Day 91
F- E speaker has a lower accuracy rate in reading 3-R words than Turkish speaker P- C- English spelling is complex Q- P?
D (B)
F- a study use college students as primacy sample P- college students cannot reflect the entire population C- the study is ineffective Q- weaken A- college students can reflect the entire population
E (C) A D A C
D E (D) D(B)
P1- birds diary wariness remain unexplored, recent study show deactivate and reactivate of bird wariness P2- expose to a single novel color can deactivate, training is necessary to have chick peck other color, but observational learning is sufficient to overcome Ne P3- previous experiments says birds are likely to expand same color, but when birds encounter same color but unplatable food, they will exhibit N P4- Conclusion- P5- deactivation need direct contact, meaning the habit starts from contact with their mother P6- birds formed mental image of food rather than the color of the food