下是引?lt;i>YellowJacket在2008-1-26 15:20:00的发言:Sour grape! You can go back to China as a loser or you can go back to China as a winner. Most of my successful friends got their green card or citizenship and then went back to China as big sharks. Case #1) His wife is U.S. Citizen, so he does not care. He founded the largest hedge fund in China, with capital over 1 billions USD. Case #2) He got U.S. citizenship and accumulated 20 millions USD in personal wealth working in hi-tech companies. He went to China to found his own semiconductor company. His company got acquired by another company which went IPO on Nasdaq in last year. Filthy rich now. Case #3) He got his green card and went back to China to work as an early employee in a start-up in Beijing. The start-up went IPO on NASDAQ and he became the CTO. His wife stayed in U.S. until getting U.S. citizenship. Now she is in Beijing with him. Case #4) She got U.S. citizenship and went to Hong Kong to work in a law firm. She quited and joined a start-up in Shenzhen as CFO. She took the company IPO on NASDAQ. Hi-tech life with iBanking pay now. Those are fine examples of smart people doing smart things. At the end, they got the best of both World. Now, look at you. You yell, you cry, and you quit, all because your dreams are too hard to get. Hopeless! 和你的想法不一致,以下只是表达以下个人想法而已没有别的意思。 你说的这些人的例子我觉得和他们有没有绿卡和国籍没有什么关系。想成立公司能成立公司的在哪都能成立公司,想玩HF的在哪都可以玩HF,这个他们自身的能力本事有关。公司能不能N上市也和他的国籍没关系,是和公司的持续盈利数字有关的。。拿不拿到美国国籍和能不能到香港律师楼没关系,相反国籍还要交美国税,这和他们有没有绿卡国籍没有关系。无非上市的时候需要向SEC 通报以下公司股东的国籍身份而已。公司能不能享受优惠政策是根据注册地和主营业务GENERATE地决定的,和他们的国籍身份没观。相反他们倒是每年学要分别向美国和中国两地报税。他们是事业不错是可以说比较成功,但是并不是因为他们有了绿卡国籍才成功。相反没准他们早点回国可能能更早的实现这些。 本主题讨论结束,谢谢大家各有各的主见,大家说的都非常有道理,比如上面的兄弟还有海豚MM还有其它各位同胞。。这真是太好了,咱中国人就是应该变得有并坚持自己的主见。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-27 8:18:28编辑过] |