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揽瓜阁训练营 第九十一天(含CR,RC和DI题目)

发表于 2024-3-25 09:34:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
前大家对揽瓜阁精读的反馈很好,就想着自己的时间开始把一些精读的文章根据JJ出题目~ 然后focus上线,IR需求 大家也大。就想着 把揽瓜阁的阅读 逻辑 IR 都放在这贴里打卡


IR题源: 往届鸡精改编



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1. "A study shows that English speakers have a lower accuracy rate in reading three-syllable words compared to Turkish speakers. This has been attributed to the complexity of English spelling. Which of the following, if true, best completes the argument?"
A) English has undergone several spelling reforms, but all have been overturned.
B) Turkish speakers are more frequently exposed to three-syllable words in their language.
C) Turkish language has a more consistent correlation between spelling and pronunciation compared to English.
D) English speakers perform better in reading one- and two-syllable words than three-syllable words.
E) Most English-speaking children are not introduced to three-syllable words until a later age.

2. "A scholar criticizes current research studies for using young people, specifically college students, as their primary sample. The scholar argues that there is no evidence to suggest that young people are representative of the entire population, thereby rendering the studies ineffective. A counterargument is made against this critique. What is the function of the counterargument?"
A) To suggest alternative methods for conducting research that include a more representative sample of the population.
B) To assert that there is also no evidence to suggest that young people are not representative of the entire population.
C) To highlight the practical difficulties of conducting research with a more diverse sample.
D) To emphasize the importance of focusing research on younger populations due to their influence on future trends.
E) To point out that most research studies acknowledge the limitations of using a non-representative sample


When confronted with an unfamiliar food source, foragers face a dilemma: consume the food and risk potential toxicity, or avoid it and potentially forfeit a valuable resource. Birds typically exhibit "dietary wariness" in such situations, displaying a temporary aversion to approaching novel food (neophobia) and, in many cases, a more enduring reluctance to consume the new food (dietary conservatism), even after neophobia has subsided. The mechanisms controlling these processes, collectively termed "wariness," remain largely unexplored. This study presents a series of experiments investigating the deactivation and reactivation of wariness towards novel foods in domestic chicks, Gallus gallus domesticus, through varying experiences with colored foods of differing novelty and palatability.

The findings reveal that exposure to a single novel color of palatable chick crumbs was sufficient to deactivate both neophobia and dietary conservatism towards any other novel color of crumbs tested. Relatively brief exposure to a novel training food was necessary to deactivate neophobia, after which the birds would peck at any other novel food. However, significantly more extensive experience consuming a novel training food was required before the birds would incorporate other novel foods into their diet. Direct physical contact with the training food was necessary for chicks to overcome their wariness and consume another novel food, although observational learning was sufficient to encourage pecking behavior (overcoming neophobia). Reinstating wariness proved to be much more easily achieved than its deactivation.

These intriguing results are discussed in the context of foraging behavior in both wild and domestic birds. Prior research indicates that experience with a variety of food colors may reduce neophobic responses to a different novel color, provided the experience did not include unpalatable prey. For instance, chicks familiarized with red, yellow, and green food displayed significantly less hesitation in approaching and pecking at unfamiliar blue food compared to chicks without such experience (Jones 1986). Similarly, blue jays, Cyanocitta cristata, familiarized with either red or blue palatable seeds, as well as yellow seeds that were either palatable or unpalatable, were inhibited from expanding their diet to novel red or blue foods in the short term when exposed to unpalatable yellow novel food (Schlenoff 1984).

Surprisingly, the results also demonstrate that deactivation of both components of wariness required direct contact with the training food, with observational learning proving insufficient. This is unexpected given the highly social nature of chicks and evidence suggesting that they learn to identify foods from their mother through social facilitation (copying their mother's behavior) and possibly local enhancement (the mother directing the chick's attention to the food) (Wauters et al. 2002).

