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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-4】

发表于 2013-12-3 23:37:17 | 只看该作者
1.        53s
逻辑链:当代企业要知道avoiding social responsibility会导致erosion of power。D & B说如果不运用习惯的力量,长远来看就会失去它 => 企业想要retain its power就要act responsibly
A.        无关,不是在对比government institutions和business institutions
B.        无关,不是谁导致的问题
C.        无关,不是讨论erosion的快慢问题
D.        无关
E.        正确,举反例削弱
2.        36s
逻辑链:大多数的solar-power generators 都是由US生产商生产的,并且出口到Europe。最终Europe会自给自足。现在US政府鼓励US人民用solar power => 这样US制造商会保持原有的生产量,因为??
A.        大多数都出口到Europe了,人家都不买了,增加出口也没用
B.        无关
C.        无关
D.        削弱
E.        正确,现在US内陆用solar power的居民比较少
3.        28s
逻辑链:血液中 vitamins and minerals 含量越高肺的功能越好,吸烟的人肺比不吸烟人的肺功能差很多 => 吸烟的人多吃富含 vitamins and minerals 的食物就可以增强他们肺的功能了
A.        无关,跟两者喜欢吃的程度无关
B.        不是吸烟者和不吸烟者之间的对比,而是吃富含 vitamins and minerals 的食物可不可以缓解肺的功能
C.        无关
D.        无关
E.        正确,前提是吸烟不会影响血液吸收 vitamins and minerals
4.        57s
5.        23s
逻辑链:可以从海水里面提取出uranium,但是费用高于之间从mines里面提取 => 除非从海水里面提取uranium的费用降低,不然这个方法是不会被采纳的
A.        正确,地面上的提取是否会消耗完uranium
B.        无关,跟在哪里用无关
C.        前提是不减少费用,无关
D.        跟total amount无关
E.        跟fresh water的提取无关
发表于 2014-2-28 00:54:15 | 只看该作者
Background: In the long run, those we don’t use power in a manner which society considers responsible will tend to lose it
Premise:  avoid responsibility -> gradual erosion of power
Society think it is not responsilbly -> society reduce power
Conclusion: business wishes to retain power -> act responsibly
Prephrase: there are other  ways that business can retain its power
A.        Irrelevant
B.        Correct. Act responsibly is not the only way.
C.        Compare powers- Irrelevant
D.        Irrelevant
E.        Reversal Irrelevant

Background: US produce most of solar power which export to Europe
Premise: European manufacturers are emerging AND US government
Encourage the use of solar power in the US
Conclusion: the solar power in US will succeed.
Prephrase: EU succeed, therefore US succeed. EU are applicable to US
A.        just some manufactures , maybe it will not catch its demand
B.        then weaken
C.        Correct
D.        Irrelevant
E.        Irrelevant

Background: vitamins and minerals in bloodstream higher -→ the better a person lung function
Premise: lung function: nonsmokers > smokers
Conclusion: one way for smokers to improve lung function -> Increase the intake of food that are rich in vitamins and minerals
Prephrase: vitamins and minerals can go to the blood stream
A.        Irrelevant
B.        Irrelevant
C.        Other problems out of scope
D.        Irrelevant
E.        Correct out of scope

Background: Most of supply of U comes from mines
Premise: cost of extract U: world market < seawater
Conclusion : cost of seawater can reduced -> this method can be commercially viable
Prephrase: whether the U obtain from now is going to depleted
A.        CORRECT
B.        Irrelevant
C.        Irrelevant
D.        Irrelevant
E.        Irrelevant
发表于 2014-4-2 22:52:55 | 只看该作者
1.premise:act responsibly
Conclusion: a business can retain its power as long as it can.
推测:两者无关responsible不能导致retain power
(A) Government institutions are as subject to the
Iron Law of Responsibility as business
(B) Public relations programs can cause society to
consider an institution socially responsible
even when it is not.------- irrelevant,解释因的原因没有意义,不能削弱结论
(C) The power of some institutions erodes more
slowly than the power of others, whether they
are socially responsible or not.-----irrelevant,结论说的是business power,而不是power erodes
(D) Since no institution is eternal, every business
will eventually fail.-----irrelevant,单纯反驳结论没有意义,没提到因的特征或因果联系
(E) Some businesses that have used power in
socially responsible ways have lost it.-----correct.论证了有因无果

