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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-13 21:54:38 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-13 22:48:28 | 只看该作者
TPO9 综合写作

As the passage casts three major problems of using the internal-combustion engine, calling for a replacement engine source-the fuel-cell engine. Though the professor admits the existence of those problems, she asserts that hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine is not the very solution.

Firstly, the listening material holds a conflicting idea with the reading, by pointing out that water, which is mentioned in the passage as a resource, is not as useful as it might sound. This is because producing the new chemical energy needs a pure liquid environment, and this makes it difficult to produce and store. Plus, a cold condition, such as a temperature below 200 and more celces(Celsius) is also essential for making the alternative source of energy. Thus, this kind of new energy is not substanable(sustainable) in practice. In this way, the initial problem is refuted.

In the second place, while the writer claims the hydrogen-based energy is helpful to solve air pollution, the speaker mentions another point to reject that idea. According to the professor, to produce the hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine will definitely lead to large amount of energy emitted by burning coal. So she makes an assume that even if the engine is less polluted to the environment, those factories which produce hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine will have a detrimental influence to our society. Thus, this hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine is not convinced to be environmental-friendly.

Ultimately, the last viewpoint made by the lecturer is that using the hydrogen-based energy is not cost-saving as the author says. Opposite to the standpoint in the reading material, building such kind of engine requires some rare expensive metals, and furthermore causes the climate reaction. Therefore, in her opinion, the fancy of producing a fuel-cell engine is unsuccessful.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-13 23:07:34 | 只看该作者

  1. 不难发现,我们打字的时候受大写字母的约束非常大,比如大家尝试打一下I go to school today和I GO TO SCHOOL TODAY(请不要开Caps Lock),速度差多少呢?而,我们写作时候,又不可避免的要打大写字母,特别是argument中一些专有名词。
  二,超过三个的大写字母,用Caps Lock,比一下一下按shift快得多。
  2. 标点符号加速,首先明确英文中常用的几个标点符号在键盘哪个地方。比如逗号,分号,句号,感叹号,等等。再进行一些专项练习(一般来说,逗号和句号大家都没有什么问题,但分号,问号,感叹号,冒号等等,是需要多练习的)另外,由于这些标点符号都在无名指和小指的范围内,所以,请参照下面一点。
  3. 小指打字加速,前面说我们打字要追求匀速,我们的小指(有时候还包括无名指)往往是最慢的,严重影响我们的速度(特别是打标点的时候)。这是因为小指本来反应就慢,要照顾的范围又特别大……小指的专项训练也是重要的。还有一个trick,其实我们打回车,用小指可能找不准,此时,还不如用食指去按,因为回车在一篇文章中还是很少的:)
  这个问题基本上可以分为两类,第一类是那些原本就容易拼错的单词,比如temporize(有人习惯拼成temperize)。这类错误的解决还是比较简单的,有一些书对这种词语做出了很好的总结(比如著名的The Element of Style),当然这些总结可能并不一定适合你,所以你也有必要在平时练习的时候,就注意这些自己容易拼错的词语。一个很简洁的发现这类错误的办法,是利用word的拼写检查。(虽然word的语法检查几乎是一无是处,它的拼写检查还是不错的,不过仍然有词库偏小的毛病,而且有些派生词它不认)这类错误基本上与机考是没有多大关系的,因此不是本文讨论重点。(背单词要背准确啊!不可以看一眼觉得认识就pass掉……)
  一、 两个字母顺序倒转,一些typical的例子是把main打成mian,还有form和from打错等。仔细研究下容易打错的词语,就可以发现,最容易错的是两个字母分别要用左右手打的时候(比如main中的a和i)。这是什么原因呢?其实是双手缺乏协调,按键速度不一致造成的。这种错误可以用后文将提到的打字习惯训练解决。
  二、 多打字母,比如把impose打成imposwe,这个问题根本上是因为对键位不熟悉而产生的,手指头不听使唤,想打e的时候,却按到了e和w之间,结果两个字母同时出现在屏幕上。这种错误解决的方法是多练习盲打,特别是单个字母的练习(可以用后文要提到的软件)
  三、 少打字母,比如把contemporary打成contempoary,这是因为,打字的时候按键轻重程度不统一,有时重,有时轻,所以有时候就不能正确的把字母打出来。解决方法同样见后文打字习惯的培养。
  强烈推荐金山打字通2003!它有一个非常不错的功能就是,可以打六级单词,还有各专业方面的文章,这对我们太有帮助了!还有打字游戏可以选择,推荐警察抓小偷。金山打字通这个软件设计得真的很好,使我这篇文章的价值大减,所以才把这个软件放在这么后面写,呵呵。大家就按照那个软件练吧,不出一个星期,你的English Typing肯定会有质变的。不过说到底,打字还是一个积累的过程,我现在打字快也是因为我打了多的缘故,这篇文章只是给大家一些提示罢了,无他……
(Tips:今天看到花儿的提高打字速度的训练很不错,就是每天25min的训练打一篇范文,可以借鉴。既能够联系打字速度,又能够学习到好的language point~鸟儿姐姐提供的方案是听写SSS,现在我的一篇听写听+写+校对一般是刚刚控制在30min左右,可以通过练习提高一下打字速度。)
发表于 2012-4-14 00:15:24 | 只看该作者
4月13日 独立写作

