane’s case study (case study: n.个案研究) of one rural Japanese American community provides valuable information about the lives and experiences of the Issei. It is, however, too particularistic (particularism: a tendency to explain complex social phenomena in terms of a single causative factor). This limitation derives from Nakane’s methodology—that of oral history—which cannot substitute for a broader theoretical or comparative perspective. Future research might well consider two issues raised by her study: were the Issei of the Pajaro Valley similar to or different from Issei in urban settings, and what variations existed between rural Japanese American communities?

1.The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) defend a controversial hypothesis presented in a history of early Japanese immigrants to California

(B) dismiss a history of an early Japanese settlement in California as narrow and ill constructed

(C) summarize and critique a history of an early Japanese settlement in California

(D) compare a history of one Japanese American community with studies of Japanese settlements throughout CaliforniaC

(E) examine the differences between Japanese and Chinese immigrants to central California in the 1890’s

2.Which of the following best describes a “labor club,” as defined in the passage?

(A) An organization to which Issei were compelled to belong if they sought employment in the Pajaro Valley

(B) An association whose members included labor contractors and landowning “bosses”

(C) A type of farming corporation set up by Issei who had resided in the Pajaro Valley for some time

(D) A cooperative association whose members were dues-paying Japanese laborersD

(E) A social organization to which Japanese laborers and their families belonged

3.Based on information in the passage, which of the following statements concerning the Alien Land Law of 1913 is most accurate?

(A) It excluded American-born citizens of Japanese ancestry from landownership.

(B) It sought to restrict the number of foreign immigrants to California.

(C) It successfully prevented Issei from ever purchasing farmland.

(D) It was applicable to first-generation immigrants but not to their American-born children.D

(E) It was passed under pressure from the Pajaro Valley’s strawberry farmers.

4.Several Issei families join together to purchase a strawberry field and the necessary farming equipment. Such a situation best exemplifies which of the following, as it is described in the passage?

(A) A typical sharecropping agreement

(B) A farming corporation

(C) A “labor club”

(D) The “boss” systemB

(E) Circumvention of the Alien Land Law

5.The passage suggests that which of the following was an indirect consequence of the collapse of the sugar beet industry in the Pajaro Valley?

(A) The Issei formed a permanent, family-based community.

(B) Boardinghouses were built to accommodate the Issei.

(C) The Issei began to lease land in their children’s names.

(D) The Issei adopted a labor contract system similar to that used by Chinese immigrants.A

(E) The Issei suffered a massive dislocation caused by unemployment.

6.The author of the passage would most likely agree that which of the following, if it had been included in Nakane’s study, would best remedy the particularistic nature of that study?

(A) A statistical table comparing per capita income of Issei wage laborers and sharecroppers in the Pajaro Valley

(B) A statistical table showing per capita income of Issei in the Pajaro Valley from 1890 to 1940

(C) A statistical table showing rates of farm ownership by Japanese Americans in four central California counties from 1890 to 1940

(D) A discussion of original company documents dealing with the Pajaro Valley sugar beet industry at the turn of the centuryC

(E) Transcripts of interviews conducted with members of the Pajaro Valley Japanese American community who were born in the 1920’s and 1930’s

7.It can be inferred from the passage that, when the Issei began to lease land from the Valley’s strawberry farmers, the Issei most probably did which of the following?

(A) They used profits made from selling the strawberry crop to hire other Issei.

(B) They negotiated such agricultural contracts using the “boss” system.

(C) They paid for the use of the land with a share of the strawberry crop.

(D) They earned higher wages than when they raised sugar beets.C

(E) They violated the Alien Land Law.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 14:59:53 | 只看该作者
第 34 篇没有看懂
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 15:34:55 | 只看该作者
It can be argued that much consumer dissatisfaction with marketing strategies arises from an inability to aim advertising at only the likely buyers of a given product.
There are three groups of consumers who are affected by the marketing process. First, there is the market segment—people who need the commodity in question. Second, there is the program target—people in the market segment with the “best fit” characteristics for a specific product. Lots of people may need trousers, but only a few qualify as likely buyers of very expensive designer trousers. Finally, there is the program audience―all people who are actually exposed to the marketing program without regard to whether they need or want the product.
These three groups are rarely identical. An exception occurs occasionally in cases where customers for a particular industrial product may be few and easily identifiable. Such customers, all sharing a particular need, are likely to form a meaningful target, for example, all companies with a particular application of the product in question, such as high-speed fillers of bottles at breweries. In such circumstances, direct selling (marketing that reaches only the program target) is likely to be economically justified, and highly specialized trade media exist to expose members of the program target—and only members of the program target—to the marketing program.
Most consumer-goods markets are significantly different. Typically, there are many rather than few potential customers. Each represents a relatively small percentage of potential sales. Rarely do members of a particular market segment group themselves neatly into a meaningful program target. There are substantial differences among consumers with similar demographic characteristics. Even with all the past decade’s advances in information technology, direct selling of consumer goods is rare, and mass marketing—a marketing approach that aims at a wide audience—remains the only economically feasible mode. Unfortunately, there are few media that allow the marketer to direct a marketing program exclusively to the program target. Inevitably, people get exposed to a great deal of marketing for products in which they have no interest and so they become annoyed.

这个文章结构: 提出一个观点,之后解释基于这个观点的行为是行不通的

这个观点是: 消费者对商业营销不满意是因为,这些营销没针对自己应该针对的消费人群。
但是现实,人们的消费都是有这个这样或那样的差异的,很难做到文章三种消费者都是同一群体,又 没有一家媒体可以深入到特定的人群。

错误 2 6 7

1. The passage suggests which of the following about highly specialized trade media?
(A) They should be used only when direct selling is not economically feasible.
(B) They can be used to exclude from the program audience people who are not part of the program target.
(C) They are used only for very expensive products.
(D) They are rarely used in the implementation of marketing programs for industrial products.
(E) They are used only when direct selling has not reached the appropriate market segment.