An alternative interpretation suggests that the birds may have formed a mental image of the food type (chick crumbs) upon initial encounter and learned to associate this image with edibility (Dukas and Kamil 2001; Blough 2002). Following experience with a novel color of this food, the chicks then generalized their mental image to accept similar-looking food of any color, with color ceasing to be a salient component of the food's mental image.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A) Birds exhibit dietary wariness when encountering unfamiliar food sources.
B) Deactivation of dietary wariness in chicks requires direct contact with novel food.
C) The study investigates the mechanisms controlling dietary wariness in domestic chicks.
D) Observational learning is insufficient for chicks to overcome dietary wariness.
E) The findings are discussed in relation to foraging behavior in wild and domestic birds.

2. According to the passage, what is dietary wariness composed of?
A) Neophobia and dietary conservatism
B) Social facilitation and local enhancement
C) Direct contact and observational learning
D) Palatable and unpalatable food experiences
E) Mental images and color associations

3. What did the study find regarding the deactivation of neophobia in chicks?
A) It required extensive experience with a novel training food.
B) It required direct physical contact with the training food.
C) It could be achieved through observational learning.
D) It required exposure to a single novel color of palatable chick crumbs.
E) It was more easily achieved than the deactivation of dietary conservatism.

4. According to the passage, what did Jones (1986) find regarding chicks' experience with food colors?
A) Chicks familiarized with red, yellow, and green food showed less hesitation towards novel blue food.
B) Chicks experienced with red, yellow, and green food displayed more hesitation towards novel colored food.
C) Chicks' experience with red, yellow, and green food was unrelated to their response to novel blue food.
D) Chicks only hesitated towards novel colored food after experiencing unpalatable prey.
E) Chicks' experience with various food colors increased their neophobia towards any novel colored food.

5. According to Schlenoff's (1984) study, under what condition did blue jays avoid expanding their diet to novel red or blue foods in the short term?
A) When they were familiarized with palatable red or blue seeds
B) When they were familiarized with palatable yellow seeds
C) When they were exposed to unpalatable yellow novel food
D) When they were exposed to both palatable and unpalatable yellow seeds
E) When they were exposed only to unpalatable yellow seeds

6. The study found that chicks required ________ to overcome their wariness of novel foods.
A) observational learning
B) social facilitation
C) local enhancement
D) direct contact with the training food
E) forming a mental image of the food

7. According to an alternative interpretation, how might chicks have generalized their mental image of food to accept similar-looking food of any color?
A) By associating color with edibility
B) By having color as a salient component of the food's mental image
C) By forming a mental image of the food type upon initial encounter
D) By altering their mental image following experience with a novel color of food
E) By learning to associate their mental image with edibility

8. What reason does the author provide for being surprised by the evidence that chicks learn to identify foods from their mother?
A) Chicks are highly social animals
B) Observational learning is insufficient for chicks to overcome wariness
C) Chicks learn through social facilitation and local enhancement
D) Chicks' dietary conservatism requires direct contact with food
E) Chicks form mental images of food

C - 主旨题。文章主要研究了控制家养小鸡对新食物警惕性的机制。其他选项虽然提到了文章的某些要点,但都不是全文的主旨。
A - 根据第一段,饮食警惕性由新奇恐惧症(neophobia)和饮食保守性(dietary conservatism)组成。
D - 第二段提到,仅接触一种新颜色的可口小鸡饲料就足以消除小鸡对任何其他新颜色饲料的新奇恐惧症。
A - 根据第五段,Jones (1986) 发现,熟悉红色、黄色和绿色食物的小鸡对不熟悉的蓝色食物表现出明显更少的犹豫。
C - 第五段提到,根据 Schlenoff (1984) 的研究,当蓝松鸦接触到令人不快的黄色新食物时,它们会在短期内避免将饮食扩展到新的红色或蓝色食物。
D - 第六段明确指出,小鸡需要与训练食物直接接触才能克服对另一种新食物的警惕性。
D - 最后一段提出了一种替代解释,即小鸡在首次遇到食物类型(小鸡饲料)时可能形成了一种心理图像,并学会将这种图像与可食用性联系起来。在经历了这种食物的新颜色后,小鸡将它们的心理图像概括为接受任何颜色的相似外观的食物。
B - 第六段表示,小鸡是高度社会化的动物,有证据表明它们通过社会促进和局部增强从母亲那里学习识别食物。然而,研究结果令人惊讶地发现,观察学习不足以使小鸡克服警惕性,这与它们高度社会化的特性形成了反差。

