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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-4】

发表于 2012-5-7 10:42:15 | 只看该作者
第一篇:1, 44s
       2, D and B stated that the people who do not use power in a responsible way will tend to lost it in the long run. And this also confirmed by the law application.
        Conclusion: if a business wants to retain its power, then it must act responsibly.
       3, we need concern the meaning of “ tend to lost”, if does not mean it must be lost. Moreover, maybe there are some other factors also will influence the ability of a business retains its power. AND what if the social cannot correct to identify the responsibility of a business?
       4, B
A, 无关选项。
B,PR也许可能造成一种错觉,让社会认为其公司是有RESPONSIBILITY的,然而其公司实际是没有的。Correct. Because this option successful to stated the flaw of this premise.
C, 无关

第二篇:1, 38s
       2, background: US. companies Manufacture solar-power-generators to exported to Europe. While European manufacturers start to gain markets in solar-power-generators
         remise: US. Government starts to initiatives in order to increase the demand of SPG in US. Hence, US. Companies need not reduce its production level
       3. because those companies can sell it inside U.S.
       4. C
A, 无关,与其可以保持原有生产量无关系

第三篇:1, 30s
       2, background: smoker’s lung function is worse than nonsmokers’.
         remise: The higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person's lung function
           Conclusion: one way for smokers to improve their lung function is for them to increase their intake of foods that are rich in these helpful vitamins and minerals
        3, assumption is a bridge between premise and conclusion. While in this paragraph, the assumption is the smokers did not have a higher level of certain vitamins and minerals so that those people can not have a good lung.
        4, E
A, B,C, 因为文章里说的的提高吸烟者LUNG FUNCTION的方法,所以在这里应该跟不吸烟者没有关系,那么A,B,C,都是无关的
E, 这是唯一一个可以证明文章里的方法可能有效的选项。

第四篇:1, 1.04mins
       2, 文章大概是说在1994之前,COMET broke into fragments, then entering J 宇宙;但是现在无法确定那些FRAGMENTS的大小。所以天文学家们又来学习研究某某,发现J宇宙边缘有S物质,但是F没有一点F。 他们得出结论, Since sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer, 所以可以大概确定F的大小。
       3, 第一句应该是为了得出结论的一个论点。第二个应该就是结论。
       4, E

第五篇:1, 30s
       2, B: Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines
         : It is possible to extract uranium from seawater, but the cost of doing so is greater than the price that uranium fetches on the world market.
         C: until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.
      3.有没有其他的原因那些生产者不愿意EXTRACT URANIUM FROM SEAWATER呢。是不是只是因为COST的原因呢。
A,    赤裸裸的无关选项
B,    这个虽然也牵涉到了COST的问题,可是题目应该是问除了Cost外有没有其他的因素吧。
C,    这个也无关吧,人家题目都说如果Cost可以降下来,是不是可行。
D,    如果他们不用这种方法是因为在海水里能够开采出来的U不多呢。这个必须是个考量点
E,    关系在哪里,亲?
所以除了COST降下来这种方法,我们要选其他也许能让生产者选择这个方法的情况。那就是A, 因为另一种方法的Cost升高了。
发表于 2012-5-13 10:51:00 | 只看该作者

B: a company will erode its power if it does not act responsibly. The history of human institution can prove that.

P: the society will reduce the power of companies, if it thinks they are not responsible.

C: A company want to retain its power must be responsible.

Pre: A company actually is very responsible, but it still lose its power./ There is another reason why the company lose its power./ The analogy between companies and human institutions is not proper.


A. This choice actually supports the argument because it prove that the analogy between human institutions and companies is reasonable.

B. Contender. If a company is not responsible but still gain power, then the conclusion may be weakened.

C. “Some companies” cannot stand for “all” companies, so this is an irrelevant comparison.

D. Irrelevant.

E. I think this choice is right. Because if a company is responsible but still lose its power, then the conclusion may be weakened.


