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[校友答疑] Kellogg MBA / MMM 2012, 1-Y MBA 2011, JDMBA 2013 - Taking Questions

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发表于 2010-8-1 12:02:05 | 只看该作者
这个问题应该问Yvonne Yan。Yvonne,pls react to this question,Thanks!

Alex Sun

Dear Zonia,

I worked in Telecom industry for 4 years and I'm preparing the application for Kellogg MMM 2013. Thank you so much to answer my questions below :-)

Is there any disadvantage for international students to apply in R2? Or I must hurry up to catch on the R1?

I've gotten an ME degree in China. Is it acceptable by Kellogg MMM?

How about the average T score of Kellogg applicants? Mine is 102, I don't know whether I should try again for a higher score....

Support Zonia and Kellogg !
-- by 会员 roro1982 (2010/7/22 8:36:45)

发表于 2010-8-1 16:31:12 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 pansimply (2010/7/30 1:50:50)


真的不好意思,最主要是我的中文不太好(国外长大),用英文来答会比较准确.还有就是我们引用了Kellogg的一些介绍,official copy完全是英文的.但是很欢迎你以中文问你想知道的问题,如果你对于我们的英文post又不清楚的地方也可以发问,同学们都会尽量解答....

-- by 会员 zonia (2010/7/30 8:12:54)

原来Zonia是美籍华人,我了解了。虽说看英语对我来说不是什么问题,但如果整篇帖子全是英文的话可能会给提问的人造成误解,觉得英文提问也是必须的。我想大多数来这里的申请者刚好与你相反,中文说的比英文准确,如果硬要换成英文反而会造成偏差。引用Kellogg英文的介绍和官方消息没有任何问题,中文提问和中文解答我想是更多申请者想看到的,就像Kellogg 2010的Taking Questions那样。就你的回答来看,Zonia的中文其实挺好的,也谢谢你的答复。

1. 除了注重团队合作之外,Kellogg还有哪些其他文化特质?
2. Kellogg的咨询与市场是同样强大的么?能否举一两个指名教授的课程呢?
3. Kellogg在高科技领域的市场方面,诸如通信、手机、软件等有什么建树呢?

 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-2 23:39:07 | 只看该作者
原来Zonia是美籍华人,我了解了。虽说看英语对我来说不是什么问题,但如果整篇帖子全是英文的话可能会给提问的人造成误解,觉得英文提问也是必须的。我想大多数来这里的申请者刚好与你相反,中文说的比英文准确,如果硬要换成英文反而会造成偏差。引用Kellogg英文的介绍和官方消息没有任何问题,中文提问和中文解答我想是更多申请者想看到的,就像Kellogg 2010的Taking Questions那样。就你的回答来看,Zonia的中文其实挺好的,也谢谢你的答复。

1. 除了注重团队合作之外,Kellogg还有哪些其他文化特质?
2. Kellogg的咨询与市场是同样强大的么?能否举一两个指名教授的课程呢?
3. Kellogg在高科技领域的市场方面,诸如通信、手机、软件等有什么建树呢?

-- by 会员 pansimply (2010/8/1 16:31:12)

要先谢谢你的问题,通常我们会用英文回英文的提问,你用中文问,我们也会尽量用中文回答。只是之前的同学可能太为我着想了,都用英文提问,所以才做成“全是英文”的错觉。。。I must say i need 10 times or more effort to answer this in chinese... and special thanks for Eleanie and Daniel for helping out on typing and "translating" before it looks like Chinese

1. 除了注重团队合作之外,Kellogg还有哪些其他文化特质?
Kellogg的文化特质可以概括为“分享”和“务实”: “分享” - Kellogg同学们普遍来说的交际能力都很好,Interview everyone可能是其中的一个原因,我所遇到的Kellogg student / faculty / alumni都是很愿意分享他们的意见,也很会聆听的。学校很注重学生的意见,这是从northwestern uni到Kellogg的management都有的观念,所以从招生到校务都鼓励学生的参与。“务实” - Kellogg很注重hands-on experience,WE在招生里是很重要的,学生的平均年龄和年资都倾向大一点的 (和其他入学年龄pushing towards 25- 26的作比较),务实的传统也让我们在雇主之间的reputation持续的维持在高水平

2. Kellogg的咨询与市场是同样强大的么?能否举一两个指名教授的课程呢?
众所周知,Kellogg的市场营销全球第一,但是,Kellogg 不只是一家Marketing school.在美国,Kellogg也是很著名的Pre-consulting School,而学生的团队工作精神、处理人际关系和综合管理能力都是一流的. 而对Non-profit感兴趣的学生,学校为他们开设Social Enterprise at Kellogg (SEEK)课程,里头包括面对媒体等各方面的教学,这也是商学院中比较特别的。Kellogg的Marketing Management和Managing Turnarounds / Advanced Turnarounds都是非常出名的咨询与市场课程

