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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-4】

发表于 2012-8-17 13:52:17 | 只看该作者
background:business firms need to recognize avoiding social responsibility lead to the gradual erosion of power
premise:if you want power,you must use responsibly well.
conclusion:a business wishes to retain its power if it can act responsibly
the relationship between the responsibly and power 难道真的是正比关系?
Bublic relations programs is irrevelent
background:USA export most of the solar-power to Europe.
premise:USA try to encourage use of solar power within the USA
conclusion:USA manufaccturers will significant production levels
background:the higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream,the better a person's lung function
premise:smokers' lung function is worse
conclusion:smokers increase lung function by eat foods that are rich in these helpful vitamins and minerals
选D 第二个不像是结论。。好吧 每次做这种题都不行


background:most of the world's supply of uranium come from mines,and the cost of extracting uranium from seawater is expensive

premie:the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can be reduced

conclusion:the method of obtainning uranium is wildely used

D (没感觉 一直在AD徘徊。。)
发表于 2012-8-21 21:41:41 | 只看该作者
2)BI: this law: long run, have power and not use, will lose the power.
P: the law is very applicable to the society.
C: business gotta act responsibly if it wants to retain its power.
3)besides act responsibly, there are other ways to retain the power.
4)E B
5)A. Range. We are discussing business firms, not gov institutions.
B. not weakening…
C. irrelevant comparison
D. does not make sense
E. Correct. Not very sure……….

2)BI: US productions go to Europe. E productions are going up and taking the E market. US making effort to increase local demand.
P: the increasing-demand program goes well and _________
C: US production levels are doing great.
3)US put a lot of effort marketing the thing in US.

2)BI: lung function, measured by air expel amount per sec. smokers’ lung, worse than nonsmokers.
P: higher v and m, better lungs.
C: smokers. Improve lung. Eat food rich in v and m.
3)damaged lungs do not interfere with the absorbing of the v and m.

3)1st. evidence, findings.
2nd. Conclusion based on the findings.

2)BI: U comes from mines. From sea is ok but pricy.
P: cost of sea-tracting is higher than market price
C: unless cost of sea-tracting is reduced, this method is not commercially good.
3)whether there is more U in the mine for people to extract.

发表于 2012-8-26 17:34:35 | 只看该作者
BG: business firm avoid social responsibility may lead to the erosion of power
Those do not use power that consider responsible will lose it
The implication of law confirmed by history
Premise: society will reduce power that consider irresponsible
Conclusion: business must act responsible if they want to retain their powers
推测:apart from act responsible, some other factor need to be followed by business, in order to retain power
A.    无关
B.    无关
C.    无关
D.    无关
E.correct. Not all the business that act responsible will retain its power
BG:US manufacture most of the solr power generators,most export to Europe
Europen mnufactuer emerge and will gain much of Europe market share
Premise: US government fund intiactive to encourage use of Solar P in US
Conclusion:If the intiactives succeed, US matian its production levels
推测:US has competivive advantages in US local market
A.    In this case,Us will decrese it s production levels
B.    无关
C.    Correct
D.    无关
E.    Shell game, if it is limited, the us govern will not need to fund intiactive
发表于 2012-8-29 21:50:05 | 只看该作者
1)    Time: 45’
2)    Background Information: Business communities will lose society power if they avoid using it.
Premises: Business wishes to retain its power.
Conclusion: Business should act responsibly.
3)    rephrase: Other ways to retain its power
4)    A-----irrelevant
个人觉得这是个充分必要条件的weaken: 背景是WRP的发生一定要AR,即AR是WRP的必要条件(necessary),需要weaken, 则可以论证AR时充分条件(sufficient)就行了,所以答案B就给出了这一weaken,即不必要,充分就行。
1)    Time: 28’
2)    Background Information: US experts SG to Euro. However, Euro. has its own SG. US makes some initiatives in US to increase national demand for SG.
Premises: Initiatives in US is successful.  
Conclusion: US maintain significant production levels.
3)    rephrase: US has advantage in SC
4)    A-----irrelevant
1)    Time: 30’
2)    remises: Smokers to improve lung functions
Conclusion: Increase their intake of foods rich in vitamins and minerals
3)    rephrase: Quit smoking, attack necessary
4)    A-----irrelevant
1)    Time: 52’
2)    remises: B1
Conclusion: B2
1)    Time: 22’
2)    Background Information: Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines.  It is possible to extract uranium from seawater, but the cost of doing so is greater than the price that uranium fetches on the world market.
Premises: until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced
Conclusion: this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.
3)    rephrase: Other methods  
4)    A-----right (攻击必要条件,提供充分条件)
发表于 2012-10-5 14:48:03 | 只看该作者


精炼46s weaken


BG:in the long run---power will lose--if not use it responsible as the society thinks

premise:retain its power as long as it wishes

conclusion:business act responsibility

if the responsible business lose because of responsibility when competing with competitors,the logic is wrong.


A irrelevant information,the question is talking about responsibility&power.

B correct

C incorrect.The irresponsible ones exist may due to the not long enough time.

D irrelevant information

E retain its power as long as it wishes is ignored.


