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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 10:12:00 | 只看该作者

254. Balding is much more common among White males than males of other races.

(A)  than

(B)   than among

(C)  than is so of

(D)  compared to

(E)   in comparison with

1平行  一级排除A,C,D, E

among x than among y.

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 10:12:00 | 只看该作者

255. The bank holds $3 billion in loans that are seriously delinquent or in such trouble that they do not expect payments when due.

(A)  they do not expect payments when

(B)  it does not expect payments when it is

(C)  it does not expect payments to be made when they are

(D)  payments are not to be expected to be paid when

(E)   payments are not expected to be paid when they will be

1 代词指代   一级排除 A, B

The bank holds clearly establishes that bank is grammatically singular, and thus it cannot be referred to with the plural pronoun they.

Further­more, the structure of they do not expect payments when due makes the modification of due unclear

In B, it correctly refers to the singular bank, but payments when it is due introduces an agreement error between plural payments and singular it.

2 被动不好  二级排除D,E

In D and E, the use of the passive (payments are not... expected to be paid) does not contribute meaningfully to the sentence and thus is unwarranted, 用被动的话è往往要….be done by sth/sb. by明确表示动作的发出者

3词法  二级排除D,E

while payments... to be paid is redun­dant and unidiomatic. è就是要说: payments to be made

payments to be paid 罗嗦,不符合习语, 也是一种冗余,应该是payments to be made.


Also, are not to be in D and will be in E inappropriately shift action to the future

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 10:12:00 | 只看该作者

256. The nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius in two letters to the historian Tacitus.

(A)  The nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius in two letters to the historian Tacitus.

(B)   To the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote two letters, being the only eyewitness accounts of the great eruption of Vesuvius.

(C)  The only eyewitness account is in two letters by the nephew of Pliny the Elder writing to the historian Tacitus an account of the great eruption of Vesuvius.

(D)  Writing the only eyewitness account, Pliny the Elder's nephew accounted for the great eruption of Vesuvius in two letters to the historian Tacitus.

(E)   In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius.

一级排除 A,B,C,D



In A, the place­ment of the phrase in two letters to the historian Tacitus generates ambiguity: the nonsensical suggestion is that the eruption of Vesuvius took place in the letters themselves(不清楚,虽然荒唐,但某些傻子可能认为是这样,这样的话就不好了,所以错了-状语修饰引起的歧义).

B句尾的逗号分词, 修饰主句主语/谓语

suggesting non­sensically that the nephew of Pliny the Elder himself was the eyewitness accounts. Furthermore, To the historian Tacitus, the nephew... wrote two letters is unnecessarily clumsy.

C 没有宾语

,the meaning of the sentence is unclear (The only eyewitness account of what

D意思错误one available reading that the eruption took place in the letters




In 介词状语放在句首的话最好,既清晰,又没有歧义


1.再提醒一下: 每个名词-只要后面有东东, 就要判断这个东东是不是修饰这个名词的!!!


英语的修饰, 都是以放在后面的优先, 这样突出被修饰的对象!!!

The nephew of Pliny the Elder(484他们的nephew??) wrote the only eyewitness account (什么样的account? 内容是什么东东?) of the great eruption (发生在哪里?) of Vesuvius (Vesuvius在哪里???) in two letters (什么信?给谁的?) to the historian Tacitus.

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 10:12:00 | 只看该作者

257. The direction in which the Earth and the other solid planets --Mercury, Venus, and Mars -- spins were determined from collisions with giant celestial bodies in the early history of the Solar System.

(A)  spins were determined from

(B)   spins were determined because of

(C)  spins was determined through

(D)  spin was determined by

(E)   spin was determined as a result of


1主谓一致   一级排除 A,B,C

Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they use the singular verb spins for the plural subject Earth and the other solid planets--Mercury, Venus, and Mars.

Choices A and B furthermore incorrectly use the plural were, which does not agree with the singular subject The direction.

2词法    二级排除E

To express cause, determined by is idiomatic;

the prepositions from and through in A and C are not idiomatic.

The phrase determined because of in B is redundant.

In E, the phrase deter­mined as a result of is redundant, awkward, and unidiomatic.