2. According to the passage, most consumer-goods markets share which of the following characteristics?
I. Customers who differ significantly from each other
II. Large numbers of potential customers
III. Customers who each represent a small percentage of potential sales
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III
substantial differences among consumers

3. The passage suggests which of the following about direct selling?
(A) It is used in the marketing of most industrial products.
(B) It is often used in cases where there is a large program target.
(C) It is not economically feasible for most marketing programs.
(D) It is used only for products for which there are many potential customers.
(E) It is less successful at directing a marketing program to the target audience than are other marketing approaches.

4. The author mentions “trousers” (lines 9 and 11) most likely in order to
(A) make a comparison between the program target and the program audience
(B) emphasize the similarities between the market segment and the program target
(C) provide an example of the way three groups of consumers are affected by a marketing program
(D) clarify the distinction between the market segment and the program target
(E) introduce the concept of the program audience

5. Which of the following best exemplifies the situation described in the last two sentences of the passage?
(A) A product suitable for women age 21-30 is marketed at meetings attended only by potential customers.
(B) A company develops a new product and must develop an advertising campaign to create a market for it.
(C) An idea for a specialized product remains unexplored because media exposure of the product to its few potential customers would be too expensive.
(D) A new product is developed and marketers collect demographic data on potential consumers before developing a specific advertising campaign.
(E) A product suitable for men age 60 and over is advertised in a magazine read by adults of all ages.

6. The passage suggests that which of the following is true about the marketing of industrial products like those discussed in the third paragraph?
(A) The market segment and program target are identical.
(B) Mass marketing is the only feasible way of advertising such products.
(C) The marketing program cannot be directed specifically to the program target.
(D) More customers would be needed to justify the expense of direct selling.
(E) The program audience would necessarily be made up of potential customers, regardless of the marketing approach that was used.
文章是 only economically feasible

7. The passage supports which of the following statements about demographic characteristics and marketing?
(A) Demographic research is of no use in determining how successful a product will be with a particular group of consumers.
(B) A program audience is usually composed of people with similar demographic characteristics.
(C) Psychological factors are more important than demographic factors in defining a market segments.
(D) Consumers with similar demographic characteristics do not necessarily form a meaningful program target.
(E) Collecting demographic data is the first step that marketers take in designing a marketing program.

8. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true for most consumer-goods markets?
(A) The program audience is smaller than the market segment.
(B) The program audience and the market segment are usually identical.
(C) The market segment and the program target are usually identical.
(D) The program target is larger than the market segment.
(E) The program target and the program audience are not usually identical.

It can be argued that much consumer dissatisfaction with marketing strategies arises from an inability to aim advertising at only the likely buyers of a given product.

There are three groups of consumers who are affected by the marketing process. First, there is the market segment—people who need the commodity in question. Second, there is the program target—people in the market segment with the “best fit” characteristics for a specific product. Lots of people may need trousers, but only a few qualify as likely buyers of very expensive designer trousers. Finally, there is the program audience―all people who are actually exposed to the marketing program without regard to whether they need or want the product.

These three groups are rarely identical. An exception occurs occasionally in cases where customers for a particular industrial product may be few and easily identifiable. Such customers, all sharing a particular need, are likely to form a meaningful target, for example, all companies with a particular application of the product in question, such as high-speed fillers of bottles at breweries. In such circumstances, direct selling (marketing that reaches only the program target) is likely to be economically justified, and highly specialized trade media exist to expose members of the program target—and only members of the program target—to the marketing program.

Most consumer-goods markets are significantly different. Typically, there are many rather than few potential customers. Each represents a relatively small percentage of potential sales. Rarely do members of a particular market segment group themselves neatly into a meaningful program target. There are substantial differences among consumers with similar demographic characteristics. Even with all the past decade’s advances in information technology, direct selling of consumer goods is rare, and mass marketing—a marketing approach that aims at a wide audience—remains the only economically feasible mode. Unfortunately, there are few media that allow the marketer (one that deals in a market; specifically: one that promotes or sells a product or service)to direct a marketing program exclusively to the program target. Inevitably, people get exposed to a great deal of marketing for products in which they have no interest and so they become annoyed.

1.The passage suggests which of the following about highly specialized trade media?

(A) They should be used only when direct selling is not economically feasible.

(B) They can be used to exclude from the program audience people who are not part of the program target.

(C) They are used only for very expensive products.

(D) They are rarely used in the implementation of marketing programs for industrial products.B

(E) They are used only when direct selling has not reached the appropriate market segment.

2.According to the passage, most consumer-goods markets share which of the following characteristics?

I.Customers who differ significantly from each other

II.Large numbers of potential customers

III.Customers who each represent a small percentage of potential sales

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) I and II only

(D) II and III onlyE

(E) I, II, and III

3.The passage suggests which of the following about direct selling?

(A) It is used in the marketing of most industrial products.

(B) It is often used in cases where there is a large program target.

(C) It is not economically feasible for most marketing programs.

(D) It is used only for products for which there are many potential customers.C

(E) It is less successful at directing a marketing program to the target audience than are other marketing approaches.

4.The author mentions “trousers” (lines 9 and 11) most likely in order to

(A) make a comparison between the program target and the program audience

(B) emphasize the similarities between the market segment and the program target

(C) provide an example of the way three groups of consumers are affected by a marketing program

(D) clarify the distinction between the market segment and the program targetD

(E) introduce the concept of the program audience

5.Which of the following best exemplifies the situation described in the last two sentences of the passage?

(A) A product suitable for women age 21-30 is marketed at meetings attended only by potential customers.

(B) A company develops a new product and must develop an advertising campaign to create a market for it.