Premise:E captures E market
Premise:If USmanufacturers  succeed in increasing the demand for solar-power generators
Conclusion:US manufacturers will probably maintain significant production levels

Premise: The lung function of smokers is significantly worse and it is determined by the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream
Conclusion:The one way for smokers to improve their lung function is  to increase their intake of foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.

premise: sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer
conclusion: some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up.
First boldface:evidence to support the argument?

BG:Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines.
premise:cost:extract uranium from seawater>fetch on world market
Conclusion:extracting u from seawater is unlikely to be commercially viable
发表于 2014-4-27 11:46:55 | 只看该作者
1 Time:1:07
P:1. In the long run, those who do not use power in a manner which society considers responsible will tend to lose it.
2.The application to human institutions certainly stands confirmed by history.
3.Though the “long run” may require decades or even
centuries in some instances, society ultimately acts to reduce power when society thinks it is not being used responsibly.
Conclusion: a company must act responsibly if it wished to retain its power.
Prephrase:也许在公众还没ultimately reduce power的时候, 公司已经垮了,即它达不到long run的状态。
(A) Government institutions are as subject to the
Iron Law of Responsibility as business
institutions. 无关
(B) Public relations programs can cause society to
consider an institution socially responsible
even when it is not. 正解 他因削弱,就算我不负责任, 我可以请programs来让大众认为我负责任了,则不是must act responsibly了
(C) The power of some institutions erodes more
slowly than the power of others, whether they
are socially responsible or not.那还是没有retain its power 还是再减少,即不能削弱
(D) Since no institution is eternal, every business
will eventually fail. shell game 那也可以在它存在的期间retain power 而不会减少power
(E) Some businesses that have used power in
socially responsible ways have lost it. 不能削弱

2. Time:44s
P: 1.The usa produce solar-power generators, most exported to europe.
2.Europe are emerging and probably will capture much of Europe market.
3.The usa intend to encourage use of solar power within T usa.
C: If the intend was successful in increasing the demand in the USA, the manufacturers will maitain significat production levels.
Prephrase: 欧洲市场减少的部分和美国市场增加的部分会一样大。

(A) some United States manufacturers have been substantially increasing their output over the last several years 无关 你增不增加出口与 国内需求增加导致的生产量不会下降的关系链无关。
(B) the efficiency of solar-power generators in converting energy from the Sun into electric power is not improving as fast as it once did 无关
(C) just as European manufacturers enjoy certain competitive advantages in Europe, so do United States manufacturers in the United States  countender,因为欧洲生产商兴起了, 即使美国需求增大, 美国生产商的生产量也会因为有欧洲生产商的竞争而下降, 而生产量会不变,则是因为美国人民会爱戴自己的品牌。 过完其他答案 发现C是正解
(D) European governments are currently undertaking initiatives to stimulate the use of solar power within Europe 无关
(E) the current market for solar-power generators in the United States is very limited 推不出, 即使现在limited, 增加了需求以后市场变大, 一方面不一定弥补的了损失的欧洲市场, 另一方面市场增大 不一定会购买美国产的。

P:1.the higher level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person's lung function.
2.smoker's lung function is significantly worse than that of nonsmokers.
C: one way to improve the lung function of smoker is to increase their intake of foods that are rich in these helpful vitamins and minerals.
(A) Smokers are less likely than nonsmokers to have diets that are rich in vitamins and minerals. 无关,取非以后吸烟者 不比 不吸烟者吃的维他命食物少,不能削弱原结论
(B) The lung function of smokers whose diets are rich in those vitamins and minerals is generally better than that of nonsmokers with comparable diets. 无关, 不需要将两者的食物进行比较,结论是说富含维他命的食物 是可以improve lung function的
(C) People whose diets are deficient in those vitamins and minerals do not typically have other health problems in addition to diminished lung function. 无关 other health problems
(D) Stopping smoking will not typically improve lung function more than any diet changes can. shell game 说其他方法有效,但是文章要考察的食物有效与否
(E) Smoking does not introduce into the body chemicals that prevent the helpful vitamins and minerals from entering the bloodstream. 正解, 吸烟阻止维他命的吸收,则即使吃了富含维他命的食物,血液吸收不了,还是没有作用。取非以后,可削弱,成立。

