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London Business School Marketing Pre-doc Recruitment

发表于 2024-3-29 19:47:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
LBS Pre-doc 职位招募,3/31截止!有兴趣的可以直接通过文中链接提交材料

Pre-doctoral Research Assistant in Marketing Role description
Job type: Full-time
Start date: Academic year 2024/2025
Duration: Fixed term contract up to two years
Salary: Up to £40,000 pa inc., according to qualification and experience
Location: London Business School, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4SA

What does the Pre-Doctoral Research Assistant programme involve?
The programme offers a unique educational opportunity for high-potential individuals to come to LondonBusiness School to participate in the intellectual life of the school.The role provides an ideal transition for recent graduates who are interested in going on to a top businessschool PhD programme in marketing.Successful candidates will work closely with leading faculty, learn to provide research assistance, e.g., in theform of data collection and analysis, and will receive mentoring from the faculty with whom they areworking.They will be able to take one PhD course per term, attend workshops and seminars and access a richintellectual and cultural campus life.Overall, the position provides excellent preparation for high-level doctoral studies. Applicants should haveat least an undergraduate degree in economics, statistics, computer science or a related area. Previousexperience in a similar role – even as an undergraduate – is an advantage. Some knowledge ofprogramming in, for example, Python, R, Stata, and Matlab, is also helpful.

Why work with us?
London Business School is one of the world’s elite business schools. We shape business practice andtransform careers across the globe. Our academic strength drives original and provocative businessthinking, empowering our people to challenge conventional wisdom in a truly unique academicenvironment.
• Rigorous Lifelong LearningAbove all, we’re an academic institution with an unquenchable thirst for learning. Our fundamentalacademic strength drives original, provocative and actionable thinking. Our teaching, consulting, research,service delivery and ethical standards are world-class. Academically rigorous ourselves, we expectextraordinarily high standards from all of our students and participants.
• Sustainable London HubOur multicultural community gains strength and ideas from London’s dynamism. London is the world’smost connected city and a global centre for finance, business and culture.
• Global CommunityWe are a global school. Our students, staff, faculty, alumni and corporate partners come from all over theworld. We use our diversity to create a multi-portfolio, multicultural learning environment embodying theglobal ambitions of big business, small business and entrepreneurs alike.

How to apply for the Pre-doctoral Research Assistant position
The deadline for submission of applications is March 31st, 2024. The review of the applications will beginon April 1st, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled.Applications (cover letter, CV, 2 letters of reference and supporting documents / working papers) should besubmitted via Interfolio via the following link

London Business School is an equal opportunities employer and as such we particularly welcomeapplications from women, black and other ethnic minority candidates, who are under-represented in ourfaculty.
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