(C) An idea for a specialized product remains unexplored because media exposure of the product to its few potential customers would be too expensive.

(D) A new product is developed and marketers collect demographic data on potential consumers before developing a specific advertising campaign.E

(E) A product suitable for men age 60 and over is advertised in a magazine read by adults of all ages.

6.The passage suggests that which of the following is true about the marketing of industrial products like those discussed in the third paragraph?

(A) The market segment and program target are identical.

(B) Mass marketing is the only feasible way of advertising such products.

(C) The marketing program cannot be directed specifically to the program target.

(D) More customers would be needed to justify the expense of direct selling.A

(E) The program audience would necessarily be made up of potential customers, regardless of the marketing approach that was used.

7.The passage supports which of the following statements about demographic characteristics and marketing?

(A) Demographic research is of no use in determining how successful a product will be with a particular group of consumers.

(B) A program audience is usually composed of people with similar demographic characteristics.

(C) Psychological factors are more important than demographic factors in defining a market segments.

(D) Consumers with similar demographic characteristics do not necessarily form a meaningful program target.D

(E) Collecting demographic data is the first step that marketers take in designing a marketing program.

8.It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true for most consumer-goods markets?

(A) The program audience is smaller than the market segment.

(B) The program audience and the market segment are usually identical.

(C) The market segment and the program target are usually identical.

(D) The program target is larger than the market segment.E

(E) The program target and the program audience are not usually identical.

It can be argued that much consumer dissatisfaction with marketing strategies arises from an inability to aim advertising at only the likely buyers of a given product.

There are three groups of consumers who are affected by the marketing process. First, there is the market segment—people who need the commodity in question. Second, there is the program target—people in the market segment with the “best fit” characteristics for a specific product. Lots of people may need trousers, but only a few qualify as likely buyers of very expensive designer trousers. Finally, there is the program audience―all people who are actually exposed to the marketing program without regard to whether they need or want the product.

These three groups are rarely identical. An exception occurs occasionally in cases where customers for a particular industrial product may be few and easily identifiable. Such customers, all sharing a particular need, are likely to form a meaningful target, for example, all companies with a particular application of the product in question, such as high-speed fillers of bottles at breweries. In such circumstances, direct selling (marketing that reaches only the program target) is likely to be economically justified, and highly specialized trade media exist to expose members of the program target—and only members of the program target—to the marketing program.

Most consumer-goods markets are significantly different. Typically, there are many rather than few potential customers. Each represents a relatively small percentage of potential sales. Rarely do members of a particular market segment group themselves neatly into a meaningful program target. There are substantial differences among consumers with similar demographic characteristics. Even with all the past decade’s advances in information technology, direct selling of consumer goods is rare, and mass marketing—a marketing approach that aims at a wide audience—remains the only economically feasible mode. Unfortunately, there are few media that allow the marketer (one that deals in a market; specifically: one that promotes or sells a product or service)to direct a marketing program exclusively to the program target. Inevitably, people get exposed to a great deal of marketing for products in which they have no interest and so they become annoyed.

1.The passage suggests which of the following about highly specialized trade media?

(A) They should be used only when direct selling is not economically feasible.

(B) They can be used to exclude from the program audience people who are not part of the program target.

(C) They are used only for very expensive products.

(D) They are rarely used in the implementation of marketing programs for industrial products.B

(E) They are used only when direct selling has not reached the appropriate market segment.

2.According to the passage, most consumer-goods markets share which of the following characteristics?

I.Customers who differ significantly from each other

II.Large numbers of potential customers

III.Customers who each represent a small percentage of potential sales

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) I and II only

(D) II and III onlyE

(E) I, II, and III

3.The passage suggests which of the following about direct selling?

(A) It is used in the marketing of most industrial products.

(B) It is often used in cases where there is a large program target.

(C) It is not economically feasible for most marketing programs.

(D) It is used only for products for which there are many potential customers.C

(E) It is less successful at directing a marketing program to the target audience than are other marketing approaches.

4.The author mentions “trousers” (lines 9 and 11) most likely in order to

(A) make a comparison between the program target and the program audience

(B) emphasize the similarities between the market segment and the program target

(C) provide an example of the way three groups of consumers are affected by a marketing program

(D) clarify the distinction between the market segment and the program targetD

(E) introduce the concept of the program audience

5.Which of the following best exemplifies the situation described in the last two sentences of the passage?

(A) A product suitable for women age 21-30 is marketed at meetings attended only by potential customers.

(B) A company develops a new product and must develop an advertising campaign to create a market for it.

(C) An idea for a specialized product remains unexplored because media exposure of the product to its few potential customers would be too expensive.

(D) A new product is developed and marketers collect demographic data on potential consumers before developing a specific advertising campaign.E

(E) A product suitable for men age 60 and over is advertised in a magazine read by adults of all ages.

6.The passage suggests that which of the following is true about the marketing of industrial products like those discussed in the third paragraph?

(A) The market segment and program target are identical.

(B) Mass marketing is the only feasible way of advertising such products.

(C) The marketing program cannot be directed specifically to the program target.

(D) More customers would be needed to justify the expense of direct selling.A

(E) The program audience would necessarily be made up of potential customers, regardless of the marketing approach that was used.

7.The passage supports which of the following statements about demographic characteristics and marketing?

(A) Demographic research is of no use in determining how successful a product will be with a particular group of consumers.

(B) A program audience is usually composed of people with similar demographic characteristics.

(C) Psychological factors are more important than demographic factors in defining a market segments.

(D) Consumers with similar demographic characteristics do not necessarily form a meaningful program target.D

(E) Collecting demographic data is the first step that marketers take in designing a marketing program.

8.It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true for most consumer-goods markets?

(A) The program audience is smaller than the market segment.

(B) The program audience and the market segment are usually identical.

(C) The market segment and the program target are usually identical.