Background:comet collide with Jupiter and broke into fragments before entering J's atmosphere, but we don'know how big the fragments were.
In hope to gain indication of the size , astronomers studied.
Premise: 1.The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur。but many astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur
2.since sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer,Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up.
C:it is likely that some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through
(A) The first presents a circumstance for which the astronomer offers an explanation; the second is part of that explanation. 第一句不是要给出解释
(B) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion. 正解
(C) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that conclusion.第一句不是要反驳结论
(D) The first provides evidence in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that conclusion.
(E) The first is a judgment advanced in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion.


5 Time:39s
P:most supply of u comes from mines.
it is possible to extract from seawater, but the cost is higher than the fetch price.
C: until the cost can be reduced, the method is unlikely to be commercially viable.
prephrase:是否新方法比旧方法的cost要少一些,如果少,则它是有commercial value的。如果多,则没有value.

(A) Whether the uranium in deposits on land is rapidly being depleted 无关
(B) Whether most uranium is used near where it is mined 无关
(C) Whether there are any technological advances that show promise of reducing the cost of extracting uranium from seawater 无关
(D) Whether the total amount of uranium in seawater is significantly greater than the total amount of uranium on land 正解 可以评价, 如果新方法得到的量大得多,那么产出相同量的u,旧方法可能要花费更多cost,则新方法是有value的
(E) Whether uranium can be extracted from freshwater at a cost similar to the cost of extracting it from seawater 无关。。。


5,d total amount是无关的
A如果陆地资源耗竭,不管cost大不大 还是要用这个方法的。即忽略了其他因素,认为cost是唯一决定因素用不用它。
发表于 2014-10-20 18:15:17 | 只看该作者
说实话,第一遍没懂在说什么。。。看过去就过去了so sad
erosion of power--权利的削弱
P: avoiding social responsibility --》 gradual erosion of power
C: business that wants to retain its power must act responsibly

weaken 选E

错啦 选B
E.....retain power不等于wish to retain power


2.  1'27
BG:European manufacturers emerge and will capture the European market finally
P:US manufacturers encourage use of solar power in US
C:US manufacturers maintain the production levels

complete -->> support( maybe assumption)

E.weaken -在美国市场很受限制,欧洲市场又失守,那很有可能会让production下降


P1:体内bloodstream维他命越多, 肺功能越好;

要找的是 吸烟者 维他命 肺功能三者的正向联系
A.与飞吸烟者相比 --无关
肺功能提高的支持, 这个比较毫无意义啊,有人家戒烟什么事啊

4. 2‘15
黑脸题, 一向不知道该怎么做比较好。。。
但是可以确定,后面那句肯定是conclusion, 因为跟在since后,是bible里提到的典型的句型

BG: comet broke into fragments before entering Jupiter's atmosphere in 1994,but they did not
show how big those fragments were(提出问题)
studied spectrographic analyses of Jupiter's outer atmosphere(解决方法)
P2:如果碎片穿过了云层,就可能吧S 带进了outer atomosphere
C:at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up.
所以 第一句黑体 与结论是support的关系的

选E啦···真是醉了︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ (做题的时候冷静分析好不好!)

