以下是引用YellowJacket在2008-1-27 5:40:00的发言:Without doubt, China is rising fast. I managed and trained employees in China 6 years ago and founded my own company in Central China three years ago. I brought back my management skills and capital to China and trained many local employees with "real world" experiences. I helped and contributed to China's industry standards. I have de facto "dual" citizenship. When I am inside of China, I am PRC citizen. When I am outside of China, I am U.S. citizen. Do I know China? Yes, I know. Probably better than you do. Unfortunately, CHINA != YOU and YOU != CHINA. CHINA is the biggest excuse for you. You can find tons of excuses because you do not want to stay out of your comfort zone. You know everything ahead of you if you go back to China. Life is more predictable. Life is easier. There is no deliberate risk. You have your parents pampering you. You lost your quality of risk taking and adventurism. It's all the attitude that really matters. If you think it is hard to stay in U.S. and you choose to go back to China, you are a loser forever. If you have a higher goal in your life and don't want to waste time, like Deng Xiaoping or Alan Guo (I hope he is not bullshiting in his Stanford essay), you are a winner even if you choose to go back to China. From what you have written so far, I think you just want to stay in your comfort zone. That's your choice. But that's not the role model that will make future China stronger and better. 难道每个人都要爬到珠穆朗玛的顶峰才能证明自己是成功? 成功的定义在于你有没有实现你想得到的。如果我是一个农民,我的目标就是把地种好,那么我把地种好的时候我就是一个winner. 我觉得我来美国最大的收获就是学会理解不同的perspective。 我们最大的问题就是喜欢把自己的perspective 强加到别人身上。 |