(D) The program target is larger than the market segment.E

(E) The program target and the program audience are not usually identical.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 16:23:15 | 只看该作者
Protein synthesis begins when the gene encoding a protein is activated. The gene’s sequence of nucleotides is transcribed into a molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA), which reproduces the information contained in that sequence. Transported outside the nucleus to the cytoplasm, the mRNA is translated into the protein it encodes by an organelle known as a ribosome, which strings together amino acids in the order specified by the sequence of elements in the mRNA molecule. Since the amount of mRNA in a cell determines the amount of the corresponding protein, factors affecting the abundance of mRNA’s play a major part in the normal functioning of a cell by appropriately regulating protein synthesis. For example, an excess of certain proteins can cause cells to proliferate abnormally and become cancerous; a lack of the protein insulin results in diabetes.
Biologists once assumed that the variable rates at which cells synthesize different mRNA’s determine the quantities of mRNA’s and their corresponding proteins in a cell. However, recent investigations have shown that the concentrations of most mRNA’s correlate best, not with their synthesis rate, but rather with the equally variable rates at which cells degrade the different mRNA’s in their cytoplasm. If a cell degrades both a rapidly and a slowly synthesized mRNA slowly, both mRNA’s will accumulate to high levels.
An important example of this phenomenon is the development of red blood cells from their unspecialized parent cells in bone marrow. For red blood cells to accumulate sufficient concentrations of hemoglobin (which transports oxygen) to carry out their main function, the cells’ parent cells must simultaneously produce more of the constituent proteins of hemoglobin and less of most other proteins. To do this, the parent cells halt synthesis of non-hemoglobin mRNA’s in the nucleus and rapidly degrade copies of the non-hemoglobin mRNA’s remaining in the cytoplasm. Halting synthesis of mRNA alone would not affect the quantities of proteins synthesized by the mRNA’s still existing in the cytoplasm. Biologists now believe that most cells can regulate protein production most efficiently by varying both mRNA synthesis and degradation, as developing red cells do, rather than by just varying one or the other(又找不着指代什么了, sysnthesis and degraddation.).

还是一段一段的来吧,不然不明白呀 。
第一个表黑 gene encodes protain

先写下我对这个gene 到protain的过程,nucleotide 的gene's sequence was transcribed into mRNA. 然后,以这个mRNA为链, 通过ribosome将amino acide 连接就是成了一个protain.

第一段,基因怎么生成protein. 关键的论点是,控制了mRNA的多寡就是控制了一个cell 是不是在健康运转。
第二段,biologists发现,决定mRNA多寡取决于the rate of cell degrading the mRNA.
第三段,以red blood cell 为例子,证明cell can efficiently regulate the production of protein by synthesis and degradation of the mRNA.

整个文章大体上在说一个,一种对mRNA 和protein之间关系的认识。

错误 4 8

1. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing the
(A) influence of mRNA concentrations on the development of red blood cells
(B) role of the synthesis and degradation of mRNA in cell functioning
(C) mechanism by which genes are transcribed into mRNA
(D) differences in mRNA concentrations in cell nuclei and in the cytoplasm
(E) way in which mRNA synthesis contributes to the onset of diabetes

2. The passage suggests that a biologist who held the view described in the first sentence of the second paragraph would most probably also have believed which of the following?
(A) The rate of degradation of specific mRNA’s has little effect on protein concentrations.
(B) The rate of degradation of specific mRNA’s should be studied intensively.
(C) The rates of synthesis and degradation for any given mRNA are normally equal.
(D) Different mRNA’s undergo degradation at widely varying rates.
(E) Most mRNA’s degrade very rapidly.

3. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the second and third paragraphs of the passage?
(A) The second paragraph presents arguments in support of a new theory and the third paragraph presents arguments against that same theory.
(B) The second paragraph describes a traditional view and the third paragraph describes the view that has replaced it on the basis of recent investigations.
(C) The third paragraph describes a specific case of a phenomenon that is described generally in the second paragraph.
(D) The third paragraph describes an investigation that was undertaken to resolve problems raised by phenomena described in the second paragraph.
(E) Both paragraphs describe in detail specific examples of the phenomenon that is introduced in the first paragraph.

4. The accumulation of concentrations of hemoglobin in red blood cells is mentioned in the passage as an example of which of the following?
(A) The effectiveness of simultaneous variation of the rates of synthesis and degradation of mRNA
(B) The role of the ribosome in enabling a parent cell to develop properly into a more specialized form
(C) The importance of activating the genes for particular proteins at the correct moment
(D) The abnormal proliferation of a protein that threatens to make the cell cancerous
(E) The kind of evidence that biologists relied on for support of a view of mRNA synthesis that is now considered obsolete

5. To begin to control a disease caused by a protein deficiency, the passage suggests that a promising experimental treatment would be to administer a drug that would reduce
(A) only the degradation rate for the mRNA of the protein involved
(B) only the synthesis rate for the mRNA of the protein involved
(C) both the synthesis and degradation rates for the mRNA of the protein involved
(D) the incidence of errors in the transcription of mRNA’s from genetic nucleotide sequences
(E) the rate of activity of ribosomes in the cytoplasm of most cells

6. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the current view on the relationship between the synthesis and the degradation of mRNA in regulating protein synthesis?
(A) Biologists have recently become convinced that the ribosome controls the rates of synthesis and degradation of mRNA.
(B) There is no consensus among biologists as to the significance of mRNA degradation in regulating protein synthesis.
(C) The concept of mRNA degradation is so new that most biologists still believe that the vital role in protein regulation belongs to mRNA synthesis.
(D) Degradation of mRNA is now considered to be the key process and mRNA synthesis is no longer believed to play a significant role.
(E) Degradation of mRNA is now considered to be as important as mRNA synthesis has been, and still is, believed to be.