1.没有注意一个是“wish to retain its power”,另外一个是”retain power”

2.没有发现这里是一个mistaken reversal of the conclusion.

conclusionwish to retain power responsibility

那么reverse一下就是:responsibility wish to retain power(假设这里忽略wish的问题)

也就是说“负责”就足以带来“retain power”的结果,选项E中说,负责不足以带来保持实力,等于是weakenreverse之后的argument,然而weaken mistaken reversal of the conclusion是不能起到weaken原来的argument的作用的。所以错



The Rules of Reversibility

Certain Formal Logic relationships have a natural “reversibility.” Reversibility in the context of Formal Logic means that the relationship between the two variables has exactly the same meaning regardless of which “side” of the relationship is the starting point of your analysis. Statements that are non-reversible have a single “direction,” that is, the relationship between the two variables is not the same.

First, let us examine a relationship that is not reversible:


Starting from the A side, we know that every single A is a B. If we start at B, does the relationship reverse? That is, is every single B an A? No—that would be a Mistaken Reversal. From B’s side, we do not know if every B is an A. Instead, we only know that some B’s are A’s (this inherent inference will be discussed in greater detail in the Inherent versus Additive Inferences section). Thus, the arrow between A and B in the diagram above has a direction: the “all” travels only from A to B and it does not additionally travel from B to A. The relationship is therefore not reversible.

Now, let us examine a reversible relationship. “Some” is a classic example of a reversible statement.

Consider the following example:

A some B

Starting from A yields, “Some A’s are B’s” (A some B). Starting from B yields “Some B’s are A’s” (B some A). Because of the nature of “some,” these two statements are functionally identical (if some A’s are B’s, by definition some B’s must also be A’s; alternatively, if some A’s are B’s, then somewhere in the world there is an AB pair, and thus somewhere a B is with an A and we can conclude some B’s are A’s).

Reversible statements are easily identifiable because the relationship symbol is symmetrical and does not include an arrow pointing in a single direction. Non-reversible terms have arrow that point in just one direction.

Reversible Relationships Non-reversible Relationships

1.None (←∣→)

Some ( some )

Double-arrow (←→ )

2.All ( )

Most ( most )

The beauty of reversible terms is that you can analyze the relationship from either “side” and still arrive at the same conclusion.


1.BUSA solar- power manufacturers may lose their market share in the European market because European manufacturers are more competitive in Europe

P: USA manufactures succeed in initiate the demand of American

C: They can maintain significant production level

Pre: There is a true analogy between European manufactures and USA ones

My answer: C

2.B: The higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person's lung function

P: Smokers should increase their intake of foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.

C: The lung function of them will improve.

Pre: The vitamins and minerals taken in by smokers cannot increase the level of vitamins and minerals in the “bloodstream”!

My answer: E

3.B: One observation shows that S comet broken into fragments before entering J. Astronomers studied these fragments.

P: Sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer

C: Some of the fragments have not been burned up when they passed through J’s atmosphere.

Pre: statement to support the conclusion / Conclusion

My answer: E

4.B: Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines.

P: Price of extracting from seawater> fetching on the world market

C: obtaining uranium from seawater is unlikely to be commercially viable cost of extracting uranium from seawater reduce

Pre: 如果没有reduceseawater的这种方法是是否仍然viable

My answer: C


发表于 2012-5-16 21:40:17 | 只看该作者
Background information: Business firms should know that avoiding social responsibility will weak its power.
Premise: e.g. Though the time will be long, society eventually acts to reduce power when society thinks it’s not being used responsibly.
Conclusion: A business must act responsibly if it wants to retain its power as long as it can.
3)推测: A business isn’t the same as a society, and it doesn’t have to act responsibly. Business is business. It has many factors to succeed apart from responsibility, such as product’s quality, quantity, innovation, etc.

Background information: US produce most of the solar-power generators in the world. However, European producers are ultimately capturing much of European markets.
Premise: The US government is funding initiatives to encourage more use of solar power within US.
Conclusion: If these moves succeed in increasing the demands within US, the producers will maintain the production levels.
3)推测: It gives a great example of success for European in using the US generators. It shows that initiative is a better way to boarder its markets, and it also can guarantee the inner markets in US itself.

