以下是引用小女公子在2005-5-25 21:06:00的发言:112. Domestic automobile manufacturers have invested millions of dollars into research to develop cars more gasoline-efficient even than presently on the road. (A) into research to develop cars more gasoline-efficient even than presently on the road (B) into research for developing even more gasoline-efficient cars on the road than at present (C) for research for cars to be developed that are more gasoline-efficient even than presently the road (D) in research to develop cars even more gasoline-efficient than those at present on the road (E) in research for developing cars that are even more gasoline-efficient than presently on the road Choice D, the best answer, uses the preposition than to compare two clearly specified and grammatically parallel terms, the cars the manufacturers hope to develop and those at present on the road. In A, the phrase more gasoline-efficient... than presently on the road does not identify the second term of the comparison. In B, the misuse of modifying phrases produces an ambiguous and awkward statement: even more gasoline-efficient cars could refer either to more cars that are efficient or to cars that are more efficient. Choices B, C, and E all use research for [verb] where the idiom requires research to [verb]. In addition, C awkwardly separates even from more, and C and E again fail to indicate the second term of the 这个问题一直就没搞懂,现在终于冒出来了。为什么这里的than后面就能省,112题中就不能省???还是说,这题也能省,只是不省更好。 than什么时候做conj,什么时候做关系代词啊?? Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings.
- movies—less than those
- movies—fewer than (people) have been
- movies, which is less than those
- movies, a number lower than the people
- movies, fewer than the ones
根据我的经验,省略的情况一般出现在than后面跟句子、且主语同前面相同时,ETS给出的解释通常是understandable |