The Chinese government is considering a bill that would mandate the exclusive use of open-source software across all government agencies. The bill, which has garnered significant attention from both proponents and critics, aims to reduce the reliance on proprietary software and promote greater transparency and accessibility in government operations.

Supporters of the bill argue that the adoption of open-source software would lead to substantial cost savings for the government. They cite a recent study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which estimates that the government could save up to 20 billion yuan annually by switching to open-source alternatives. Furthermore, they contend that the use of open-source software would enhance security and reduce the risk of data breaches, as the source code is openly available for scrutiny and improvement by the community.

However, critics of the bill point out that the transition to open-source software would not be without challenges. A report by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology suggests that the migration process could take up to five years and cost the government an estimated 50 billion yuan in the short term. This cost includes expenses related to training, system integration, and potential compatibility issues between different open-source solutions.

Moreover, some experts argue that the bill's emphasis on open-source software could limit the government's access to cutting-edge technologies developed by proprietary software companies. They assert that a balanced approach, allowing for the use of both open-source and proprietary software, would be more beneficial in the long run.

In response to these concerns, supporters of the bill maintain that the long-term benefits of open-source adoption far outweigh the short-term challenges. They highlight the fact that open-source software is not only cost-effective but also promotes innovation and collaboration. By embracing open-source solutions, the Chinese government could foster a vibrant ecosystem of developers and contribute to the global open-source community.

As the debate continues, the Chinese government must carefully consider the potential implications of the proposed bill. The decision to mandate open-source software across all government agencies would have far-reaching consequences for the country's digital landscape and its ability to adapt to the rapidly evolving world of technology.

1. The primary objective of the proposed bill is to:
A) Reduce government spending on software
B) Enhance security and transparency in government operations
C) Promote innovation and collaboration in the software industry
D) Limit the government's access to proprietary technologies
E) Foster a vibrant ecosystem of open-source developers

2. According to the passage, which of the following is cited as a potential benefit of adopting open-source software?
A) Increased compatibility between different software solutions
B) Reduced risk of data breaches due to open source code
C) Access to cutting-edge technologies developed by proprietary software companies
D) Shorter migration process and lower short-term costs
E) Exclusive use of open-source software across all government agencies

3. The Chinese Academy of Sciences estimates that the government could save ________ annually by switching to open-source alternatives.
A) 5 billion yuan
B) 10 billion yuan
C) 15 billion yuan
D) 20 billion yuan
E) 25 billion yuan

4. Critics of the bill argue that the transition to open-source software could:
A) Take up to five years and cost the government an estimated 50 billion yuan in the short term
B) Lead to substantial cost savings for the government in the long run
C) Enhance security and reduce the risk of data breaches
D) Promote innovation and collaboration in the software industry
E) Foster a vibrant ecosystem of open-source developers

5. The passage suggests that a balanced approach, allowing for the use of both open-source and proprietary software, would be:
A) More cost-effective in the short term
B) Less secure and prone to data breaches
C) More beneficial in the long run
D) Opposed by supporters of the bill
E) Inconsistent with the global open-source community

6. According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology report, the estimated cost of migrating to open-source software includes:
A) Expenses related to training and system integration
B) Potential compatibility issues between different open-source solutions
C) The development of cutting-edge technologies
D) The creation of a vibrant ecosystem of developers
E) Both A and B

7. Supporters of the bill maintain that the long-term benefits of open-source adoption:
A) Are limited compared to the short-term challenges
B) Include reduced government spending on software
C) Outweigh the short-term challenges
D) Are primarily related to security and transparency
E) Have little impact on innovation and collaboration