It is a common phenomenon that countries are attaching considerable importance to cultivating young people in many aspects, indicating the raising status of youngsters in society. But here comes a question, do young people at present time have something to do with making decisions that determine the future of the society? I don't think young people are playing a major role in deciding the future society for the following reasons.

Primarily, we young age are considered not mature enough to dominate the whole society. Dependent and unexperienced most youths are, to some extent, the young in the contemporary age are able to make right decisions either on economy development or social security, not to mention the diploma affairs. Take a general glance at our leaders and major officials, they are both well-educated and quite experienced in dealing with varities(varieties) of matters. Though there exists a few extraodinary people stepping into political circles at a very young age, say the newspaper and radios. However, we could not deny that, it is vital for them to learn from elder ones when handling some tough matters. Meanwhile, immaturity and hesitation when making decisions really appears along with their policies published. In conclusion, young people are of great significance in equipping themselves with knowledge and experience in order to regulate or have obvious influence on the society in the future, but not at present time.

Subsequently, though a large population young people occupy, that does not mean a huge proportion of the whole population in the country. That is to say, what young people think and do do not usually make changes, let alone making decisions on the overall society. As a matter of fact, young people in the modern society, are influential in a couple of aspects. Let's turn our focus on the "post 90th" generation, as a newly and totally unique young generation, what they do often be posed at the heart of public concentration. Apart from some young talents, when the juvenile crimes, for example a top college student killed a pedstrain(pedestrian) after his car crashed the passerby injured; as well as some showing-rich behaviors turning out constantly, they demonstrated that what many youths behave are detrimental to the construction of our society. Now that juveniles are not well behaved on their personal affairs, never could we count on young people influencing the whole society for future development.

Admittedly, the young generations, as they play an increasing active part in our society, do have their own attractions and influence. Here comes a word made by Liang Qichao, a Chinese philosopher and literatuer(litterateur), that a stronger China depended on a strong generation of youngsters. But, young people, who are not mature or experienced to make considerate decisions on society, are still not powerful enough to have tremendous influence on determining future society.
-- by 会员 晨依Jacqueline (2012/4/13 17:51:33)

Primarily, weyoung age are considerednot mature enough to dominate the whole society. Dependent and uninexperiencedmost youths are, to some extent, the young in the contemporary age are not able to make right decisions on the diplomaaffairs, notto mention eithereconomy development or social security (轻重关系递进). Take ageneral glance at our leaders and major officials. They are both well-educated and quiteexperienced in dealing with varieties of matters. Though there exists a few extraordinary peoplestepping into political circles at a very young age, say the newspaperand radios (有何关系?). However, we could notdeny that, it is vital for them to learn from elder ones when handling sometough matters. Meanwhile, immaturity and hesitation when making decisionsreally appears along with their policies published. In conclusion, young peopleare of great significance in equipping themselves with knowledge and experiencein order to regulate (regulate the society? 说不通啊,亲,你要表达啥?) promote the social progress or have obviousinfluence on the society in the future, but not at present time.

