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楼主: chenyudi
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-8 13:51:00 | 只看该作者


GWD5的V只错了4个(不过41题中重复题目就有7个)!, GWD6的V错得多点,8个,但是M有进步,错了4题. 开心开心!看来坚持再坚持还是很有希望的!

 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-8 18:32:00 | 只看该作者



Q19: 典型

Historian:  In the Drindian Empire, censuses were conducted annually to determine the population of each village.  Village census records for the last half of the 1600’s are remarkably complete.  This very completeness makes one point stand out; in five different years, villages overwhelmingly reported significant population declines.  Tellingly, each of those five years immediately followed an increase in a certain Drindian tax.  This tax, which was assessed on villages, was computed by the central government using the annual census figures.  Obviously, whenever the tax went up, villages had an especially powerful economic incentive to minimize the number of people they recorded; and concealing the size of a village’s population from government census takers would have been easy.  Therefore, it is reasonable to think that the reported declines did not happen.




In the historian’s argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?




  1. The first supplies a context for the historian’s argument; the second acknowledges a consideration that has been used to argue against the position the historian seeks to establish.
  2. The first presents evidence to support the position that the historian seeks to establish; the second acknowledges a consideration that has been used to argue against that position.
  3. The first provides a context for certain evidence that supports the position that the historian seeks to establish; the second is that position.
  4. The first is a position for which the historian argues; the second is an assumption that serves as the basis of that argument.
  5. The first is an assumption that the historian explicitly makes in arguing for a certain position; the second acknowledges a consideration that calls that assumption into question.



1.   Village census records for the last half of the 1600’s are remarkably complete. 说明了整个纪录是完整的(注意:不是说它是对的2. the reported declines did not happen. 是指出villages overwhelmingly reported significant population declines是不对的。也就是说其实2并没有否定1,相反2的推出必须建立在纪录是完整的基础上的。所以也只有C是对的。然而,问中也说到了This very completeness makes one point stand out,而这个point就是在最后观点中否定掉的那个,所以很容易让人联想到最后的观点也同时否定掉了这个point的前提(Village census records for the last half of the 1600’s are remarkably complete)。


1.   Village census records for the last half of the 1600’s are remarkably complete. 说明了整个纪录是完整的(注意:不是说它是对的2. the reported declines did not happen. 是指出villages overwhelmingly reported significant population declines是不对的。也就是说其实2并没有否定1,相反2的推出必须建立在纪录是完整的基础上的。所以也只有C是对的。然而,问中也说到了This very completeness makes one point stand out,而这个point就是在最后观点中否定掉的那个,所以很容易让人联想到最后的观点也同时否定掉了这个point的前提(Village census records for the last half of the 1600’s are remarkably complete)。



[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-9 14:47:02编辑过]
发表于 2007-3-8 21:00:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2007-3-9 14:30:00 | 只看该作者







 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-9 14:37:00 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-9 14:45:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用will_kk在2007-3-9 14:30:00的发言:







改掉默读的习惯肯定需要一个很长的过程.我把YP难句都看完了,其中的GMAT难句看了两遍都还没觉得有什么很大的进步。所以现在阅读还是不好,不过昨天做阅读的状态到是前所未有,可能也是因为文章简单的缘故,读得很顺,注意力很容易集中,正确率就高,而且昨天读阅读时都没有回视,一连串就顺着读下去了。今天明显感觉注意力无法像昨天那么集中结果就读得不好。你的SC怎么样? 我这几天做GWD发现果然还是SC救命。阅读和逻辑正确率变化并不大,但是SC可以。比如我做GWD5时,SC全对,所以我一共才错4个。错的多时SC必然也错得多
发表于 2007-3-9 16:52:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用chenyudi在2007-3-9 14:37:00的发言:



the fact is: GWD 7 is very tricky. No need to worry.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-9 20:44:00 | 只看该作者

谢谢安慰,呵呵,今天晚些时候又被一NN打击,他说"我做你错4个题的那几套GWD只错了一个" 唉,和牛人的距离还很遥远...


另外GWD8中最后一篇RC(35-37题) 文章很简单,题目很难,很狡猾,看了讨论以后一题恍然大悟,一题还是朦朦胧胧

 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-10 23:20:00 | 只看该作者

今天做了GWD-9,错了6,7个,还好. 错的多的还是阅读,"According to the passage"居然就错了两题, 第10题讨论贴众多,都集中在A与C中,看了半个钟头仍然不知道该选哪个,就在正要放弃这题时又漂了眼原文, 忽然一下子开窍,立马感觉豁然开朗, 看来"According to the passage"就是只能"According to the passage",一点自己的推论都不要加进去,A其实与原文最贴近,只是加了几个修饰词大家就被迷惑住了,C呢其实还是要推论,因而绝对不可能成为正确答案


Q9 to Q11:

Among the myths taken as

fact by the environmental managers

of most corporations is the

Line belief that environmental regula-

(5) tions affect all competitors in

a given industry uniformly. In

reality, regulatory costs—and

therefore compliance—fall

unevenly, economically disad-

(10) vantaging some companies and

benefiting others. For example,

a plant situated near a number

of larger noncompliant competitors

is less likely to attract the

(15) attention of local regulators than

is an isolated plant, and less

attention means lower costs.

Additionally, large plants can

spread compliance costs such

(20) as waste treatment across a

larger revenue base; on the other

hand, some smaller plants may

not even be subject to certain

provisions such as permit or

(25) reporting requirements by virtue

of their size. Finally, older production

technologies often

continue to generate toxic wastes

that were not regulated when the

(30 ) technology was first adopted.

New regulations have imposed

extensive compliance costs on

companies still using older

industrial coal-fired burners that

(35) generate high sulfur dioxide and

nitrogen oxide outputs, for

example, whereas new facilities

generally avoid processes that

would create such waste pro-

(40) ducts. By realizing that they

have discretion and that not all

industries are affected equally

by environmental regulation,

environmental managers can

(45) help their companies to achieve

a competitive edge by anticipating

regulatory pressure and

exploring all possibilities for

addressing how changing regula-

(50) tions will affect their companies




According to the passage, which of the following statements about sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide outputs is true?

A. Older production technologies cannot be adapted so as to reduce production of these outputs as waste products.

B. Under the most recent environmental regulations, industrial plants are no longer permitted to produce these outputs.

C. Although these outputs are environmentally hazardous, some plants still generate them as waste products despite the high compliance costs they impose.

D. Many older plants have developed innovative technological processes that reduce the amounts of these outputs generated as waste products.

E. Since the production processes that generate these outputs are less costly than alternative processes, these less expensive processes are sometimes adopted

despite their acknowledged environmental hazards.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-10 23:35:21编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-12 19:29:00 | 只看该作者
上午睡了个大懒觉,起来赶着做完了GWD-11,一半都是重题,最后居然还错了5个!不爽! 下午出门回家后又接着做GWD-12,M很简单,还是错了三个弱智的题目,总是不够细心;V的重题少了,不到5个,时间是刚刚好,但是错误率飚升到了9个..... 明天把GWD-13做完,后天打算做套PREP看看自己的真实实力应该是怎么个水平
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