一小时前, 刚刚考完, 700, 数学49, 语文36, 92%。 数学,真给我们丢人。。 首先是几经。 AA: according to the survey in last year, the personnel director of company X concludes the employees fell like that the company did improve the relationship between emplyees and manager. AI: nobody can achieve success or “rich” business in conventional thinking. 我没有看作文的几经, 所以不知道他们的号码, 我记个大概。 数学, 一半是几经,新题允许我想想。 现在极度困乏。 语文: 逻辑, 阅读都有几经, 但我只是看了1小时几经, 阅读: 34 非赢利性组织 27 发现第十大行星的意义 还有一个 -- American artisan in Pennsivania Sate, 说他们在殖民时代的变化过程, 历史学家认为他们都是在家族内部寻得支持, 或经济援助。 后, 有人认为, 不是这样。 比较简单。 关注第二段。 第一篇, 现在没有想起来。 逻辑: 1, 3.Plankton(浮游生物) generally thrive in areas of the ocean with sufficient concentrations of certain nitrogen compounds near the surface where plankton live. Nevertheless, some areas, though rich in these nitrogen compounds, have few plankton. These areas have particularly low concentrations of iron, and oceanographers hypothesize that this shortage of iron prevents plankton from thriving. However, an experimental release of iron compounds into one such area failed to produce a thriving plankton population, even though local iron concentrations increased immediately. ˙Which of the following, if true, argues most strongly against concluding, on the basis of the information above, that the oceanographers’ hypothesis is false? A: Not all of the nitrogen compounds that are sometimes found in relatively high concentrations in the oceans are nutrients for plankton. B: Certain areas of the ocean support an abundance of plankton despite having particularly low concentrations of iron. C: The release of the iron compounds did not increase the supply of nitrogen compounds in the area. D: A few days after the iron compounds were released, ocean currents displaced(移开) the iron-rich water from the surface. E: The iron compounds released into the area occur naturally in areas of the ocean where plankton thrive. 参考答案:D 2, 一个地方,人口数量大量增加, 但是大的城市数却减少了,问为什么,我选的是城市中的人多了。 3,有一道题前面有人提到过,大意是这样的“虽然蔬菜对于鱼来说富有营养而且便宜的多,但养鱼的人喜欢用肉(或者脂肪)来喂鱼,因为这样鱼长得快,而且卡路里高,现在有一种新的饲料,可以让鱼长得更快,但由于成本比较高,因此养鱼的人应该不会采用。是weaken题。 a) 将这种饲料与蔬菜搭配,鱼更加喜欢(相对于肉来说)我的答案。 d)这种饲料可以让鱼产生更多卡路里。 作者的答案是a,但前面的说是d 4, 说投资银行的地位比较特殊,当他找商业银行借钱的时候是消费者,当他为其他客户服务,评价商业银行的资产健康的时候又是其他客户的服务提供者,问采取何种措施可以使投资银行在这2个过程中公正对待商业银行。 GWD-30-Q40 Investment banks often have conflicting roles. They sometimes act for a client company by raising capital from other investment institutions as advantageously as possible, but their analysts also sometimes send unfavorable reports on the financial health of companies for whom they are raising capital to other clients who wish to make investments. Analyses of companies’ financial health need to be unbiased if an investment bank is to achieve long-term success. If the statements above are true, which of the following practices, if adopted by an investment bank, would hinder its long-term success? A: Evaluating and rewarding the bank’s analysts on the basis of recommendations made by managers who are solely engaged in raising capital for clients B: Using reports by the investment bank’s analysts to determine how best to raise capital for a client C: Sharing the task of raising capital for a client with other investment banks D: Ensuring that conflicts between analysts and those who raise capital for clients are carefully mediated and resolved by impartial arbitrators E: Monitoring the success or failure of analysts’ current predictions about how companies will perform financially, in order to determine the value of future predictions ANS:A 昨天晚上, 对面有吊车工作, 我全部只睡了3个小时, 今天早上都失去信心了, 但还是坚持。 今天经常溜号, 经常拍脑袋。 谢谢我们 CD XDJM 的支持和鼓励, 谢谢几经的整理工作人员, 谢谢CD--一个无私,向上的地方。 一会, 我想将我的语法心得与大家分享。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-22 9:58:22编辑过] |