1.36s FILL


BG:Europe manufacturers---emerging---solar-power generators'quantity exported to Europe decline

premise:initiatives --succeed to increase the domestic demand

Conclusion:U.S. maintains production level

because solar-power is not wide-spread used in U.S.


A irrelevant information  The question is talking about why initiatives lead to high production level.

B irrelevant information  If the solar power is developing fast,there is no need to discuss if this initiatives will be affectable.

C incorrect,the situation in Europe is good do not necessarily mean it will happen as the same in U.S.

D the same reason as choice C

E correct,because the market is limited,so it is easy to succeed in increasing the use of solar-power.


2.36s assumption

BG:certain vitamin in blood is high, the lung function is better

premise:smokers eat food containing rich certain vitamin

conclusion:their lung function will be better

assumption: only if the vitamin quantity in blood will significantly increase after digesting.


A weaken the argument

B This is reasonable,but not necessarily,because the question's goal is to be better,not being better than nonsmokers.

C irrelevant information,the question is talking about vitamin&lung function.

D irrelevant information,the reason is the same as choice C

E correct,this assumption ensures that vitamin will effect the lungs smoothly.


3.76s boldface

BG:certain comets--fragments--crush the Jupiter

premise:fragments--no sulfur,Jupiter outer space--has sulfur,and if fragments penetrate outerspace,sulfur will be taken

conclusion:fragments'size is large enough to pass through outer space without being burned up.


A the first is the support idea for the second part,the second part is the conclusion

B it is support,not weigh against

C it is support,not weigh against

D it's support

E correct

本题的总结:背景信息和支持结论的信息有时是有些相像的。 但是背景信息无法推出结论,而支持性信息可以。因此粗体字的第一部分不是背景,而是支持粗体字第二部分的。


premise:the cost of uranium from seawater reduced

conclusion:this method is commercially viable

uranium from mine is vast


A This is useful

B irrelevant,nothing to do with the topic

C The topic is cost decline---->seawater method commercially viable,it is not related to technology for it does not necessarily mean the cost will decline.

D irrelevant,the question is about cost and commercial viable,it has nothing to do with the total amount.

E special case.This is not convincing.
发表于 2012-10-5 15:43:33 | 只看该作者
The spacing of the four holes on a fragment of a bone flute excavated at a Neanderthal campsite is just what is required to play the third through sixth notes of the diatonic scale—the seven-note musical scale used in much of Western music since the Renaissance. Musicologists therefore hypothesize that the diatonic musical scale was developed and used thousands of years before it was adopted by Western musicians.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the hypothesis?

(E) The cave-bear leg bone used to make the Neanderthal flute would have been long enough to make a flute capable of playing a complete diatonic scale.

(B) No musical instrument that is known to have used a diatonic scale is of an earlier date than the flute found at the Neanderthal campsite.(OG的解释:This also weakens the hypothesis, because it states that there is no known evidence of a certain type that would support the hypothesis.)

从这个解释可以推出OG认为No musical instrument that is known应该直接去理解而不是间接的去推测,即应该直接理解is very limited.所以美国太阳能那题E错在起了weaken的作用
发表于 2012-10-14 15:04:52 | 只看该作者
Speaker:avoiding social responsibilityleads to the gradual erosion of power. Therefore, abusiness that wishes to retain its power as longas it can must act responsibly.
(A) Government institutions are as subject to the Iron Law of Responsibility as businessinstitutions.---------irrelevant
(B) Public relations programs can cause society to consider an institution socially responsible even when it is not.-------weaken
(C) The power of some institutions erodes more slowly than the power of others, whether they are socially responsible or not.-------irrelevant
(D) Since no institution is eternal, every business will eventually fail.--------irrelevant
(E) Some businesses that have used power in socially responsible ways have lost it.-------some not all and in this topic the author say"as long as",not enough
发表于 2012-10-21 12:38:48 | 只看该作者
Avoiding social responsibility leads to the erosion of prower.
Citing a sentence from law of responsibility and has been proved by history.
Society reduce power when society thinks it is not being used responsibly in the long run.
Business act responsibly to retain long power.


prophase,想不出来~ 但其实就是要反驳说不负责也可以retain long power。
发表于 2012-11-15 18:03:59 | 只看该作者
1)计时:80s(too long)
Background:Avoiding social responsibility often leads to the gradual erosion of power of comtemporate firms. This theory is conformed by history.
Premise:Society ultimately acts to reduce power when society thinks it is not used responsibly although the long run may require a very long period of the time.
Conclusion:A business must act responsibly to retain its power as long as it can.
3)推测:If the business change the kind of power it gains frequently, it may not care about whether one type of the power it has used will lose in future.
****the conclusion is conditional, so we should find answer that states even if the business do not act responsibly, it can retain its power.
4)选项分析:choose B.
A.irrelevant? not very sure.
***we onlu concern about business institute.
B.correct. if this is true, even if the business acts resposibly, it will still loss its power.and vice versa.
C.the speed is irrelevant.
****some is not representative.
D.irrelevant. the argument only concerns about the possible maximal time but not eternal time.
E. some is not representative.
总结:对于conditional conclusion, 要关注由什么到什么,attacking the Mistaken Reversal of the conclusion does not hurt the conclusion