7. According to the passage, which of the following can happen when protein synthesis is not appropriately regulated?
(A) Diabetes can result from errors that occur when the ribosomes translate mRNA into protein.
(B) Cancer can result from an excess of certain proteins and diabetes can result from an insulin deficiency.
(C) A deficiency of red blood cells can occur if bone marrow cells produce too much hemoglobin.
(D) Cancer can be caused by excessively rapid degradation of certain amino acids in the cytoplasm of cells.
(E) Excessive synthesis of one protein can trigger increased degradation of mRNA’s for other proteins and create severe protein imbalances.

8. The passage suggests that a biologist who detected high levels of two proteins in a certain type of cell would be likely to consider which of the following as a possible explanation?
(A) The rate of mRNA degradation for one of the proteins increases as this type of cell develops a more specialized function.
(B) The two proteins are most likely constituents of a complex substance supporting the cells’ specialized function.
(C) The cells are likely to proliferate abnormally and possibly become cancerous due to the levels of these proteins.
(D) The mRNA’s for both proteins are being degraded at a low rate in that type of cell.
(E) The mRNA’s for the two proteins are being synthesized at identical rates in that type of cell.
8 我不确定是C但是别的都是错误的,protein多,可能是 synthesis 高,也可能是degradate ,不确定性很大。
好吧,想想red blood cell 的例子,里面就是有一种protein 的含量很多
an excess of certain proteins can cause cells to proliferate abnormally
我又把这句话搬过来,看看人家说的可是cell proliferate abnormally引起cancer,人家可没有说protein 很多会引起cancer .

Protein synthesis begins when the gene encoding a protein is activated. The gene’s sequence of nucleotides is transcribed into a molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA), which reproduces the information contained in that sequence. Transported outside the nucleus to the cytoplasm, the mRNA is translated into the protein it encodes by an organelle known as a ribosome, which strings together amino acids in the order specified by the sequence of elements in the mRNA molecule. Since the amount of mRNA in a cell determines the amount of the corresponding protein, factors affecting the abundance of mRNA’s play a major part in the normal functioning of a cell by appropriately regulating protein synthesis. For example, an excess of certain proteins can cause cells to proliferate abnormally and become cancerous; a lack of the protein insulin results in diabetes.

Biologists once assumed that the variable rates at which cells synthesize different mRNA’s determine the quantities of mRNA’s and their corresponding proteins in a cell. However, recent investigations have shown that the concentrations of most mRNA’s correlate best, not with their synthesis rate, but rather with the equally variable rates at which cells degrade the different mRNA’s in their cytoplasm. If a cell degrades both a rapidly and a slowly synthesized mRNA slowly, both mRNA’s will accumulate to high levels.

An important example of this phenomenon is the development of red blood cells from their unspecialized parent cells in bone marrow (bone marrow: n. 骨髓). For red blood cells to accumulate sufficient concentrations of hemoglobin (hemoglobin: n.血色素)(which transports oxygen) to carry out their main function, the cells’ parent cells must simultaneously produce more of the constituent proteins of hemoglobin and less of most other proteins. To do this, the parent cells halt synthesis of non-hemoglobin mRNA’s in the nucleus and rapidly degrade copies of the non-hemoglobin mRNA’s remaining in the cytoplasm. Halting synthesis of mRNA alone would not affect the quantities of proteins synthesized by the mRNA’s still existing in the cytoplasm. Biologists now believe that most cells can regulate protein production most efficiently by varying both mRNA synthesis and degradation, as developing red cells do, rather than by just varying one or the other.

1.The passage is primarily concerned with discussing the

(A) influence of mRNA concentrations on the development of red blood cells

(B) role of the synthesis and degradation of mRNA in cell functioning

(C) mechanism by which genes are transcribed into mRNA

(D) differences in mRNA concentrations in cell nuclei and in the cytoplasmB

(E) way in which mRNA synthesis contributes to the onset of diabetes

2.The passage suggests that a biologist who held the view described in the first sentence of the second paragraph would most probably also have believed which of the following?

(A) The rate of degradation of specific mRNA’s has little effect on protein concentrations.

(B) The rate of degradation of specific mRNA’s should be studied intensively.

(C) The rates of synthesis and degradation for any given mRNA are normally equal.

(D) Different mRNA’s undergo degradation at widely varying rates.A

(E) Most mRNA’s degrade very rapidly.

3.Which of the following best describes the relationship between the second and third paragraphs of the passage?

(A) The second paragraph presents arguments in support of a new theory and the third paragraph presents arguments against that same theory.

(B) The second paragraph describes a traditional view and the third paragraph describes the view that has replaced it on the basis of recent investigations.

(C) The third paragraph describes a specific case of a phenomenon that is described generally in the second paragraph.

(D) The third paragraph describes an investigation that was undertaken to resolve problems raised by phenomena described in the second paragraph.C

(E) Both paragraphs describe in detail specific examples of the phenomenon that is introduced in the first paragraph.

4.The accumulation of concentrations of hemoglobin in red blood cells is mentioned in the passage as an example of which of the following?

(A) The effectiveness of simultaneous variation of the rates of synthesis and degradation of mRNA

(B) The role of the ribosome in enabling a parent cell to develop properly into a more specialized form

(C) The importance of activating the genes for particular proteins at the correct moment

(D) The abnormal proliferation of a protein that threatens to make the cell cancerousA

(E) The kind of evidence that biologists relied on for support of a view of mRNA synthesis that is now considered obsolete

5.To begin to control a disease caused by a protein deficiency, the passage suggests that a promising experimental treatment would be to administer a drug that would reduce

(A) only the degradation rate for the mRNA of the protein involved

(B) only the synthesis rate for the mRNA of the protein involved

(C) both the synthesis and degradation rates for the mRNA of the protein involved

(D) the incidence of errors in the transcription of mRNA’s from genetic nucleotide sequencesA

(E) the rate of activity of ribosomes in the cytoplasm of most cells

6.According to the passage, which of the following best describes the current view on the relationship between the synthesis and the degradation of mRNA in regulating protein synthesis?

