<携隐自习室>豆豆提问: 不难, 请大家帮豆豆给个定论. Q1. OG38 **236/1. The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) explain and critique the methods used by early statisticians ??Why ETS认为A 是overly broad? 范围扩大化.文中没提到method倒是真的. 是不是提供方法比C的Describe & Explain(more narrow)更详细, 更进一步, 所以ETS认为是overly broad了. 不知道这样理解对吗?但我以前总认为提供方法和解释应该是并列的两件事. 确实和ETS的理解有偏差, 不知道大家怎么看? (B) compare and contrast a historical situation with a current-day one (C) describe and explain a historical change
(D) discuss historical opposition to an established institution(C) (E) trace the origin of a contemporary controversy 236. This question asks you to identify what the passage is mainly concerned with doing. The best answer is choice C. Lines 1-5 state that the United States census’ occupational information about women became more detailed and precise during the nineteenth century. The rest of the passage discusses how and why this change occurred. Choice A is incorrect because it is overly broad. The passage does not describe methods used by early statisticians. Rather, it concerns the more narrow topic of information about women provided by the United States census during the nineteenth century. Q2: OG40的最后一句话: While raising important questions, Eisenstein’s essays do not provide definitive answer, and it remains for others to take up the challenges they offer. 提议… ??? 这里的they是指代essays, 还是others?应该是指essays吧?感觉在问SC似的.^_^ Q3: OG35^?***218/1. Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage? -3 内容性主题题 (A) In their definitions of the nature of ethnicity, sociologists have underestimated the power of the primordial human need to belong. (B) Ethnicity is best defined as a dynamic process that combines cultural components with shared political and economic interests. ??Political 出现在很隐蔽的第19行, 怎么一眼就看出来呀?考试的时候怎么迅速定位呀? 好不容易找到communal bonds(结合)= interest groups.; common cultural = cultural component 是不是找这两个同意替换呀? 没有理解意思的说. 详见L10---L16 (C) In the United States in the twentieth century, ethnic groups have begun to organize in order to further their political and economic interests. (D) Ethnicity in the United States has been significantly changed by the Civil Rights movement. (E) The two definitions of ethnicity that have dominated sociologists discussions are incompatible and should be replaced by an entirely new approach. 文中没有提到前面两个incompatible, 作者实际上是从两者各汲取了一部分因素, 提出自己的观点. 再顺便把我昨天的几个问题一块贴出来 Q4. 什么是小安说的information题呀? 是不是就是东方说的有定位, 无定位的信息题呀? 有什么标志呀? 是有if true 的就是information题吗? Q5 OG36里, If ...., then.... 连用算错吗?RC里出现的, 不知道在SC里算不算错? Q6: 谁能告诉我有什么办法能让台式机的键盘接到IBM的laptop的使用呀? 有什么方法可以把laptop 本身的键盘屏蔽掉呀? 有人这么干过马?大家怎么练打字的呀? 否则我只有等到下星期一去买个二手台式机了. 辛苦大家了! |