8.The passage implies that the Chinese government's decision regarding the proposed bill will have:
A) Limited impact on the country's digital landscape
B) Far-reaching consequences for the country's digital landscape
C) No effect on the government's ability to adapt to evolving technology
D) A negative impact on the global open-source community
E) Immediate cost savings for the government
B - 文章第一段提到,该法案旨在减少对专有软件的依赖,促进政府运作中的透明度和可访问性。
B - 第二段提到,支持者认为使用开源软件可以提高安全性,降低数据泄露的风险,因为源代码是公开的,可以由社区进行审查和改进。
D - 第二段提到,中国科学院的一项研究估计,通过转向开源替代方案,政府每年可以节省高达200亿元人民币。
A - 第三段提到,工业和信息化部的一份报告表明,迁移过程可能需要长达5年的时间,并在短期内花费政府约500亿元人民币。
C - 第四段提到,一些专家认为,从长远来看,允许同时使用开源软件和专有软件的平衡方法会更有益。
E - 第三段提到,根据工业和信息化部的报告,迁移到开源软件的估计成本包括与培训、系统集成和不同开源解决方案之间的潜在兼容性问题相关的费用。
C - 第五段提到,该法案的支持者认为,开源应用的长期利益大大超过了短期挑战。
B - 最后一段提到,中国政府关于拟议法案的决定将对该国的数字格局和适应瞬息万变的技术世界的能力产生深远的影响。

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发表于 2024-3-25 10:19:06 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-3-25 10:36:57 | 只看该作者


P1-介绍dietary wariness的概念和两个内涵:neophobia对新事物的抗拒,以及dietary conservatism对新食物的排斥。介绍实验目的、实验对象和方法。
P2-解除neophobia的必要条件是一定时间的观察训练,解除dietary conservatism则需要更长时间的吃训练用食
P4-让人惊讶的新实验结果:要同时接触dietary wariness的两个组成部分neophobia和dietary conservatism,单靠观察训练是不够的,直接接触是必需的。
发表于 2024-3-25 10:42:23 | 只看该作者
逻辑链:english speaker have lower accuracy compare to T – complexity of english spelling
A - 无关
B - 正确
C - 和拼写和发音无关
D - 无法推断
E- 无法推断

逻辑链:using young people as sample  – young people can’t represent the population
A - 方法不影响逻辑链
B - 正确
C - 不影响逻辑链
D - 未来的趋势无关
E - 无关

P1:birds dietary wariness, reluctance to consume new food. deactivation and reactivation of wariness
P2: exposure to single novel color was sufficient to deactivate. Reinstating wariness more easily than deactivation.
P3: result applies to both wild and domestic. Variety of color reduce neophobic
P4: deactivation required direct contract with training food. unexpected
P5: alternative interpretation: mental image upon initial encounter
发表于 2024-3-25 10:42:35 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-3-25 14:38:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-3-25 14:53:52 | 只看该作者
Day 91 CR
P:研究表明,与土耳其语使用者相比,英语使用者阅读三音节单词的准确率较低, 这归因于英语拼写的复杂性。



发表于 2024-3-25 15:43:04 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-3-25 15:46:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-3-25 16:16:41 | 只看该作者
Day91 RC
P1:遇到不熟悉的食物时,吃还是不吃。鸟类会呈现出的两种dietary wariness(dm),实验去求证这两种状态。

1. C 中心是mechanisms controlling dietary wariness。
2. A 第一段解释dietary wariness。
3. D 第二段第一句。
4. A 细节题第三段
5. ❌E ,答案C。细节题第三段,答案没读清楚。
6. D 最后一段
7. ❌C,答案D. 最后一段,
8. ❌C,答案B. 倒数第二段最后一句,This is unexpected.

dietary wariness:饮食谨慎
novel food:新奇的食物
a more enduring reluctance:更持久的不情愿
a temporary aversion:暂时的厌恶
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