以下是引用royix在2008-3-3 5:26:00的发言:hey, I think you are going too far. Shame on you as a chinese, because you are in France. If you are in China, I don't care how you feel and what you think about taiwan. But obviously, you communicated your idea with your foreign friends. pity on you as a Chinese. I had my interview with Wharton three weeks ago. I argued ten minutes with my interviewer about Taiwan and China. I tried to convince him why Chinese government will never let TW independent, because TW was part of China in the long Chinese histrory and no Chinese government can take the responsablity to be the sinner in the history of our country and our race. I'm not here to show off myself. If you didn't bring up this topic, I'll never say it out. I think the guys in INSEAD did a great thing to defend our country. Of course it's easy to say that TW is a country, no harm to you because you have no soul. It's easy to say that La France est un pays de merde. Hey, don't forget which country gave you the job and education. If you don't like it, you still should be thankful to it. Btw, in my opinion, France is a great country in many senses. I think I don't have to list all fantastic things to you. You don't deserve them. Of course you have the freedom to say what you think. That's great, if you don't say them out, we don't know you are such a bastard. Yes, you heard me, you are such a bastard. You have my words. My last time to talk to you in this chat. Don't address your words to me again. If you want to debate, ok, send me mails, but please leave others quiet and enjoy their life in INSEAD. It's a great school. Once again, bravo to you guys in INSEAD to defend China. Wonderful thing. 国台办应该找你当发言人, 有你在, 我敢保证陈水扁李登辉不敢再提台独. 如果沃顿有幸让你进了, 那他们的招生也有问题, 你就像用英语搞文化大革命一样. 引用最近时髦的三个字, 你 "好天真" ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em01.gif) ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em01.gif) ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em01.gif) |