P: 水中提取U的成本>>>>>直接购买

C 忽然间明白了 C就是无关啊 无关的无 无关的关啊  这个关promise啥事儿啊

A 陆地上的资源是否使用完
也就是说 如果陆地上的资源使用完了那不管多贵你都得去海里提取啊-_-|||
发表于 2014-12-3 23:16:00 | 只看该作者
采药去 发表于 2014-10-20 18:15
说实话,第一遍没懂在说什么。。。看过去就过去了so sad
erosion of power--权利的削弱

发表于 2015-8-9 23:27:56 | 只看该作者
P: have social responsibility
C: retain power
推断:there are other premises?
E: correct 应该选B
A: irrelative
B: irrelative
C: speed is not the key matter
D: irrelative
I am not sure about, because i almost cannot understand the question

B: Europe started solar-power generators industry, then U.S’ in Europe market would decrease
P: encourage U.S people to buy
C: U.S solar-power production level will be kept
推断:the decreased sales in Europe <= the increased sales in U.S
E: correct. it provides the possibility that U.S people still need solar-power product 应该选C
A: irrelative
B: irrelative
C: irrelative??? i am not sure
D: irrelative

P: smokers eat more food including vitamins and minerals
C: they can improve their lung function
推断:the vitamins and minerals in food =/ the vitamins and minerals in bloodstream
E: correct
A: irrelative
B: irrelative
C: irrelative with other health problems
D: irrelative with comparable

B: fragments do not contain sulfur, but the cloud layer below J’s outer atmosphere does
P: sulfur would seeped into the outer atmosphere if fragments has penetrated cloud layer
C: fragment was large enough to passed through J’s outer atmosphere
B: correct 应该选E

P: extract uranium from seawater is expensive
C: reduced the cost, the industry could be available
推断:demand and supply???
A: correct
B: the place is not relative
C: it is not relative to the logic link
D: irrelative
E: irrelative, the passage do not mention freshwater

发表于 2015-8-11 16:19:51 | 只看该作者
1.找他因。题目直接将sustain long 与 take responsibility 联系起来。则找到其他能让企业sustain long 的方法,即B选项,take social program.
今天全对~ 开心~
发表于 2015-8-13 22:41:43 | 只看该作者
1. 45s
2. premises: Contemporary business firms need to
recognize that avoiding social responsibility
leads to the gradual erosion of power.
In the long run, those who do
not use power in a manner which society
considers responsible will tend to lose it.
society ultimately
acts to reduce power when society thinks it is
not being used responsibly.
business that wishes to retain its power as long
as it can must act responsibly.
3. the company don't need to be responsible, they just need to make society believe.
4. A. irrelevant
B. correct
C. not affect
D. not effect
E. incorrect inverse

1. 30s
2. premises: United States manufacturers currently produce most of the world's solar-power generators--most of which are exported to Europe.
European manufacturers are emerging and probably will ultimately capture much of the European market.
The United States government is funding initiatives intended to encourage use of solar power within the United States.
conclusion: If these initiatives succeed in increasing the demand for solar-power generators in the United States, United States manufacturers will probably maintain significant production levels
3. can strengthen: US market is large
or defender: EU will not invade US market
4. A. irrelevant
B. irrelevant, maybe weaken
C. correct
D. irrelevant
E. don't know future

1. 27s
2. premise: The higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person's lung function
The lung function of smokers is significantly worse, on average, than that of nonsmokers
conclusion: one way for smokers to improve their lung function is for them to increase their intake of foods that are rich in these helpful vitamins and minerals.
3. higher level leads to better function, not the reverse
or eating will higher the level
4. A. not really
B. not comparable
C. irrelevant
D. conclusion discussed ONE WAY
E. correct

1. 1m02s
2. premises: These analyses revealed unprecedented traces of sulfur after the fragments' entry.

The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but many astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur.
Since sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer,

conclusion:it is likely that some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up.

