以下是引用duckling1101在2006-12-30 9:17:00的发言: 请问斑竹,STANFORD 作为创业的基地在公司融资上市方面的课程肯定很精彩吧,请介绍一下吗?谢谢,因为我是想把现在的企业将来上市的。 Another first-year at the GSB here. duckling1101 - as we haven't started any electives in VC or Corporate Finance yet, I may not be on a perfect position to answer your question. But my best guess is no b-school can teach you, in simply one or two courses, much about bringing a private company to IPO. It takes years, if not forever, for a company to go public, and it's often an ardeous process that involves many trial and error, innovations, improved corporate governance, etc. These are by no means anything easily covered by a couple of b-school courses. What b-school could offer though are perhaps general introduction to the process/piradigm a company could go through before going IPO, how venture capital works, what's corporate finance, entrepreneurship (that may cover tons of related topics such as leadership, innovation, etc.), negotiation skills (that will help you get a better deal with investors/brokers), etc It's up to you to piece them togehter to help your company go IPO. |