Subsequently, though a large population youngpeople occupy, that (/it) does not mean a huge proportion of the whole population inthe country. That is to say, what young people think and do does not usuallymake changes, let alone making decisions on the overall society. As a matter offact, young people in the modern society, are influential([正面]影响力的,词义要选当) have bad fame in a couple ofaspects. Let's turn our focus on the "post 90th" generation, as a newly andtotally unique young generation,. what they do are often be posed at the heart of public concentration. Apart from someyoung talents(直接说负面的), When thejuvenile crimes, for example a top college student killed a pedestrian afterhis car crashed into him the passerby injured (撞后才受伤,injured这样用表示撞上了一个受伤的路人,这哥们真够惨的 = =!);, as well assome showing-rich behaviors show up turning out constantly, they demonstrated that what many youths’ behavior behave(behave没有这样用的,做Vt.时,可以说behave ooneself) are detrimentalto the construction of our society. Now that juveniles do are not behaved well towards on their personalaffairs, never could we count on young people influencing the whole society forthe futuredevelopment.

Admittedly, the young generations, as they play anincreasing active part in our society, do have their own attractions andinfluence. Here comes a word made by Liang Qichao, a Chinese philosopher and litterateur,that a stronger China dependsed on a strong generation of youngsters (亮点,Good!). But, young people, who are not mature or experienced tomake considerate decisions on our society, are still not powerful enough to have tremendousinfluence on determining the future society.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-14 14:28:03 | 只看该作者

 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-14 22:56:16 | 只看该作者
TPO10 综合写作
The passage sharply points out that pollution is more influential to the decline of sea otters than predators, while the professor holds a different view that the predation theory is the most possible cause.

The first reason the passage reveals is that industrial chemical pollution in the seawater led to infections or even deaths of sea otters. In contrast, the lecturer prefers to the opposite idea. She states, the pollution theory is weakened because sea otters are not found dead in along the Alaska coast. She also mentions that, if the sea is polluted by chemicals, it may start killing other sea animals, but the fact is not like this.

Secondly, the writer believes it is the pollution affecting the whole ecosystem that makes the population of sea otters descend, seals, sea lions and other sea mammals are included. However, according to the lecturer, the decreasing population of whales results from human huntings, not by the pollution. Hence, the predation theory is proved because the number of small sea animals, such as seals, sea lions and sea otters are all decreased owe to the predators hunting instead of pollution.

What's more, the predation theory is more convincing than the pollution theory, asserted by the speaker. To support her viewpoint, a third explanation is mentioned that predators have difficulties in reaching the shallow or rocky areas, similarly, no declined sea otters population is discovered in those areas. That evidence totally rejects the idea in the passage that pollution theory in the reading material.
发表于 2012-4-15 10:23:55 | 只看该作者
The passage sharply points out that pollution is more influential to the decline of sea otters than predators(在GMAT的语法中,more…than连接前后并列,sea otter predators 好像不是很对称吧), while the professor holds a different view that the predation theory is the most possible cause.(开头很powerful

The first reason the passage reveals is that industrial chemical pollution in the seawater led to
lead 是不是更能说明问题) infections or even deaths of sea otters. In contrast, the lecturer prefers to the opposite idea. She states, the pollution theory is weakened because sea otters are not found dead in along the Alaska coast. She also mentions that, if the sea is polluted by chemicals, it may start killing other sea animals, but the fact is not like this.

Secondly, the writer believes it is the pollution affecting the whole ecosystem that makes the population of sea otters descend, seals, sea lions and other sea mammals are included. However, according to the lecturer, the decreasing population of whales results from human
huntingshunting, not by the pollution. Hence, the predation theory is proved because the number of small sea animals, such as seals, sea lions and sea otters are all decreased owe to the predators hunting instead of pollution.

What's more, the predation theory is more convincing than the pollution theory, asserted by the speaker. To support her viewpoint, a third explanation is mentioned that predators have difficulties in reaching the shallow or rocky areas; similarly, no declined sea otters population is discovered in those areas. That evidence totally rejects the idea in the passage that pollution theory in the reading material.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-15 12:35:12 | 只看该作者
Several negative effects are raised in the passage to prove the severeness of the lacking reading of literature , on the opposite, the lecturer suggests a decrease of reading literature does not equal our culture has been ignored.

First of all, the author holds the idea that literature is of tremendous significance to public, taking stimulating creativity as an example. However, the speaker believes that varieties of other forms of culture such as science, history and political analysis are of high quality as well. So by no means could we consider the sharply decrease of literature reading as detrimental to our whole culture.

In the second place, while the point that people currently are spending less time on reading literature is made in the passage, the professor thinks that reason is not sufficient to support the culture decrease theory. As music and movies are considered as other forms of literature, no one could deny that listening to a brilliant song is a waste of time. Culture changes all the time, meaningly, enjoying a piece of music does not lower standard of culture in general.