Background information: The higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person’s lung function.
Premise: The lung function of a smoker of much worse than that of a nonsmoker.
Conclusion: Increasing their intake of foods which are rich in vitamins and minerals can improve smoker’s lung function.
3)推测: The vitamins and minerals can fully absorbed by smoker’s bodies.

Background information: Observations showed that the SL comet broke into fragments before entering Jupiter’s atmosphere.
Premise: Studies of analyses of Jupiter’s out atmosphere revealed traces of sulfur after fragments’ entry. (boldface) The fragments had no sulfur, but someone believes that the cloud layer did.
Conclusion: Because sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere when fragments entered. (boldface) Some of the fragments were big enough to have passed through the outer atmosphere without burned up.
A.1. explanation. 2. Part of the explanation.
B.Right. 1. against the conclusion. 2. Conclusion.
C.1. against the conclusion. 2. Evidence of the conclusion.
D.1. support the conclusion. 2. Against the conclusion.
E.1. support the conclusion. 2. conclusion.

Background information: Most of the supply of uranium comes from mines.
Premise: Extracting uranium from seawater is possible but much more expensive than gaining it from the markets.
Conclusion: This method would be viable if the cost of it can be reduced.
3)推测: It doesn’t mention how much the cost could be reduced.
A.Irrelevant. even if the uranium is used up on lands, it has nothing to do with the cost of extracting from seawater
E.Irrelevant. doesn’t mention freshwater
发表于 2012-5-17 12:14:58 | 只看该作者
1. 1'08'' P: ppl lose power if they did not take it. C: so if business take it they would retain it.  
            W: take it in the wrong would lead to another direction?  Choose E ABCD irr.
           正确答案:B T.T

2、42'' P: most solar energy USA produce were exported to Euro. Euro  begin to produce solar energy bu themselves. USA is enlarging its domestic market.  C: If they could enlarge domestic market successfully keep their production level.
           Since: the volume enlarged in USA= the volume decline in Euro.   Choose A   BCDE irr
           正确答案 C

3.   50'' P: the higher of V in bloodstream, the better lung function. Smoke's lung function is bad    C: smokers can improve their lung function by taking foods rich in V.
           assumption: V in foods can transfer to bloodstream.   Choose  E  ABCD irr.

4.   2'10'' E

5.   36''   P: U can be gotten from sea but cost is higher than the market. C: unless cost of getting from sea would decline, then get U from C is commercial feasible
           evaluate:  whether the cost could decline?  choose C ABDE irr.
            正确答案 A
发表于 2012-5-17 20:36:15 | 只看该作者
B:comtemporary firms need to avoid the erosion of power.
P:Society reduce the power when the power is not be used reponsible.
C:in business,firms want to remain power need to act responsible.
act responsible will gradual erosion of power.

(A) Government institutions are as subject to the
Iron Law of Responsibility as business

(B) Public relations programs can cause society to
consider an institution socially responsible
even when it is not.

(C) The power of some institutions erodes more
slowly than the power of others, whether they
are socially responsible or not.

(D) Since no institution is eternal, every business
will eventually fail.

(E) Some businesses that have used power in
socially responsible ways have lost it

2.B:USA currently manufacture most of solar-power generater,most of them are export to Euro.Euro also start to manufacture solar-power.
P:USA want to let local people use solar-power.
With largest production level,the cost will be lower than Euro's
选E   maintain 是维持不是继续

3  B:Smoker's lung fuction is worse than non-smoker.
  P:Vitamin and mineral is good for lung function.
  C:smoker eat more vitamin and mineral rich food to improve the lung function
improve should more than smoke worse.
选D     凭空想象--》文章中没有提到的

4.B commet is in collision with J star.people want to know the size of fragment.
 :Either L or J atomspere has sulfur ,but  inner J atomspere has sulfur
 C PENETRATE THE J atomspere without burn up
 give p and c

