明天该我了,好激动啊~ 占位~~~今天又阴天,情绪小低落~ ----------------------------------------分界线------------------------------------------------------ 精练-----------1min----------------weaken B: According to B of D's law, the business will loss power unless it recognizes the social responsibility. P: The society will reduce the business' power if it thinks the business does not act responsibly. C: So the business can retain its power as long as it acts responsibly. Prephrase: the social responsibility is vary based on different opinions and thoughts of people. Other reasons can also affect the business' power. Analysis: (A) Government institutions are as subject to the Iron Law of Responsibility as business institutions. ------------------------------------------government institutions is not mentioned in the passage. so this is irrelevant. (B) Public relations programs can cause society to consider an institution socially responsible even when it is not. ------------------------------------------public relations programs affect the society to change the standard of social responsibility. This can be a contender. (C) The power of some institutions erodes more slowly than the power of others, whether they are socially responsible or not. ------------------------------------------the conclusion talks about the act of socially responsible will determine the power of business, but the choice here makes a comparison between socially responsible business and non-socially responsible business. This doesn't weaken the conclusion. (D) Since no institution is eternal, every business will eventually fail. -----------------------------------------this can be a support choice. (E) Some businesses that have used power in socially responsible ways have lost it.------------------------------------------举出一个范例说明即使是遵循了social responsibility,也还是会loss power。 齐擦擦又错了~~不知道是B还是E?倾向于B,但觉得B有点过于局限性--因为说了public relation programs.那其他的呢?还是我想多了? 分析: B:If a public relations program cancause society to think an institution is socially responsible even when it is not,then an institution that wishes to retain power could act irresponsibly and thenget a public relations firm to cover up the activities.----这么说看来是我想多了,这个选项本身用了一种假设的情况,所以依照这种假设情况就已经可以weaken了~~ E: As you learned from the discussion of answer choice (C) of the carpet market question, attacking the Mistaken Reversal of the conclusion does not hurt the conclusion. However, this answer is attractive because not only does it address elements of the conclusion, it also appears as the final answer choice. A test taker who did not like any of the earlier answers would find this answer quite attractive.----~~原来B-->非A,是不可以weaken A--〉B的,不知道是不是这样理解的?The answer states that even though some businesses acted responsibly (AR), they did not retain power (RP).谁能给解释一下上面的reversal of the conclusion? 用AR的business还是有可能会loss power的,不明白怎么reversal了? This relationship can be diagrammed as:WRP = business wish(es) to retain power as long as possibleAR = act responsiblyWRP AR-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/11/22 22:46:24)
糊糊,我觉得这里指的是3题的迷惑项和这一道题的迷惑项性质是一样的,都叫做: Mistaken Reversal of the conclusion, and so the attack is made on a statement that uses the same terms as the conclusion but puts them in a different relationship(这一部分是我从第3题的解释中摘过来的)
原来B-->非A,是不可以weaken A--〉B的,不知道是不是这样理解的? 对于这两道题的陷阱方式,我觉得是可以这么理解的,但是我觉得GMAT考试木有这么难,是不是这种思路在GMAT中就应该算是weaken? |