* 时间状语放在最后

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 10:13:00 | 只看该作者

258. The British sociologist and activist Barbara Wootton once noted as a humorous example of income maldistribution that the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo was earning annually exactly what she then earned as director of adult education for London. (多读本句)

(A)  that the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo was earning

(B)  that the elephant, giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo, had been earning

(C)  that there was an elephant giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo, and it earned

(D)  the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo and was earning

(E)   the elephant giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo and that it earned

1 时态/逻辑意思  一级排除B,C, D E

In B, the structure of noted... that the elephant, giving rides ..., had been earning falsely implies that the reader already knows about the elephant--that is, that the existence of this particular elephant is not new information. 过去完成时态是发生在过去的某个具体明确的动作she then earned之前就完成的


Choice C may be faulted for distortion of meaning and diminished clarity because it suggests that the point of Wootton's example was the elephant's very existence; comparative earnings are presented (after and) as incidental detail(句子重心改变了, 因为改变了句子的主语, 或者说,句子表达的有效性)


Choice D is awkward and inexact; the whole circum­stance that Wootton "noted" is best expressed in a clause that begins with thatèè就是动词接宾语从句更简洁清楚!!!! .


Choice E does not use the idiomatic construction noted that x; therefore, and that it earned has no parallel construction to which it can be joined.




that 引导的整个名词从句(整体上是个名词) as a humorous example of income maldistribution. = evidence that/ proof that/ example that/ …



To make mention of; remark:


noted the lateness of their arrival.


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 10:13:00 | 只看该作者

259. Five fledgling sea eagles left their nests in western Scotland this summer, bringing to 34 the number of wild birds successfully raised since transplants from Norway began in 1975.

(分词结构的话,since 从句或状语不用完成时可以)


and brings

and it brings

(D)and it brought

and brought


1单复数   一级排除B,C

In B, there is no subject available for the singular present-tense verb brings. The subject cannot be eagles, since that noun is plural and the action of its verb left is in the past.


Neither C nor D contains a grammatical referent for it.

3逻辑意思   二级排除E

动作发出的逻辑主语意思奇怪In E, the use of and brought implies two discrete actions on the part of the eagles


Choice A is best. The "-ing" (present participle) form intro­duces action that is simultaneous with the action of the main clause; i.e., bringing indicates that the number of wild birds became 34 when the sea eagles left their nests.(现在分词表伴随,说明这个动作和主句的动作同时发生)

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 10:13:00 | 只看该作者

260. According to some economists, the July decrease in unemployment so that it was the lowest in two years suggests that the gradual improvement in the job market is continuing.

(A)  so that it was the lowest in two years

(B)  so that it was the lowest two-year rate

(C)  to what would be the lowest in two years

(D)  to a two-year low level

(E)   to the lowest level in two years


1词法 /代词指代  一级排除A,B

the precise decrease ... to the lowest level.The adverbial so that can modify verbs (e.g., decreased) but not nouns (e.g., the decrease). so that 是形容词性词组,要修饰动词

the lowest level  排除C,D

The meaning of lowest two-year rate is unclear;

Choice C improperly uses would be to describe a situation that is presented as a current and known fact.

In C, there is no noun for lowest to modify; clearly "the lowest decrease" is not intended.

In D, the phrase two-year low level is unidiomatic, as well as unclear in its intended meaning.

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 10:14:00 | 只看该作者

261. Being a United States citizen since 1988 and born in Calcutta in 1940. author Bharati Mukherjee has lived in England and Canada, and first came to the United States in 1961 to study at the Iowa Writers' Workshop.

(A)  Being a United States citizen since 1988 and born in Calcutta in 1940, author Bharati Mukherjee has

(B)  Having been a United States citizen since 1988, she was born in Calcutta in 1940; author Bharati Mukherjee

(C)  Born in Calcutta in 1940, author Bharati Mukherjee became a United States citizen in 1988; she has

(D)  Being born in Calcutta in 1940 and having been a United States citizen since 1988, author Bharati Mukherjee

(E)   Having been born in Calcutta in 1940 and being a United States citizen since 1988, author Bharati Mukherjee


1词法   一级排除D,E


In D and E, the use of progressive forms (Being born, having been. Having been born, and being) implies continuous action, a notion that is not appropriate to the facts being presented

2  平行   一级排除 A

and 连接的两个动词要平行,being born不平行

In A, the phrase Being... and born violates parallelism and oddly presents its information in reverse chronological order (逻辑顺序也是要考虑的).

3逻辑意思  二级排除B

Choice B illogically suggests that upon her birth in 1940, Mukherjee had already been a United States citizen since 1988.

