LZ好,谢谢您的工作,感激! 有道题讨论下: 珠峰高度的测量,我做的GWD-TN-24版本在第17套verbal第32题,It can be inferred from the passage that refraction would be most likely to cause errors in measurements of a mountain’s elevation under which of the following conditions? 参考答案是C(当测量仪器离peak比较远),我觉得有道理哈,因为越远的话穿过的air layers就多了,更容易造成mirage,影响测量精度。 Note:"A theodolite is a precision instrument for measuring angles in the horizontal and vertical planes."(wikipedia) 谢谢~ -- by 会员 celiasouth (2011/8/21 8:19:27)
今天也看到这题了~琢磨了一下觉得c挺对的。 |