(A) Biologists have recently become convinced that the ribosome controls the rates of synthesis and degradation of mRNA.

(B) There is no consensus among biologists as to the significance of mRNA degradation in regulating protein synthesis.

(C) The concept of mRNA degradation is so new that most biologists still believe that the vital role in protein regulation belongs to mRNA synthesis.

(D) Degradation of mRNA is now considered to be the key process and mRNA synthesis is no longer believed to play a significant role.E

(E) Degradation of mRNA is now considered to be as important as mRNA synthesis has been, and still is, believed to be.

7.According to the passage, which of the following can happen when protein synthesis is not appropriately regulated?

(A) Diabetes can result from errors that occur when the ribosomes translate mRNA into protein.

(B) Cancer can result from an excess of certain proteins and diabetes can result from an insulin deficiency.

(C) A deficiency of red blood cells can occur if bone marrow cells produce too much hemoglobin.

(D) Cancer can be caused by excessively rapid degradation of certain amino acids in the cytoplasm of cells.B

(E) Excessive synthesis of one protein can trigger increased degradation of mRNA’s for other proteins and create severe protein imbalances.

8.The passage suggests that a biologist who detected high levels of two proteins in a certain type of cell would be likely to consider which of the following as a possible explanation?

(A) The rate of mRNA degradation for one of the proteins increases as this type of cell develops a more specialized function.

(B) The two proteins are most likely constituents of a complex substance supporting the cells’ specialized function.

(C) The cells are likely to proliferate abnormally and possibly become cancerous due to the levels of these proteins.

(D) The mRNA’s for both proteins are being degraded at a low rate in that type of cell.D

(E) The mRNA’s for the two proteins are being synthesized at identical rates in that type of cell.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 17:00:42 | 只看该作者
As the economic role of multinational, global corporations expands, the international economic environment will be shaped increasingly not by governments or international institutions, but by the interaction between governments and global corporations, especially in the United States, Europe, and Japan. A significant factorin this shifting world economy is the trend toward regional trading blocs of nations, which has a potentially large effect on the evolution of the world trading system. Two examples of this trend are the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Europe 1992, the move by the European Community (EC) to dismantle impediments to the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labor among member states by the end of 1992. However, although numerous political and economic factors were operative in launching the move to integrate the EC’s markets, concern about protectionism within the EC does not appear to have been a major consideration. This is in sharp contrast to the FTA; the overwhelming reason for that bilateral initiative was fear of increasing United States protectionism(这个原因是不是很搞笑呢?). Nonetheless, although markedly different in origin and nature, both regional developments are highly significant in that they will foster integration in the two largest and richest markets of the world, as well as provoke questions about the future direction of the world trading system.


文章开头的逻辑是 经济的全球扩张,国际经济环境就是政府和跨国公司的interaction 来决定的。而区域经济是造成目前世界经济局势的一个重要原因。尽管FTA和EC成立的原因不一样,但是他们促进了世界上最富有的两个市场的统一。同时,也提出了问题,及世界贸易体系未来该如何发展。

开始 我看不同开头的逻辑,不知道这文章说什么。现在想想,这篇excerpt 强调的是, regional trading blocs of nations 是什么,它的主要作用。

1. The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is to
(A) describe an initiative and propose its continuance
(B) chronicle a development and illustrate its inconsistencies
(C) identify a trend and suggest its importance
(D) summarize a process and question its significance
(E) report a phenomenon and outline its probable future

2. According to the passage, all of the following are elements of the shifting world economy EXCEPT
(A) an alteration in the role played by governments
(B) an increase in interaction between national governments and international regulatory institutions
(C) an increase in the formation of multinational trading alliances
(D) an increase in integration in the two richest markets of the world
(E) a fear of increasing United States protectionism
the shifting world economy 等多应该是融合,而不是过去的那种government control, 所以B

3. The passage suggests which of the following about global corporations?
(A) Their continued growth depends on the existence of a fully integrated international market.
(B) Their potential effect on the world market is a matter of ongoing concern to international institutions.
(C) They will have to assume quasi-governmental functions if current economic trends continue.
(D) They have provided a model of economic success for regional trading blocs.
(E) Their influence on world economics will continue to increase.
E 这个怎么说呢,在文章里没有。倒是看到最后一句话了吗。 Regional trading bloc provoking the questions ...
再来一句吧,regional trading blocs are one form of economic globalization. 这个东西都是经济学里面的知识了,我读着文章像是说道这个意思,但是不是很明确。

4. According to the passage, one similarity between the FTA and Europe 1992 is that they both
(A) overcame concerns about the role of politics in the shifting world economy
(B) originated out of concern over unfair trade practices by other nations
(C) exemplify a trend toward regionalization of commercial markets
(D) place the economic needs of the trading bloc ahead of those of the member nations
(E) help to ensure the continued economic viability of the world community

5. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the European Community prior to the adoption of the Europe 1992 program?
(A) There were restrictions on commerce between the member nations.
(B) The economic policies of the member nations focused on global trading issues.
(C) There were few impediments to trade between the member nations and the United States.
(D) The flow of goods between the member nations and Canada was insignificant.
(E) Relations between multinational corporations and the governments of the member nations were strained.

6. The author discusses the FTA and Europe 1992 most likely in order to
(A) point out the similarities between two seemingly disparate trading alliances
(B) illustrate how different economic motivations produce different types of trading blocs
(C) provide contrasting examples of a trend that is influencing the world economy
(D) identify the most important characteristics of successful economic integration
(E) trace the history of regional trading blocs

7. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
(A) An argument is put forth and evidence for and against it given.
(B) An assertion is made and opposing evidence presented.
(C) Two hypotheses are described and shown to inconsistent with one another.
(D) A phenomenon is identified and illustrations of this phenomenon offered.
(E) A specific case of a phenomenon is discussed a generalization drawn.