5.B:U can from mines and seawater.
 :From seawater cost more than sale price
 c:Only the cost of seawater U reduce,will use a lot
 MINES WILL BE USED OFF.seawater cost will be accept.
发表于 2012-5-28 23:16:33 | 只看该作者
1. weaken
Contemporary business firms need to avoid social responsibility leads to the gradual erosion of power
Society ultimately acts to reduce power when society thinks it is not being used responsibly
a business that wishes to retain its power as long as it must act responsibly
(A) Government institutions are as subject to the Iron Law of Responsibility as business institutions.
——原文没提到Government institution
(B) Public relations programs can cause society to consider an institution socially responsible even when it is not.
——原文将social responsibility与power成正比,但B说不一定成正比,所以weaken
(C) The power of some institutions erodes more slowly than the power of others, whether they are socially responsible or not.
(D) Since no institution is eternal, every business will eventually fail.
(E) Some businesses that have used power in socially responsible ways have lost it.

<1>United States manufacturers currently produce most of the world's solar-power generators--most of which are exported to Europe.
<2> European manufacturers are emerging and probably will ultimately capture much of the European market
<3> The United States government is funding initiatives intended to encourage use of solar power within the United States.
<1> if these initiatives succeed in increasing the demand for solar-power generators in the United States
United States manufacturers will probably maintain significant production levels
(A) some United States manufacturers have been substantially increasing their output over the last several years
(B) the efficiency of solar-power generators in converting energy from the Sun into electric power is not improving as fast as it once did
——文中没提到efficiency of converting energy,无关
(C) just as European manufacturers enjoy certain competitive advantages in Europe, so do United States manufacturers in the United States
(D) European governments are currently undertaking initiatives to stimulate the use of solar power within Europe
(E) the current market for solar-power generators in the United States is very limited

(2)逻辑链 assumption:取非是否削弱argument
<1>higher level of certain V and minerals in bloodstream —> better lung function
<2>the lung function of smokers <nonsmokers
Increase intake of foods that are rich in these V and minerals
For smokers to improve lung function


(2)逻辑链 evaluate
Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines.
It is possible to extract uranium from seawater, but the cost of doing so is greater than the price that uranium fetches on the world market.
Until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.
<1> whether seawater will be the only way to obtain the uranium?
<2> whether obtain uranium from mines will be more expensive?
Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in evaluating the argument?
发表于 2012-6-3 21:16:45 | 只看该作者
premise:In the long run, company which avoids social responsibilities will eventually lose its power. This is proved by history.
conclusion:To retain its power, the company have to act responsibly.

background:E will have much of the market which used to belong to US. So US is encouraging the use of the product within the contry.
premise: this strategy succeed
conclusion:US can maintain its production level which is reduced by E.

backgroud:The higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person's lung function, as measured by the amount of air the person can expel in one second.
premise:The lung function of smokers is significantly worse, on average, than that of nonsmokers
conclusionne way for smokers to improve their lung function is for them to increase their intake of foods that are rich in these helpful vitamins and minerals
e.diminish other possible factor which may affect the conclusion


backgroud: There are two ways which are used to gain U. However, using seawater is much expensive than using mine.
premise: until the cost of the way which uses seawater can be reduced.
conclusion: this way can be commercially viable.
d.if it is yes, seawater will be used no matter the cost of the method;weaken. if it is no, support
发表于 2012-6-3 21:19:40 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-5 23:09:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-6 23:24:14 | 只看该作者
跟楼主请假啊,明早补上!!真不好意思  要断网了。。。。

1 1’03”

P:avoiding social responsibility leads to the gradual erosion of power.

C: a business that wishes to retain its power as long as it can must act responsibly.

预测:other factors can still affect the retaining of power

E 不确定ABCD无关

2 40”

BG: The United States government is funding initiatives intended to encourage use of solar power within the United States.  

P: United States manufacturers will probably maintain significant production levels.

预测:gap 美国人都倾向于买本国产品


3 29”
P: The higher the level of certain vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream, the better a person's lung function.

C: one way for smokers to improve their lung function is to increase their intake of foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.

预测:smokers’ level of V and M in bloodstream is lower than normal people.

E 但是B也觉得对


P:The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur.

Hypothesis P: sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer.

C:it is likely that some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up.


5 29”

P: It is possible to extract uranium from seawater, but the cost of doing so is greater than the price that uranium fetches on the world market.  

C: until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.

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