· False information provided by different agent. · Confusions about Fulltime and Coop program. · Several misunderstandings: o If applying fulltime, there will be no interview. o Co-op requires minimum 1 year of work experience and internship counts. o If apply full time through agency, admission is guaranteed. · GMAT minimum score varies from different agents.
学校已经派专人负责China Recruiting方面与大家的沟通和交流。学校Recruiting 办公室 Steve Walker 先生的回复如下:
With regards to admission requirements to the DeGroote MBA we do look at all applications as a whole, so in some cases if an applicant has a slightly lower mark or score it can be helped with a higher mark or score (GPA and GMAT) and strong work experience. Some of the mandatory requirements include one year of full time relevant work experience after graduation, the GMAT exam, and a four year degree. We also interview all international applicants to our full-time and Co-op programs if they meet our academic requirements. Co-op applicants would be required to be successful in a second interview. As for the full time and the Co-op program academically they are the same program. Full time students do have access to our Centre for Business Career Development who will help finding summer internship placements and placements upon graduation. Please also always remember Co-op placements are not guaranteed. Finally, admission is not guaranteed to anyone, not even if you are applying through an agency.
Thinking of an MBA? The DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University has earned a strong reputation as Canada's premier Co-op MBA school, providing our students with a competitive advantage. On Feb 27th, The DeGroote MBA recruiting team will be on hand to answer questions and help you with your MBA application.
时间:2013年2月27号晚 18:00 - 20:00 地点:上海和平饭店Salon 1929(酒店8楼), 南京东路20号, 酒店电话:021 63216888 参与人: Steve Walker(Recruiting Officer), Tommy Xu(Alumni)