As the economic role of multinational, global corporations expands, the international economic environment will be shaped increasingly not by governments or international institutions, but by the interaction between governments and global corporations, especially in the United States, Europe, and Japan. A significant factor in this shifting world economy is the trend toward regional trading blocs of nations, which has a potentially large effect on the evolution of the world trading system. Two examples of this trend are the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Europe 1992, the move by the European Community (EC) to dismantle impediments to the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labor among member states by the end of 1992. However, although numerous political and economic factors were operative in launching the move to integrate the EC’s markets, concern about protectionism within the EC does not appear to have been a major consideration. This is in sharp contrast to the FTA; the overwhelming reason for that bilateral initiative was fear of increasing United States protectionism. Nonetheless, although markedly different in origin and nature, both regional developments are highly significant in that they will foster integration in the two largest and richest markets of the world, as well as provoke questions about the future direction of the world trading system.

1.The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is to

(A) describe an initiative and propose its continuance

(B) chronicle a development and illustrate its inconsistencies

(C) identify a trend and suggest its importance

(D) summarize a process and question its significanceC

(E) report a phenomenon and outline its probable future

2.According to the passage, all of the following are elements of the shifting world economy EXCEPT

(A) an alteration in the role played by governments

(B) an increase in interaction between national governments and international regulatory institutions

(C) an increase in the formation of multinational trading alliances

(D) an increase in integration in the two richest markets of the worldB

(E) a fear of increasing United States protectionism

3.The passage suggests which of the following about global corporations?

(A) Their continued growth depends on the existence of a fully integrated international market.

(B) Their potential effect on the world market is a matter of ongoing concern to international institutions.

(C) They will have to assume quasi-governmental functions if current economic trends continue.

(D) They have provided a model of economic success for regional trading blocs.E

(E) Their influence on world economics will continue to increase.

4.According to the passage, one similarity between the FTA and Europe 1992 is that they both

(A) overcame concerns about the role of politics in the shifting world economy

(B) originated out of concern over unfair trade practices by other nations

(C) exemplify a trend toward regionalization of commercial markets

(D) place the economic needs of the trading bloc ahead of those of the member nationsC

(E) help to ensure the continued economic viability of the world community

5.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the European Community prior to the adoption of the Europe 1992 program?

(A) There were restrictions on commerce between the member nations.

(B) The economic policies of the member nations focused on global trading issues.

(C) There were few impediments to trade between the member nations and the United States.

(D) The flow of goods between the member nations and Canada was insignificant.A

(E) Relations between multinational corporations and the governments of the member nations were strained.

6.The author discusses the FTA and Europe 1992 most likely in order to

(A) point out the similarities between two seemingly disparate trading alliances

(B) illustrate how different economic motivations produce different types of trading blocs

(C) provide contrasting examples of a trend that is influencing the world economy

(D) identify the most important characteristics of successful economic integrationC

(E) trace the history of regional trading blocs

7.Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

(A) An argument is put forth and evidence for and against it given.

(B) An assertion is made and opposing evidence presented.

(C) Two hypotheses are described and shown to inconsistent with one another.

(D) A phenomenon is identified and illustrations of this phenomenon offered.D
(E) A specific case of a phenomenon is discussed a generalization drawn.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-21 17:35:05 | 只看该作者
In Forces of Production, David Noble examines the transformation of the machine-tool industry as the industry moved from reliance on skilled artisans to automation. Noble writes from a Marxist perspective, and his central argument is that management, in its decisions to automate, conspired against labor: the power that the skilled machinists wielded in the industry was intolerable to management. Noble fails to substantiate this claim, although(刚才就是看丢了整个逻辑链就错了)his argument is impressive when he applies the Marxist concept of “de-skilling”—the use of technology to replace skilled labor—to the automation of the machine-tool industry. In automating, the industry moved to computer-based, digitized “numerical-control” (N/C) technology, rather than to artisan-generated “record-playback” (R/P) technology.
Although both systems reduced reliance on skilled labor, Noble clearly prefers R/P, with its inherent acknowledgment of workers’ skills: unlike N/C, its programs were produced not by engineers at their computers, but by skilled machinists, who recorded their own movements to “teach” machines to duplicate those movements. However, Noble’s only evidence of conspiracy is that, although the two approaches were roughly equal in technical merit, management chose N/C. From this he concludes that automation is undertaken not because efficiency demands it or scientific advances allow it, but because it is a tool in the ceaseless war of capitalists against labor.

force of production,

第一段,Noble 认为管理正在谋害工人。他用De-skilling 解释automation of the machine-tool industry让人印象深刻。
第二段,Noble 认为,因为管理者选择NC,没有选择RC,所以他们就是在谋害,所以这种自动化过程就是资本家对付劳动者的一种武器。

错误 5 6
6 不明白是什么意思,题干都没有懂。。

1. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with
(A) reexamining a political position and defending its validity
(B) examining a management decision and defending its necessity
(C) analyzing a scholarly study and pointing out a central weakness
(D) explaining a trend in automation and warning about its dangers
(E) chronicling the history of an industry and criticizing its development

2. According to information in the passage, the term “de-skilling” refers to the
(A) loss of skills to industry when skilled workers are replaced by unskilled laborers
(B) substitution of mechanized processes for labor formerly performed by skilled workers
(C) labor theory that automation is technologically comparable to skilled labor
(D) process by which skilled machinists “teach” machines to perform certain tasks
(E) exclusion of skilled workers from participation in the development of automated technology

3. Which of the following best characterizes the function of the second paragraph of the passage?
(A) It develops a topic introduced in the first paragraph.
(B) It provides evidence to refute a claim presented in the first paragraph.
(C) It gives examples of a phenomenon mentioned in the first paragraph.
(D) It presents a generalization about examples given in the first paragraph.
(E) It suggests two possible solutions to a problem presented in the first paragraph.

