CR:1。遇到 public benefit的对价格不敏感的那题 2。 忘了是GWD还是大全里面做过,说一种plantkon,专家觉得它缺甚么,后来有觉得缺iron, 问解释还是甚么?原题反正,选 D,好像是说iron补进去几天之后就被fresh water怎么了。。。等我翻翻再来补充 3。 说没有shortage of skilled work ,因为工程师的失业率高还是怎样? 我选是工程师的失业是不是因为企业觉得他缺乏skill 另外就是我碰到2道Boldface的题。。而且都在前10题。。。汗了我好半天。。。 RC:1。GWD原题,就是 我考到一题和原来题目一样的。。 Many economists believe that a high rate of business savings in the United States is a necessary precursor Line to investment, because business sav- (5) ings, as opposed to personal savings, comprise almost three-quarters of the national savings rate, and the national savings rate heavily influences the overall rate of business investment. (10) These economists further postulate that real interest rates—the difference between the rates charged by lenders and the inflation rates—will be low when national savings exceed business (15) investment (creating a savings surplus), and high when national savings fall below the level of business investment (creating a savings deficit ). However, during the 1960’s real interest rates (20) were often higher when the national savings surplus was large. Counter- intuitive behavior also occurred when real interest rates skyrocketed from 2 percent in 1980 to 7 percent in 1982, (25) even though national savings and investments were roughly equal throughout the period. Clearly, real interest rates respond to influences other than the savings/investment (30) nexus. Indeed, real interest rates may themselves influence swings in the savings and investment rates. As real interest rates shot up after 1979, for- eign investors poured capital into the (35) United States, the price of domestic goods increased prohibitively abroad, and the price of foreign-made goods became lower in the United States. As a result, domestic economic activity (40) and the ability of businesses to save and invest were restrained. 好像考到这题: Q37: The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding the economists mentioned in line 1? A. Their beliefs are contradicted by certain economic phenomena that occurred in the United States during the 1960’s and the 1980’s. B. Their theory fails to predict under what circumstances the prices of foreign and domestic goods are likely to increase. C. They incorrectly identify the factors other than savings and investment rates that affect real interest rates. D. Their belief is valid only for the United States economy and not necessarily for other national economies. E. They overestimate the impact of the real interest rate on the national savings and investment rates. 14 黑人走私与奴隶制度 美国 18xx年抓了一艘船, 船是起义(revolted)的黑奴拥有的, 他们是原先被骗, 绑架并卖到古巴的. 对怎么处理奴隶在当时好象是个司法难题, 因为有的州好象废除了奴隶, 但有的周仍保留了. 一个研究者Y的对此的研究虽然好但仍然有问题. 开始讲了些司法的东西, 然后好象说当时的废除主义者(abolitionist)希望有好戏了(文中用 dramatize 一词, 这里有一题, 似乎是问 abolitionist 的态度并希望这件事造成什么影响, 我选了希望促使呼唤起大众关注奴隶的水深火热...not sure...) ... 后来说, 法院还这些奴隶自由了. 研究者Y赞赏这个 "justice" (原文就用了引号, 此处有一题, 问倒底为什么有引号 "justice", 我选了就是反义啦, 说明研究者Y做得不够) 因为最高法院(maybe congress, can't remember)虽然在此事上做对了, 但在当时奴隶制度在美国仍然存在并受支持(文中用upheld一词). 开始讲了些司法的东西, 然后好象说当时的废除主义者(abolitionist)希望有好戏了(文中用 dramatize 一词, 这里有一题, 似乎是问 abolitionist 的态度并希望这件事造成什么影响, 我选了希望促使呼唤起大众关注奴隶的水深火热...not sure...) ... 后来说, 法院还这些奴隶自由了. 研究者Y赞赏这个 "justice" (原文就用了引号, 此处有一题, 问倒底为什么有引号 "justice", 我选了就是反义啦, 说明研究者Y做得不够) 因为最高法院(maybe congress, can't remember)虽然在此事上做对了, 但在当时奴隶制度在美国仍然存在并受支持(文中用upheld一词). 说实话这篇完全不知道说虾米。。。不过偶考到“justice”引号的这题。。。 23 美国黑人的研究方法 第一段:某个历史学家Dubois是研究米国黑人的。在他的研究的早期出了一本叫P的书曾经认为必须要用客观的方法来研究。他在写他一本书的时候认为“在研究时不带入自己的主观观点”是研究美国黑人的最好方法。而且由于美国黑人的研究比白人的研究更为复杂,所以(作者在此引用了他一本早期著作(1889年)中的话)来证明此时他对是否保持客观是持绝对的正面态度。然后抨击白人作家如何做的不对等等。并切举例说:他甚至在研究某个课题时刻意回避自己的出身问题。 第二段:Dubois后面他再次研究了OBJECTIVITY和SUBJECTIVITY之后,开始逐渐认识到完全将自己的黑人身份与研究相隔离的客观研究方式是不切实际并且对研究的帮助不大。于是他的研究方式发生了180度的转变。于是又出了一本着作,叫S.他对于自己观念的转变在最后说了一番话来自我解嘲,说是因为BLABLABLA。最后作者引用了他在另一本着作中的话来证明他的态度的确发生了很大改变。(这里考了个细节题,引用这本书里面的这段话起什么作用) 第二段:Dubois后面他再次研究了OBJECTIVITY和SUBJECTIVITY之后,开始逐渐认识到完全将自己的黑人身份与研究相隔离的客观研究方式是不切实际并且对研究的帮助不大。于是他的研究方式发生了180度的转变。于是又出了一本着作,叫S.他对于自己观念的转变在最后说了一番话来自我解嘲,说是因为BLABLABLA。最后作者引用了他在另一本着作中的话来证明他的态度的确发生了很大改变。(这里考了个细节题,引用这本书里面的这段话起什么作用) ms考了好多都是文学题。好多黑人题。还有最后一篇阅读是科学的。。现在死活想不起来了。。脑袋疼。 SC完全想不起来,不过真的很多代词指代。。也没有一体是全画线的。。偶也以为掉到低分区了。。verb部分状态超烂。。估计又是红牛效应。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-12 11:13:47编辑过] |