3. The 1st is an opinion to support
2nd is main conclusion
4. E

1. 21s
2. premise:Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines.
cost of doing so is greater than the price that uranium fetches on the world market.
conclusion: until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.
3. eveluation:
whether cost of extraction from mine will increase dramatically? Or be banned?
4. A. correct
B. irrelevant
C. not affect
D. irrelevant to cost
E. irrelevant, new information
发表于 2015-8-29 20:59:22 | 只看该作者
20150829 CR小分队
4. Speaker: Contemporary business firms need to recognize that avoiding social responsibility leads to the gradual erosion of power. This is Davis and Blomstrom’s Iron Law of Responsibility: “In the long run, those who do not use power in a manner which society considers responsible will tend to lose it.” The law’s application to human institutions certainly stands confirmed by history. Though the “long run” may require decades or even centuries in some instances, society ultimately acts to reduce power when society thinks it is not being used responsibly. Therefore, a business that wishes to retain its power as long as it can must act responsibly.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most weakens the speaker’s argument?
(A) Government institutions are as subject to the
Iron Law of Responsibility as business
institutions. 无关 对象是business
(B) Public relations programs can cause society to
consider an institution socially responsible
even when it is not. 无关
(C) The power of some institutions erodes more
slowly than the power of others, whether they
are socially responsible or not. 无关 erode的速度没关系
(D) Since no institution is eternal, every business
will eventually fail. 正确
(E) Some businesses that have used power in
socially responsible ways have lost it. 无关 个别的不能weaken

1.prep 07-13.   
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
United States manufacturers currently produce most of the world's solar-power generators--most of which are exported to Europe. However, European manufacturers are emerging and probably will ultimately capture much of the European market. The United States government is funding initiatives intended to encourage use of solar power within the United States.  If these initiatives succeed in increasing the demand for solar-power generators in the United States, United States manufacturers will probably maintain significant production levels, since __________.

(A) some United States manufacturers have been substantially increasing their output over the last several years 无关
(B) the efficiency of solar-power generators in converting energy from the Sun into electric power is not improving as fast as it once did 无关
(C) just as European manufacturers enjoy certain competitive advantages in Europe, so do United States manufacturers in the United States
(D) European governments are currently undertaking initiatives to stimulate the use of solar power within Europe 无关
(E) the current market for solar-power generators in the United States is very limited 正确

2.prep 07-14.   
The higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person's lung function, as measured by the amount of air the person can expel in one second.  The lung function of smokers is significantly worse, on average, than that of nonsmokers.  Clearly, therefore, one way for smokers to improve their lung function is for them to increase their intake of foods that are rich in these helpful vitamins and minerals.
Which of the following is an assumption on which this argument depends?
(A) Smokers are less likely than nonsmokers to have diets that are rich in vitamins and minerals. 无关
(B) The lung function of smokers whose diets are rich in those vitamins and minerals is generally better than that of nonsmokers with comparable diets. 无关
(C) People whose diets are deficient in those vitamins and minerals do not typically have other health problems in addition to diminished lung function. 无关
(D) Stopping smoking will not typically improve lung function more than any diet changes can. 无关
(E) Smoking does not introduce into the body chemicals that prevent the helpful vitamins and minerals from entering the bloodstream. 正确

3.prep 07-15.   
Astronomer: Observations of the Shoemaker-Levi comet on its collision course with Jupiter showed that the comet broke into fragments before entering Jupiter's atmosphere in 1994, but they did not show how big those fragments were.  In hopes of gaining some indication of the fragments' size, astronomers studied spectrographic analyses of Jupiter's outer atmosphere.  These analyses revealed unprecedented traces of sulfur after the fragments' entry. The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but many astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur. Since sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer, it is likely that some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up.

In the astronomer's argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

(A) The first presents a circumstance for which the astronomer offers an explanation; the second is part of that explanation.
(B) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion.
(C) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that conclusion.
(D) The first provides evidence in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that conclusion.
(E) The first is a judgment advanced in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion.正确

4.prep 07-16.    (27621-!-item-!-188;#058&003223)
Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines.  It is possible to extract uranium from seawater, but the cost of doing so is greater than the price that uranium fetches on the world market.  Therefore, until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.
Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in evaluating the argument?

(A) Whether the uranium in deposits on land is rapidly being depleted 无关
(B) Whether most uranium is used near where it is mined 无关
(C) Whether there are any technological advances that show promise of reducing the cost of extracting uranium from seawater 正确
(D) Whether the total amount of uranium in seawater is significantly greater than the total amount of uranium on land 无关
(E) Whether uranium can be extracted from freshwater at a cost similar to the cost of extracting it from seawater  无关
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