4. The passage suggests which of the following about N/C automation in the machine-tool industry?
(A) It displaced fewer skilled workers than R/P automation did.
(B) It could have been implemented either by experienced machinists or by computer engineers.
(C) It was designed without the active involvement skilled machinists.
(D) It was more difficult to design than R/P automation was.
(E) It was technically superior to R/P automation.

5. Which of the following phrases most clearly reveals the attitude of the author of the passage toward Noble’s central argument?
(A) “conspired against” (line 6)
(B) “intolerable to management” (line 7)
(C) “impressive when he applies the Marxist concept” (line 9)
(D) “clearly prefers” (line 16)
(E) “only evidence of conspiracy” (line 21)
only 一出,表示author认为 Noble 根本没有证据能证明自己的观点。

6. The author of the passage commends Noble’s book for which of the following?
(A) Concentrating on skilled as opposed to unskilled workers in its discussion of the machine-tool industry
(B) Offering a generalization about the motives behind the machine-tool industry’s decision to automate
(C) Making an essential distinction between two kinds of technology employed in the machine-tool industry
(D) Calling into question the notion that managers conspired against labor in the automation of the machine-tool industry
(E) Applying the concept of de-skilling to the machine tool industry
这个不会 题干asks for one reason?

7. Which of the following best characterizes Forces of Production as it is described in the passage?
(A) A comparison of two interpretations of how a particular industry evolved
(B) An examination of the origin of a particular concept in industrial economics
(C) A study that points out the weakness of a particular interpretation of an industrial phenomenon
(D) A history of a particular industry from an ideological point of view
(E) An attempt to relate an industrial phenomenon in one industry to a similar phenomenon in another industry
我今天是对history 这个词的意思发生根本改观了。对了呀。

In Forces of Production, David Noble examines the transformation of the machine-tool industry as the industry moved from reliance on skilled artisans to automation. Noble writes from a Marxist perspective, and his central argument is that management, in its decisions to automate, conspired against labor: the power that the skilled machinists wielded in the industry was intolerable to management. Noble fails to substantiate this claim, although his argument is impressive when he applies the Marxist concept of “de-skilling”—the use of technology to replace skilled labor—to the automation of the machine-tool industry. In automating, the industry moved to computer-based, digitized “numerical-control” (N/C) technology, rather than to artisan-generated “record-playback” (R/P) technology.

Although both systems reduced reliance on skilled labor, Noble clearly prefers R/P, with its inherent acknowledgment of workers’ skills: unlike N/C, its programs were produced not by engineers at their computers, but by skilled machinists, who recorded their own movements to “teach” machines to duplicate those movements. However, Noble’s only evidence of conspiracy is that, although the two approaches were roughly equal in technical merit, management chose N/C. From this he concludes that automation is undertaken not because efficiency demands it or scientific advances allow it, but because it is a tool in the ceaseless war of capitalists against labor.

1.The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) reexamining a political position and defending its validity

(B) examining a management decision and defending its necessity

(C) analyzing a scholarly study and pointing out a central weakness

(D) explaining a trend in automation and warning about its dangersC

(E) chronicling the history of an industry and criticizing its development

2.According to information in the passage, the term “de-skilling” refers to the

(A) loss of skills to industry when skilled workers are replaced by unskilled laborers

(B) substitution of mechanized processes for labor formerly performed by skilled workers

(C) labor theory that automation is technologically comparable to skilled labor

(D) process by which skilled machinists “teach” machines to perform certain tasksB

(E) exclusion of skilled workers from participation in the development of automated technology

3.Which of the following best characterizes the function of the second paragraph of the passage?

(A) It develops a topic introduced in the first paragraph.

(B) It provides evidence to refute a claim presented in the first paragraph.

(C) It gives examples of a phenomenon mentioned in the first paragraph.

(D) It presents a generalization about examples given in the first paragraph.A

(E) It suggests two possible solutions to a problem presented in the first paragraph.

4.The passage suggests which of the following about N/C automation in the machine-tool industry?

(A) It displaced fewer skilled workers than R/P automation did.

(B) It could have been implemented either by experienced machinists or by computer engineers.

(C) It was designed without the active involvement skilled machinists.

(D) It was more difficult to design than R/P automation was.C

(E) It was technically superior to R/P automation.

5.Which of the following phrases most clearly reveals the attitude of the author of the passage toward Noble’s central argument?

(A) “conspired against” (line 6)

(B) “intolerable to management” (line 7)

(C) “impressive when he applies the Marxist concept” (line 9)

(D) “clearly prefers” (line 16)E

(E) “only evidence of conspiracy” (line 21)

6.The author of the passage commends Noble’s book for which of the following?Q我觉得应该是D

(A) Concentrating on skilled as opposed to unskilled workers in its discussion of the machine-tool industry

(B) Offering a generalization about the motives behind the machine-tool industry’s decision to automate

(C) Making an essential distinction between two kinds of technology employed in the machine-tool industry

(D) Calling into question the notion that managers conspired against labor in the automation of the machine-tool industryE

(E) Applying the concept of de-skilling to the machine tool industry

7.Which of the following best characterizes Forces of Production as it is described in the passage?

(A) A comparison of two interpretations of how a particular industry evolved

(B) An examination of the origin of a particular concept in industrial economics

(C) A study that points out the weakness of a particular interpretation of an industrial phenomenon

(D) A history of a particular industry from an ideological point of viewD

(E) An attempt to relate an industrial phenomenon in one industry to a similar phenomenon in another industry

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