以下是引用LES在2004-6-4 10:23:00的发言:狗狗,忘了跟你说一声,捎带问问ETS通常参考的语法书。要是其他考友再写信给ETS的话,请问一问!谢谢!
你这问题我不敢问....若是顺便一问, 我也许可以, 但是我信已寄出, 难喔.......
刚好OG在手, 提一下ETS对SC的study suggestion:
1. one way to gain familiarity with the basic conventions of standard written English is to read material that reflects standard usage. suitable material will usually be found in good magazine and nonfiction books, editionals in outstanding newspaper, and the collections of essay used by many college and university writing courses.
2. a general review of basic rules of grammer and practice with writing exercises are also ways of studying for the sentence correction question. if you have papers that have been carefully evaluated for grammer errors, it may be helpful to review the comments and corrections. |