Choice E, the best answer, succinctly and clearly identifies the Declining values as the collateral against which farmers borrow and correctly uses the plural verb are
Choice E, the best answer, succinctly and clearly identifies the Declining values as the collateral against which farmers borrow and correctly uses the plural verb are collateral 不应该指Declining values 吧?
Choice E, the best answer, succinctly and clearly identifies the Declining values as the collateral against which farmers borrow and correctly uses the plural verb are collateral 不应该指Declining values 吧?
但我的困扰除了问了很多次的解释所谓declining values as the collateral 的问题外,还有一个问题,就是这个against怎么解释,看样子是介词+关代的简化形式,那原来的句式是如何呢?borrow against? against是什么理解的呢? against what?