一點JJ AWA AA: 新市長任內失業率提高,人口減少……等等的不好,所以居民要投給新市長. AA: 政府是否應該要為組織的設立和規範負責
Math 大部分都是JJ 不是JJ的部分計算題居多 像是有分數的(-1/3)次方這種的四則運算
語法 平行結構多,但是句子有點複雜,花了不少時間在做
邏輯 24) 忘了是GWD还是大全里面做过,说一种plantkon,专家觉得它缺甚么,后来有觉得缺iron, 问解释还是甚么?原题反正,选D,好像是说iron补进去几天之后就被fresh water怎么了。。。等我翻翻再来补充 Plankton generally thrive in areas of the ocean with sufficient concentrations of certain nitrogen compounds near the surface where plankton live. Nevertheless, some areas, though rich in these nitrogen compounds, have few plankton. These areas have particularly low concentrations of iron, and oceanographers hypothesize that this shortage of iron prevents plankton from thriving. However, an experimental release of iron compounds into one such area failed to produce a thriving plankton population, even though local iron concentrations increased immediately. ˙Which of the following, if true, argues most strongly against concluding, on the basis of the information above, that the oceanographers’ hypothesis is false? A: Not all of the nitrogen compounds that are sometimes found in relatively high concentrations in the oceans are nutrients for plankton. B: Certain areas of the ocean support an abundance of plankton despite having particularly low concentrations of iron. C: The release of the iron compounds did not increase the supply of nitrogen compounds in the area. D: A few days after the iron compounds were released, ocean currents displaced the iron-rich water from the surface. E: The iron compounds released into the area occur naturally in areas of the ocean where plankton thrive. Answer(D) 25) 说没有shortage of skilled work ,因为工程师的失业率高还是怎样? 我选是工程师的失业是不是因为企业觉得他缺乏skill
閱讀 全部都是JJ 1. 有GEW原文的利率與經濟 GWD16 Q35-Q37 2. 華裔移民, 用信來研究的那篇 3. 電腦技術在環境科學的應用 4. nurses profession
一點點我的感想: 這次是我第一次在CD發表文章,只有一點點的JJ,很慚愧,但是真的是記不住,非常佩服板上的牛牛們. 發表文章的另外一個目的,是想謝謝板上的每個人,牛牛們總是幫大家解題,背JJ出來,我真的很感謝,如果沒有牛牛們,我想我的gmat之路會一直下去的. 真的很謝謝CDer,希望大家都可以達成自己的目標,申請到理想中的學校.