Background:American often exported solar powder generators to Europe in the past. However the Europe market will lost since the European manufacture emerging.
Conclusion:US manufacture will probably maintain production level if the intiatives intented to encourage the use of solar powder in US succeeds.
3)推测:Because the US manufacture will definetely lose their market in Europe so if they want to maintain the production level only by increasing their domesticate market. Thus the intiative must help increase people's  use of solar power. So maybe before the intiatives solar power did not been widly used in US.
4)选项分析:choose C.
A.some is not representative.
B.this weakens the argument and can not be the reason.
C.correct. if the US manufacture gain more market within the nation, the increasing domestic market will offset their lossing in the Europe.
D.irrelevant. how Europe do is irrelevant.
E.this can be a contender, but no better than C, which directly refers to the manufacturer.

Premise:The higher the level of vitamins and minerals in the bloodstreams the better a person's lung function.
Conclusion:One way to improve the smoker's function is to let them intake more foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.
3)推测:If intaking more vitamins and minerals can really increase the level of such substance in the bloodstream, this method is feasible.
4)选项分析:choose E
B.this oppose the facts
D.irrelevant. .
E.correct. this rules out the possibility that may prevent the vitamins and minerals from entering the bloodstream.

1)计时:84s.(too long)
Background:Observations showed that the comet broke into fragments before entering Jupiter's atmosphere but they did not show how big those fragments were. Some analyses revealed unprecedented traces of sulfur after the fragments' entry.
Premise:Sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer
Assumption:The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but many astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur.
Conclusion:some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up.

3)推测:the first is the assuption of the astronomers, if true helps lead to the conclusion and the second setences is the main conclusion of the argument .
4)选项分析:choose E
A.both the first and the second are wrong.
B.the first is wrong.
C.both the first and the second are wrong.
D.the second is wrong .

Premise:Uranium can be extracted from sweater but the cost of doging so is expensive.
Conclusion:Only if the cost of doing so can be somehow reduced, this method of obtaining uranum is likely to be available.
3)推测:if extracting  from sweater can get much more uranium, so the method can still be feasible.
4)选项分析:choose A
A.correct. if this is ture, we would extracting uranium from sweater no matter how expensive it is.
C.this can not strengthen or weaken the argument.
发表于 2012-11-17 16:52:01 | 只看该作者

Daily CR-4_2012-11-17

1. 50" +35" +... (Weak) [Read several times...]
P: Firms avoid acting responsibly will have erision of power in a long run.
C: SFirms which want have power as long as they can must act responsibly.
Pre: No clue.
(A) Nothing about socially responsibility, irrelevant
(C) Irrelevant
(D) Irrelevant
(E) Irrelevant

2. " (Blank / Support)
P: US's solar power generators aim European market
P: European's generator manufacturers emerging, will take the European market
P: US government encourage the home generator market.
C: SIf home market is getting bigger -> more customers in US market ->  ?  -> same production level
Pre:US producers lost EU market but get US market, no overseas like EU producer competitors
(A) Increased output of some manufactors last year, irrelevant
(B) Effeciency is not improve as usual -> less consumers -> lower production level: Weak
(C) CORRECT: Certain competitive advantage = capture the home market -> more consumers in US -> same production level
(D) What happens in Europe is irrelevant
(E) Current market is irrelevant

3. 36" (Support)
P: Higher level of vitamin and mineral in bloodstream = better function of lung
P: Smokers lung function is worse than nonsmokers
C: Smokers take more food with vitamin and mineral -> ? -> better lung function
Pre: Vitamin and mineral in food can turn to be the ones in blooestream effectively.
(A) Smokers' diet habbit is irrelevant.
(B) Wrong comparision, should compare smokers who have diet rich of vitamin and mineral ans smokers have diet with not.
(C) Other health problems are irrelevant.
(D) Wrong comparision, stopping smoking vs. diet doesn't help.
(E) CORRECT.Smoking doesn't stop the transfer of V&M from food to blood -> higher V&M in bloodstream -> better lung function

4. 58" +... (Function of the BOLD PARTS) [Read a second time to better understand it.]
P: One comet broke into fragments when it collaped into J, and astronomers try to figure out how big the fragments are.
P: There's sulfur on the track comet going to the J in the outer atmosphere
Bold-1: Fragments have no sulfur, but outer atmosphere has.
Bold-2: As the sulfur can get into the fragments to make them burn, the fragments's size can be boncluded as the minimum.
1: premise of the conclusion, 2: another premise and the conclusion

5. 26" (Support)
P: The common way to get U is from mine
P: U can also be extracted from seawater, but the cost is higher than the market value of U.
C: Only if the cost of extracting U from seawater is lower -> extracting U from seawater is practical
Pre: The market price of U is table, will not be higher than the cost.
No other cheaper way to extract U from seawater
(A) Weak
(B) Irrelevant
(D) Amout of U in seawater is irrelevant
(E) Freshwater is irrelevant.
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