3. Kellogg在高科技领域的市场方面,诸如通信、手机、软件等有什么建树呢?
Kellogg曾在高科技的运用主面有些滞后,现在情况有了很大的改变。Kellogg有一个高科技专业叫Technology Industry Management Program,提供最新的科技管理学课程,还有High Tech Club让有兴趣的同学参与。在高科技领域的市场方面,Dell 2009年的一个销售新策略正是从 Kellogg 管理学院负责课程设计与教学管理的副院长,也是IBM 特聘运营管理学教授Sunil Chopra而来。

发表于 2010-8-4 05:09:28 | 只看该作者
1. 除了注重团队合作之外,Kellogg还有哪些其他文化特质?
团队合作,合作式领导力,务实,easy going。因此kellogg在general mgmt领域也很强。

2. Kellogg的咨询与市场是同样强大的么?能否举一两个指名教授的课程呢?
事实上咨询只是一个工作,而不是一门专业,所以没有专门的讲如何做咨询的课,不过的确有门讲consulting framework and case study的课,当然还有experiential learning的课,就是为real client做咨询项目。
一般在kellogg会学到很多strategy课程(case study),accounting,finance,operation and lead in org等课程,这些都是foundation of consulting job

3. Kellogg在高科技领域的市场方面,诸如通信、手机、软件等有什么建树呢?
有专门针对high tech的专业,因此有相关课程。不过似乎并不是重点,kellogg的人看高科技,更多是从PE和VC的角度去看这些行业,呵呵

Alex Sun
1Y MBA student
发表于 2010-8-8 12:32:44 | 只看该作者
Hi Zonia and all,

Thank you for taking questions.

The age range of 2009 MMM student profile is 26~31. I am approaching the high end... How about the age range of class 2010? Don't want to be at an adverse position...

Is there anyone in MMM or 1-year program and without finance background before enrollment? How do you think the accelerated FINC 440 (Finance I/II)? Need lots of extra efforts?

发表于 2010-8-12 21:36:20 | 只看该作者
Hello,Zonia,I see the post about the applicaiton deadline and some information about the admission of Kellogg.I take this line and paste it here

Chicago-area MBA applicants must request an off-campus interview unless applying to the JD-MBA program.

why there is not an interview if applying to the JD-MBA program?
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-13 03:30:59 | 只看该作者
Hello,Zonia,I see the post about the applicaiton deadline and some information about the admission of Kellogg.I take this line and paste it here

Chicago-area MBA applicants must request an off-campus interview unless applying to the JD-MBA program.

why there is not an interview if applying to the JD-MBA program?
-- by 会员 西风瘦马 (2010/8/12 21:36:20)

Hi, 西风瘦马!

That line simply tells Chicago-area JD-MBA program applicant to schedule ON-CAMPUS interviews, all other MBA students should schedule off-campus one if you are in Chicago.

There is an interview for all MBA applicants, including JDMBA applicants (unless you apply in Round 3...) Kellogg is famous for its 100% interview rate for admitted students.

Hope that helps!

 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-13 03:41:36 | 只看该作者
Hi Zonia and all,

Thank you for taking questions.

The age range of 2009 MMM student profile is 26~31. I am approaching the high end... How about the age range of class 2010? Don't want to be at an adverse position...

Is there anyone in MMM or 1-year program and without finance background before enrollment? How do you think the accelerated FINC 440 (Finance I/II)? Need lots of extra efforts?

-- by 会员 Ambro09 (2010/8/8 12:32:44)

Hi Ambro09

I was not able to find an MMM student to answer this question just yet but I'll give you the general profile data and some comment i got from admission office instead.

This year, the age range is 25-31 for all MBA admits, and the numbers are similar for MMM and JDMBA samples. So I'd say everything should be fairly similar to last year. As long as you find it the "right" time to do an MBA or MMM now, and you are able to convey this message to adcom, you should be fine.

For finance background, since 1-Y do need business background (there is a 7-courses eligibility requirement, see the link below), and finance is part of it so I bet you are not able to get into 1-Y without finance background. But I did meet some MMM alumni and students without finance background, so feel free to try MMM if you didnt do any introductory finance all along.
And what I heard is if you did some intro finance course some years ago, which you got the basic concept but does not meet the waiver requirement, doing the "Turbo finance" will be a great choice. Since it doesnt require special application or waiver but can save you some credits. From the comments i got from alumni and recent students of this course, it's not too tough if you did had finance coursework in your college or so.

Eligibility for 1-Y course:

Good luck!

Best regards
发表于 2010-8-13 20:54:37 | 只看该作者
Thank you Zonia!
发表于 2010-8-14 13:03:44 | 只看该作者
在kellogg full time mba的网站上死活没有找到create new account的链接,哪位好心的xdjm提供一个吧,感激不尽~~
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