以下是引用dandan74在2003-10-4 13:22:00的发言: 140. Declining values for farm equipment and land, the collateral against which farmers borrow to get through the harvest season, is going to force many lenders to tighten or deny credit this spring. (A) the collateral against which farmers borrow to get through the harvest season, is (B) which farmers use as collateral to borrow against to get through the harvest season, is (C) the collateral which is borrowed against by farmers to get through the harvest season, is (D) which farmers use as collateral to borrow against to get through the harvest season, are (E) the collateral against which farmers borrow to get through the harvest season, are What does it mean by "the collateral against which farmers borrow to get through the harvest season? I don't understand this clause. Can anybody help? 先把CAFE的回复贴上, i问题:f which is farm and equipment, it's better to use a word with the same meaning only once rather than twice. 你好,谢谢你帮我答题,可是我没看懂呢,丢人,你能用中文讲的白话一点吗。 CAFE的回答: 我的想法其實很簡單,如果這which = farm and equipment,那farm and equipment應只說一次,並用which代出關係子句。(不好意思,手邊沒有書,但我的意思大概就是這樣,還請您指教)
再接着问 我还是没想明白,按照你的说法,那么正确答案E也不对了,麻烦你再看看,你比较一下D和E,按你的说法,都说了两次了,还是我没有真正明白你的意思呢?? 谢谢 |