Ultimately, it is not convincing to say that the trend of less reading of literature is mainly because of the readers' poor standards, according to the lecturer. What is concluded in the speech is that the literature work is difficult for readers to understand than previous time. Contrary to the passage, the lecturer argues less preference will readers at present time attach to modern literature.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-15 12:38:51 | 只看该作者
To Alex~
那个。。。我是写的pollution…than predator啊……不过我写的好像也不对
修改下:...that pollution (theory) is more influential to the decline of sea otters than (the predation theory is)....
发表于 2012-4-16 15:28:11 | 只看该作者

  1. 不难发现,我们打字的时候受大写字母的约束非常大,比如大家尝试打一下I go to school today和I GO TO SCHOOL TODAY(请不要开Caps Lock),速度差多少呢?而,我们写作时候,又不可避免的要打大写字母,特别是argument中一些专有名词。
  二,超过三个的大写字母,用Caps Lock,比一下一下按shift快得多。
  2. 标点符号加速,首先明确英文中常用的几个标点符号在键盘哪个地方。比如逗号,分号,句号,感叹号,等等。再进行一些专项练习(一般来说,逗号和句号大家都没有什么问题,但分号,问号,感叹号,冒号等等,是需要多练习的)另外,由于这些标点符号都在无名指和小指的范围内,所以,请参照下面一点。
  3. 小指打字加速,前面说我们打字要追求匀速,我们的小指(有时候还包括无名指)往往是最慢的,严重影响我们的速度(特别是打标点的时候)。这是因为小指本来反应就慢,要照顾的范围又特别大……小指的专项训练也是重要的。还有一个trick,其实我们打回车,用小指可能找不准,此时,还不如用食指去按,因为回车在一篇文章中还是很少的:)
  这个问题基本上可以分为两类,第一类是那些原本就容易拼错的单词,比如temporize(有人习惯拼成temperize)。这类错误的解决还是比较简单的,有一些书对这种词语做出了很好的总结(比如著名的The Element of Style),当然这些总结可能并不一定适合你,所以你也有必要在平时练习的时候,就注意这些自己容易拼错的词语。一个很简洁的发现这类错误的办法,是利用word的拼写检查。(虽然word的语法检查几乎是一无是处,它的拼写检查还是不错的,不过仍然有词库偏小的毛病,而且有些派生词它不认)这类错误基本上与机考是没有多大关系的,因此不是本文讨论重点。(背单词要背准确啊!不可以看一眼觉得认识就pass掉……)
  一、 两个字母顺序倒转,一些typical的例子是把main打成mian,还有form和from打错等。仔细研究下容易打错的词语,就可以发现,最容易错的是两个字母分别要用左右手打的时候(比如main中的a和i)。这是什么原因呢?其实是双手缺乏协调,按键速度不一致造成的。这种错误可以用后文将提到的打字习惯训练解决。
  二、 多打字母,比如把impose打成imposwe,这个问题根本上是因为对键位不熟悉而产生的,手指头不听使唤,想打e的时候,却按到了e和w之间,结果两个字母同时出现在屏幕上。这种错误解决的方法是多练习盲打,特别是单个字母的练习(可以用后文要提到的软件)
  三、 少打字母,比如把contemporary打成contempoary,这是因为,打字的时候按键轻重程度不统一,有时重,有时轻,所以有时候就不能正确的把字母打出来。解决方法同样见后文打字习惯的培养。
  强烈推荐金山打字通2003!它有一个非常不错的功能就是,可以打六级单词,还有各专业方面的文章,这对我们太有帮助了!还有打字游戏可以选择,推荐警察抓小偷。金山打字通这个软件设计得真的很好,使我这篇文章的价值大减,所以才把这个软件放在这么后面写,呵呵。大家就按照那个软件练吧,不出一个星期,你的English Typing肯定会有质变的。不过说到底,打字还是一个积累的过程,我现在打字快也是因为我打了多的缘故,这篇文章只是给大家一些提示罢了,无他……
(Tips:今天看到花儿的提高打字速度的训练很不错,就是每天25min的训练打一篇范文,可以借鉴。既能够联系打字速度,又能够学习到好的language point~鸟儿姐姐提供的方案是听写SSS,现在我的一篇听写听+写+校对一般是刚刚控制在30min左右,可以通过练习提高一下打字速度。)

-- by 会员 晨依Jacqueline (2012/4/13 23:07:34)


没关系,努力掌握之~ 技不压身嘛,打得快了以后工作也效率高。
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