4 动词的顺序优选C


C is best. The use of a semicolon to set apart the remaining information further assists the clarity of the sentence. Also, these forms establish a logical time sequence, suggesting,

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 10:14:00 | 只看该作者

262. Initiated five centuries after Europeans arrived in the New World on Columbus Day 1992, Project SETI pledged a $100 million investment in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

(A)  Initiated five centuries after Europeans arrived in the New World on Columbus Day 1992, Project SETI pledged a $100 million investment in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

(B)  Initiated on Columbus Day 1992, five centuries after Europeans arrived in the New World, a $100 million investment in the search for -extraterrestrial intelligence was pledged by Project SETI.

(C)  Initiated on Columbus Day 1992, five centuries after Europeans arrived in the New World, Project SETI pledged a $100 million investment in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

(D)  Pledging a $100 million investment in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the initiation of Project SETI five centuries after Europeans arrived in the New World on Columbus Day 1992.

(E)   Pledging a $100 million investment in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence five centuries after Europeans arrived in the New World, on Columbus Day 1992, the initiation of Project SETI took place.

1句子结构完整性  一级排除D

Furthermore, D is a sentence fragment

2 动词主语一致    二级排除 B,E

In B, Initiated on Columbus Day ... illogically modifies a $100 million investment, suggesting that it was the investment itself, not Project SETI, that was initiated.

while E may be faulted for ambiguity. The phrase five centuries after could modify either Pledging or the search, and on Columbus Day 1992 could refer to the date of either the initiation of Project SETI or the arrival of Europeans in the New World.


3修饰  时间状语  二级排除A

Choice A is faulty because its construction illogically suggests that Europeans arrived in the New World on Columbus Day 1992 and that Project SETI was initiated five centuries thereafter. 时间状语-位置-一定要小心有歧义!!!



1formal to arrange for something important to start, such as an official process or a new plan

They have decided to initiate legal proceedings against the newspaper.

Intellectuals have initiated a debate on terrorism.

2 to tell someone about something or show them how to do something

initiate somebody into something

Those kids were initiated into heroin use at a young age.

3to introduce someone into an organization, club, group etc, usually with a special ceremony

initiate somebody into something

At the age of thirteen the boys in the tribe are initiated into manhood.

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-27 10:14:00 | 只看该作者

263. (时间状语放在最前面)In A.D. 391, resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria, later generations lost all but the lliad and Odyssey among Greek epics, most of the poetry of Pindar and Sappho, and dozens of plays by Aeschylus and Euripides.

(A)  resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria,

(B)   the destroying of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria resulted and

(C)  because of the result of the destruction of the library at Alexandria, the largest of the ancient world,

(D)  as a result of the destruction of the library at Alexandria, the largest of the ancient world,

(E)   Alexandria's largest library of the ancient world was destroyed, and the result was

完整性    一级排除 B

Although an "-ing" verb such as destroying can sometimes act as a noun, in this case the usage is strained. è>>>>>>>>è动名词-是动作的具体过程, 这里要求的显然是动作的结果, 所以用destruction, 不用destroying. Destroying表示那个action

Choice B also uses resulted ungrammatically and produces a run-on sentence (In A.D. 391, the destroying... resulted and later generations lost)

分句+and +名词     ------à产出了不完整的句子.


通常情况, 在简单句中, And连接的句子主语有变化,必须用逗号隔开,否则就是一个run on 的句子.---但是, 看情况: 看有没有大的结构要求Og114, og 207

2 修饰   二级排除 A

In A, the phrase that begins resulting from cannot properly modify later genera­tions. Resulting from 动词的发起不对è类似的有

Exceptingè改成介词èExcept for

Assessingè改成介词èIn assessment of

3 逻辑意思   二级排除
                A, C,E


状语造成歧义The word order of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria generates ambiguity: one possible read­ing is that the ancient world was located at Alexandria. (又是一个状语引起歧义的句子at Alexandria)越是本质的修饰, 越是要紧密和被修饰对象的距离近





The structure of E illogically suggests that there was more than one largest library of the ancient world and that only Alexandria's was destroyed. 前面的the被拿掉了, 就不是唯一的最高级乐.  







Because of the result of = because/ as a result of

By the use of = using = by

Furthermore, the result was should instead be the result was that.

有个类似的: what ….is that è
改成what …. is the reason that….

D也有歧义阿,可以理解成the destruction…… the largest of the ancient world ???

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